BUG: Scrolled-back text windows scroll when new text added

Bitttymacod (atys)
While you may be correct that the behavior that you describe is desirable, it is not inherently a BUG, if the devs (now long gone) did it that way on purpose.
There is no reasonable functionality that is provided by the behavior of this bug. A behavior that deviates from any reasonable use case is a bug.
Bitttymacod (atys)
It does not matter whether or not it is industry standard (and in my experience what you describe is NOT industry standard; I far more often encounter the Ryzom behavior), if it is intended, it is not a bug.
I never said the specification I quoted was "industry standard". I said it was a formalized coding pattern known as "transiently updated scrollable text window". I'm not surprised that you have encountered this bug elsewhere since boilerplate patching is now rampantly commonplace in current MMO code. The same bugs are replicated everywhere.
Bitttymacod (atys)
This part of the forums *is* the correct venue for proposing a change to current behavior.
The in-game support function provides a number of categories for submitted issues. One of them is "Bugs". That's where I submitted this bug.
Bitttymacod (atys)
For my part I would definitely support your call for a change of behavior of the chat boxes.

My main point was that, no matter the opinion of category, formalized use case, or encountered examples: The proper response would have been to acknowledge the issue and, since it is such a simple fix, address it as soon as possible. I'm gratified to see that, on that, we agree.
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Last visit viernes 20 septiembre 14:24:57 UTC

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