boss respawn time based on boss lvl, not fixed time.

I voted other (NO) because boss mobs drop sups mats and well they are not supost to be easy to get. People fight over the chance to dig a few of them in PR each season.
I don't see how the spawn times could be increased without causing other balance issues. More spawns per season would mean adding more sups to dig in pr and then that special supreme sword you got wouldn't be so special anymore because everyone would have it.

The only other thing could be to do something between named and boss mobs. Something with the guards that dropped XL mats in larger amounts. Im sure that would be lots of work to do, so I can't see it happening.

I understand what you are saying Talkirc many of the boss mobs are not seen by many ppl. Some I have only seen maybe once or twice in the couple of years I have played but hey thats what makes them special.


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Last visit viernes 20 septiembre 15:20:26 UTC

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