Magic Resistance is problematic

Here's a simple autocorrelation experiment: Low-level mage (lvl 36; jungle resist 65; lakes resist 41) attacks sluggish psykopla (lvl 9) with acid 1 (lvl 3 spell) cast from an enchanted daggar. This is one continuous battle! (Tough little plant! :p )

Homin hits 457 times and is resisted 41 times.
Psykopla hits 210 times and is resisted 307 times.

What follows is the correlogram data showing the autocorrelation function at different lag values. Correlation values can range from -1 to 1, with 0 meaning no correlation, 1 being a perfect correlation, and -1 being a perfect negative correlation. The values for lag 1 show how correlated adjacent (one apart) casts are, values for lag 2 show how correlated casts two apart are, etc.

Homin attacking plant:

The autocorrelation at lag 1 is -0.090
The autocorrelation at lag 2 is -0.037
The autocorrelation at lag 3 is 0.043
The autocorrelation at lag 4 is -0.038
The autocorrelation at lag 5 is -0.065
The autocorrelation at lag 6 is 0.018
The autocorrelation at lag 7 is -0.034
The autocorrelation at lag 8 is 0.047
The autocorrelation at lag 9 is -0.034
The autocorrelation at lag 10 is 0.020

Plant attacking homin:

The autocorrelation at lag 1 is -0.036
The autocorrelation at lag 2 is -0.047
The autocorrelation at lag 3 is 0.000
The autocorrelation at lag 4 is -0.022
The autocorrelation at lag 5 is 0.020
The autocorrelation at lag 6 is -0.026
The autocorrelation at lag 7 is 0.032
The autocorrelation at lag 8 is 0.023
The autocorrelation at lag 9 is -0.024
The autocorrelation at lag 10 is 0.052

We see very low values centered on zero, indicating that no autocorrelation is apparent in this dataset. :)
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Last visit viernes 20 septiembre 17:53:49 UTC

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