
What about respect?

I'm sorry, I may have misunderstood because I feel Zhoi's answer is solely directed to Aniro's community -from which I come from.

As for those major issues, the thing is, I feel those issues would be best adressed live rather than on the forum. I keep on hearing the "agressive" group issues because I'm french speaking and so are they. What I would like to do here is get some people together who will adress the problem, find a solution and apply it. And not everybody reads the fora.

I know of two sides. One of them considers the Kami/Kara/Marauder conflict as a total war for which the only time for a truce is when the Kitins come in force and threatens everybody's existence. The other side considers there are areas or times of conflicts and areas or times of truce, even cooperation. For those in a state of total war, cooperation with the ennemy is impossible. For the other group, being considered traitors to their cause (or other even more unsavory epithets) is very hard to accept.

When I'm talking about major issues, I'm thinking about accusations that have been made to national guilds because they didn't get involved in battles where their nation was opposing their faction. I'm also talking about the feeling many of the "total war" guilds have that, to access some content of the game (heavy marauder armor, for example), they don't have the numbers to manage anything because a big part of their faction would rather do it with a bigger, multi-faction coalition than support their faction.

I am giving examples. What I believe is you have to get people together to talk about it. Major guilds' leaders can enforce some rules better than the animation or event team can. And if you get people together, the major issues of both sides will also be addressed, which really is the most important thing there. Zhoi is absolutely right when she says refusing resurrection to young players eventually discourage them from playing this game.

I will stop this now, but I think some kind of a UN group meeting on a regular basis to ensure measures are taken to keep the game fun and fair is just as important as the assemblies of the various nations.
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Last visit martes 26 noviembre 16:07:35 UTC

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