Gibini (atys)
I understand that the neutrals and RP'ers don't enjoy PvP but that doesn't give them the right to question or abuse those players that do.
The right of thinking people is to question everything, if you ask me. The ability to do so makes us human. ;) - Apart from that, I only pointed out that it is hardly the thrill of competition if you slay a digger.
And if you can dig armed, you can also walk over water, I guess. I don't dig, but my, I also never learned that trick - I always had to take a pick. ^^
Crailus (atys)
On Arispotle, neutral players were allowed to dig freely in PvP zones and even hold outposts without having to fight for them.
Same on Leanon, btw.
Salazar CaradiniFilira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis