boss respawn time based on boss lvl, not fixed time.

Voted "Other" because there was no "No" option. The reason for not having more of them (I.e. a much shorter respawn time) has been stated by others, though I don't understand Legalizhurb's statement that changing the frequency of respawn would affect dug mats.

I've been playing 6 years pretty much several hours per day (even before I retired) and there are Named that I have never seen. (And then there's Fijoo and Slucer that I have seen altogether too often.)

As far as lower lever bosses are concerned, there aren't that many of them. Not every mob has a level 120 boss or even a 170. The ballistic mystix site has an extensive (complete?) list of mobs bosses. There are far more high level than low level ones.

As for the respawn time for bosses, I thought that it already had a random aspect to it. Certainly there is a spatially random aspect to it. I'm very sure it's not every 72 hours bang on the button. Clopperketh doesn't respawn nearly that often, and given the difficulty of taking down that little level 120 ***, I'm pretty damned sure it's not being seriously camped.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>
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