
Funny/clumsy/silly death

Many many moons ago, as a young homin, Minou and comrade were looking for some psykoplas to level up their skills.

We sent a /tell to Nayari, who said, "Well, I know here you can find some.. head over to this place called 'Pyskopla Hill' on your maps. There's a whole bunch of them there.".

Foolishly trusting her many moons on Atys before us, we head up the road from Yrkanis, doing our daily dog 'run/die/res each' other routine, Eventually making our way to the hill.

We pull out our weapons and merrily start bashing the psykoplas until nary a one is left.. then I turn and exclaim to my comrade "Hey! What's this pretty blue thing? It says its name is Bodokin", and we climb back down the hill to investigate.. neither one of us bothering to look back up on the hill.

Suddenly, we see our HP bars slowly but surely dropping.. "REZ Please!!!!!"

(Hoping I left this sufficiently vague as to not be a total spoiler for homins that don't know why you don't kill the plants on that hill).



High Officer, Spiritus Artificis
Former Officer, High Officer and Leader, Reapers of the Dark

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Last visit lunes 16 septiembre 18:50:57 UTC

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