[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Virg --
You get minimal training in how to use stanza building for dig, cast, craft and melee. You are expected to work out the rest for yourself.
"Special training" because PvP isn't a "game skill" like harvest, crafting, etc., and as I pointed out the "trainers" don't so much train as throw you into the deep end with hints. You don't even have to team up to beat 90%+ of the missions, even though they are set up to encourage you to do so.

PvP is an "activity", not a "skill", just like "careplanning" and "team fame runs" and "tanking."

I would not be opposed to giving the Arena dude a few missions of the same "un-training" kind as long as the rewards were not excessive. I'm not sure how they could be set up, though, because I don't know the nature of the triggers that are used for such things as the "kill yubos" mission, and whether or not they could be set up for a "kill homins" mission. It is clear (from the rest of Silan) that a "kill homins with melee" mission would not work, since there is apparently no trigger to determine the nature of the weapon used in "Kill XXX" missions.

-- B


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
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