
#1 [fr] 

The spy

The rain was pouring down on Avalae. Stealthily, a Matis crossed the space separating the Majestic Gardens Caravans counter from the bar.
He quickly entered the elevator, which took him to the green-lit room where the thirsty took refuge.
There was only one customer that evening and, as usual, the barman greeted arrivals outside the building. It was the homine the Matis was looking for. He watched her for a moment. Despite her relaxed posture, he could tell she was trying to play the noble Matisse. The Matis judged that soon the "cover" would be perfect.

The Matis signaled his presence with a tap on the shoulder, then uttered the phrase of recognition in Taki zoraï that his agent had planned for their meetings during the infiltration. After a moment's silence, the hominin replied in a morose voice. She mumbled: "Cirrus, Nu is happy to see Liu.
Cirrus let the silence linger for a moment. He wondered if he would be able to get through to her despite her apathetic state. Cirrus" placed a packet on the counter, from which a strange odor was rising. The homine seized it and quickly stuffed it into her pocket.

"Now is not the time to flinch".said "Cirrus" in an ironically paternal tone. "Your new friends would be disappointed to find you here in this state. You now have more than enough to relax behind closed doors with this package."

The interpellée didn't answer. Cirrus" added nothing. The Matis simply pretended to leave. He stopped when he heard an amber cube hit the wood of the counter.
"Cirrus" retraced his steps and picked up the object.
Then, without a word, he left the bar.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Cinabre (3 months ago)


Cinabre Andertini,

#2 [fr] 

Smoky reveries

In her Avalae apartment, the mysterious "Cirrus" handmaiden was emerging from her vaporous hallucinations. Lying on her bed, she breathed slowly, her head in the smoke of her concoction. That evening, she had exhausted her supply of gibbai flesh. Her large water pipe contained nothing but damp ashes.

When she had fully regained consciousness, the homine stood up and splashed some water on her face. She then brushed her hair, smoothed out her dress and stepped outside for some fresh air. The building's janitor saw a graceful young Matisse walk past him, a carefree smile on her lips, whom he would certainly not have recognized a few moments earlier, slumped as she was in her cloud of hallucinogenic smoke.

Cirrus"'s accomplice, as she walked, let her thoughts drift on the waves of her memory.

She remembered her first meeting with the enigmatic Matis, who turned out to be a convict. Although he was older than her, the young homine had been seduced by his attentive manner, and if she had fallen for him, she might still have had doubts about the reciprocity of her feelings, but this was not a primary concern for her.
She escaped for a week from her life in Zora, joining "Cirrus" in his tribe in the Green Summits. She shared tents, wine and smoke with him.
Just as the young homin's escapade was about to come to an end, as she didn't want to arouse the suspicions of those close to her, "Cirrus" introduced her to vaporized gibbai flesh, a powerful hallucinogen. For a brief moment, she was reluctant to consume it, as her Zoraie upbringing forbade such things, but once she had tasted it, she forgot her scruples. However, the Matisse didn't notice that "Cirrus" hadn't taken any with her.

Back at home, the young homin couldn't forget the exhilarating sensations this new preparation had given her, so much so that she couldn't do without it. Unable to obtain some in the Pays Malade without being indiscreet, she sent an izam to "Cirrus". He offered her a deal...

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Cinabre (6 months ago)


Cinabre Andertini,

#3 [fr] 

Cirrus fears

By nightfall, "Cirrus" had reached the convicts' camp. He entrusted his mektoub to a guard and rushed into his tent. Having shed his coat, he pulled an amber cube from his pocket. With an air of satisfaction, he settled himself comfortably on a cushion and placed the object on the crate that served as his table. Having lit a candle, he searched the faces of the cube for the magic rune to activate the reading.

But the amber sizzled without releasing its contents. The heart of the amber, usually glittering, was dull. A vague expression of fear materialized on "Cirrus"'s features.
He had, however, retrieved the amber from its intended location, hidden in the roots of the Avalae Rotoa.
His spy had told him, during a brief meeting, that the amber report was of the utmost importance.
Had she placed the wrong amber in the hiding place? Had some kind of magnetic activity triggered the message's destruction?
"Cirrus" knew that these miniature ambers were particularly sensitive to Zoraie magic and magnetic disturbances, but the amber in question had only been in the hiding place for a few hours, and the Forest was not known to be regularly crossed by what the spy called magnetic auroras. That was why they had opted for this means of transmission.
The fact remained that his henchman wasn't always totally lucid, especially when his "salary" had fallen. But "Cirrus" told himself he couldn't rely on this explanation alone.

"And if someone was watching Staeflina..." he thought. "Or, as bad luck would have it, a Matis or a curious stroller might have snooped too close to the Rotoa... But an ordinary person... ***could he have found the playback mechanism? And why would he have bothered to erase the recording? A stroke of luck from handling the cube?
He thought for a moment.
"What a bummer! Just when this report was going to give me the first information on Yrkanis' defenses! I'll have to question Stae..." he grumbled.

*** [HRP]Any hominin can claim to have intercepted the spy's message. Please reply to this topic to tell about your "find", preferably a story consistent with the publications above. Enjoy your role-playing adventure! [/HRP]

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Cinabre (3 months ago)


Cinabre Andertini,

#4 [fr] 

Canillia is in her office,
She absent-mindedly scans the weekly report of her "Ch'tits" when her attention is drawn to a name: Staeflina.

She remembers the kindly Matis raised in Zora.
Because of her kinship with the man who claimed the throne of Stevano, she remembers giving instructions to keep a low profile.

The Nindën of the Alkiane Order opens the envelope containing the report:
it contains a small amber cube protected by a Taki glyph.

she begins to read...

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Canillia (5 months ago)

#5 [fr] 

Canillia looks at the cube, displeased...
The exchange was a mistake.
The recipient may now be alerted.

Deep in thought, Canilla compulsively manipulates the Amber Cube:

_ The "gentle Matis" Staeflina has a double life: this is not new information. Many people indulge in secret what they repress in their public lives.
The damsel's relationship with this Marauder with the changing name became much more interesting with the appearance of this cube.
It may just be a love letter, but the expensive amber backing can only rule that out.

Canillia, aware that her fingers are playing with the cube, resists the urge to open it.
It's wiser to entrust this task to a specialist who knows how to avoid any pitfalls...

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Canillia (5 months ago)

#6 [fr] 

[HRP] Cinabre is only a HRP/OOC narrator in this story: the character played has no knowledge of the content of these publications. The character named "Cirrus" is currently a fictional character[/HRP].

Last edited by Cinabre (4 months ago)


Cinabre Andertini,

#7 [fr] 

Love from Zora!

Staeflina was in her room in Zora, in her parents' house. Pensive, crouching on her bed, a few personal belongings, waiting to be stuffed into a bundle, surrounded her.

She hadn't particularly counted the days, but it must have been some time - maybe a month - since she'd left the Majestic Gardens in a hurry.

"That day, Cirrus had defied all the prohibitions he had set himself. He had come in person, without warning, to his home in Avalae... In fact, he had taken the precaution of passing off his visit as an ordinary lovers' meeting, and had taken care to put the message in writing, for in this profession more than any other, one feared that the walls had ears.

The day after this interview, Staeflina had packed her bags and informed serae Liosta that she was taking some time off.

During this period, she hadn't even tried to contact "Cirrus", to, if possible, fool any agents trying to intercept a new amber.
In any case, she didn't have a "dead letter box" procedure.
to Zora.

Snapping out of her reverie, Staeflina decided that the matter should be buried in the Kingdom from now on.
She finished packing her socks and dresses into her bag, then went to her parents to make her a-Jena.
A little later, she was in a caravan bound for the Gardens, via Silan.

Last edited by Calcedoine (3 months ago)

#8 [fr] 

Canillia is furious,

Bunch of toubs who can't even keep up with a homin!

Lyssan keeps his distance and does his best not to attract the Mistress' attention.

A masked hominin shows up at the damsel's house and they don't think it's worth doing everything in their power not to lose him?"

Lyssan tries to intervene:

But Cani, we can no longer afford to...
_ SUFFIT! I know all that, there's no need to remind me..."

Lyssan remained silent, waiting for the next step.
Canillia thought aloud:

    - Potential "Cyrrus" comes to see the kid in Avalae,
    - He leaves a message but we don't know what's in it,
    - Next: the two Caltent cherubs go their separate ways...
    - The girl is traced back to Zora, "probably" to her parents.


But I'm dreaming! We're really in over our heads here!

...And what about the "Cyrrus" you lost in the convict camp?!

Goddamn trimmer!

We already know he's got his hooks in those damn submarauds!
Why are we paying them for our "eyes and ears" over there?!

And the larva in the Bhyre:

It takes you several weeks to tell me...

I'm dreaming,

I really do work with dumb congenital Ktéros!

But, as Ser Vekariel said:

"We have the tools we deserve".


#9 [fr] 

In his laboratory, Canillia is immersed in his books.
The Rendezvous with Filira Copal went as well as could be hoped.
But without the surprises, there wouldn't be much to say.

The first was the presence of Ser Cinabre, accompanied by a stocky Zoraï like a Fyros.
As young Ser's sidekick had no idea about Bravichi's creation:
She took everyone to the foot of La Fameuse Rotoa d'Avalae.

That's where young Serae Staeflina first arrived.
Perhaps it was a mistake, but out of empathy Canillia wanted to warn the young hominin of what lay ahead.
All she got in return was the Morgue and denials.
To Canillia's surprise, Staeflina was tough and unyielding.
So much so that doubt began to grow in Alkiëne.

Even after learning that Cirrus had been arrested by the Hand of Karan, she remained adamant.

As she approached, Canillia caught the almost imperceptible trace in her eyes that some drugs leave.
This could be proof of the homine's duplicity.

Reports say the young homine is addicted to this vaporized Gibgai junk.
Cani knows that this drug leaves traces, and that there is a revealer.

So she searches!

Lyssan enters, Canillia looks up from her notes :

_ "Cani?

Serae Léa has arrived, and Vielle Altae is taking care of her.
Laye Maie,

Tell them I'll be there soon.
Anything else?

_ Sil, Uncle's got the kid under surveillance,
I didn't give him the usual presents."

Canillia thought for a moment.

he won't do anything stupid?
Nec Cani, don't explain it too well

_ Laie maie!
Ha! voila n'ai trouvé! en plu n'en ai en stockke."

Canillia smiled confidently.

Last edited by Canillia (3 months ago)

#10 [fr] 

When tongues are wagging

Staeflina dropped like a sledgehammer onto the mattress in one of the rooms of the Firm's hall. It was as if a burden had evaporated from her shoulders. No doubt she hadn't realized the weight that was accumulating... but it was there.
How ironic! She'd managed to get the better of serae Canillia during her impromptu interrogation, and now she'd dropped everything on serae Liosta. The fact that they were friends must have helped, certainly. But for the most part, it was that sudden uneasiness, much more than just uneasiness, in fact...

The drug supplied by Cirrus had begun to eat away at her insidiously, without making her feel bad. Then, all of a sudden, the revolt in her system, the pain in her lungs, just as Liosta was questioning her - it was all over.
"no, just chatting"corrected Staeflina.

Everything was now in the hands of the Firm. She had abandoned everything to them. Anxiety tried to take hold of her; the future was indeed uncertain. But mentally, as if with a wave of her hand, Staeflina brushed aside this thought:

"That says it all. she murmured. "It'll all be over soon."

And sleep came at last, to take her away from these worries...

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Staeflina (3 months ago)

#11 [fr] 

Duke had several options for identifying the substance Staeflina had given them.

He knew it would be of interest to the Alkiane Order, but he felt a sort of revulsion at making things so easy for them, especially after the way they'd treated the young recruit from the Firm. Their mania for secrecy and conspiracy sometimes made them so detestable.

There was also the herbalist. Duke found him a little strange, but he was competent. At least he'd have reliable and, he thought, impartial information. But to find him... He'd have to be discreet about that.

After some thought, the Matis sent his cousin Grobilo to the Avalae bar to renew contact, and sent an izam to Canillia anyway:


Ducocinnio Nono, dit Duke Nono
Noble Matis, artisan de la maison noble La Firme
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena

#12 Multilingual 

- Syl Cani?
- Tu porteras ce courrier à Filira Ducocinnio Nono Herën de la Firme.
Tu ne lui remetra en main propre.
Il n'y a pas de réponse à attendre."

Canillia remet un pli ne portant aucune indication à Lyssan.

-" Vas y ne traine pas!"

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Canillia (3 months ago)

#13 [fr] 


Last edited by Staeflina (3 months ago)

#14 [fr] 

The torment of traitors

"Nec, that's not right"Staeflina tormented herself.

She couldn't fall asleep, torn: in her eyes, her fault was going to splash then
tarnish the reputation of his House.

"Serae Liosta told me that the matter would be settled within the firm... Nec, I can't, I can't, I can't!
can't take them with me.
Perhaps if I make amends myself, the Karan will consider me alone, and not the other way around.
my friends. It's not their fault after's all my fault..."

Staeflina wiped a tear from under her right eye. Even more than the
Although she was feeling the effects of her drug withdrawal, remorse overwhelmed her. She lay prostrate on her bed,
without knowing what to do to find relief.

Towards midnight, a light dawned on her mind, although she also had the impression that it was the same light as the one she had just seen.
ci was shining in her room: it was obvious to her that she had to rely on the Mother, on Jena.
Jena, whom she had neglected, who up until now had been just part of her "cover"...
But she had joined his cult, even if it had been under a cloud of hypocrisy.
From his lips, softened by fatigue, came a brief plea.

His thoughts then turned to "Cirrus", the dream sower... What had he
promise, after all? Nothing other than to "float" in its vapors, while now, they're "floating" in its vapors.
destroy it from the inside?
No, "Cirrus" had ambitious plans for her... or so it seemed.

Staeflina had the intuition that he had foreseen the evils she was now enduring, in a subtle and cruel way.
to get rid of a troublesome witness. What he used to maintain his spy was also his own.
useful for muddying the waters when the time comes.

Staeflina paused at this "moment". If Liosta hadn't taken care of her quickly, it would have been her fault.
death. No resurrection could have brought her back, for she would have died too slowly, too slowly.
What had he said to her? Something like:

"You'll be in the front row when we bring down the tyrant. Don't you think he's done too much
suffer your cousin, Staerano."

He couldn't have come up with a better argument, for Staeflina was then feeling guilty, about
the latter's state of health. However, "Cirrus" had never really talked about his plans for a coup.
state. Either because he didn't have absolute confidence in his spy, or because he didn't have any.
Staeflina, perhaps mistaken, dared to hope for the second option.

Staeflina wasn't the only one worried.

The mysterious "Cirrus", erected in
in his stirrups, watched over the city of Avalae from a hilltop. From the top of the sylvan dwellings
smoke rose from the chimneys to the top of the untrimmed trunk.
A discreet message had alerted him to the return of his homine de main to the Majestic Gardens.
But now he was worried. He didn't know how to get back in touch with her. The way of amber
was now compromised, even if he didn't yet know to what degree. It could still be
Who knows if a child had taken the amber to play?
In any case, he didn't dare venture into town, not knowing exactly what the hominid he'd been looking for would do.
had been arrested by Filira Zagabranth, unbeknownst to him, could have revealed.

"Once again, I find that doing things in a hurry doesn't help.
nothing..."he grumbled.

Taking one last look, hoping to spot his spy among the crowd of onlookers, "Cirrus"...
spurred on his mount, and turned his back on the town at full gallop.

Last edited by Staeflina (3 months ago)

#15 [fr] 

Under the heavy, humid wind, "Cirrus" closed his eyes for a few moments, his head leaning towards his chest. The spy tried to concentrate for a few moments. His mektoub was quietly grazing on the fat grass at the top of the small hill. Almost a month had passed... a month of waiting, watching for the slightest gesture, the slightest signal.
"What's become of her?" muttered the Matis. "Not a single message since his return here"

A glance at the threatening sky, and "Cirrus" put his foot down. Pinned to his saddle, he scanned the city of Avalae one last time. How many times had he done this? He couldn't say. Still nothing, no answer.

Deaf but tenacious, anguish was born in him. First, the loss of the amber, or its contents, and now the silence. So much so that the spy thought he was in complete darkness. The web of events had a hole in it. Snippets escaped him.

"Cirrus" sat up suddenly at a thought that struck him: he'd been spying on Avalae for too long. It wouldn't be long before he was spotted.
Maneuvering his mektoub, the spy discreetly looked over his shoulder. He found no one. The surrounding woods were deserted... Was his imagination playing tricks on him? Wasn't there a menacing shadow between those two trees?
Shaking his head, "Cirrus" continued on his way, keeping a watchful eye, however, with all his senses on the alert. As a precaution, he took his Stylone rifle out of its case, clipping in its cartridge magazine at the same time.
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