

#1 [fr] 

Thesos, 22 Mystia 2622-3, to Senator Graphybus Ceros

I am writing to you to request your intervention with our Emperor, so that he can make a request to Karan Stevano. The purpose of this request is to negotiate, possibly with a counterparty, the passage of a Tryker and Fyros convoy through the latter's lands, as part of the traditional water route..
Knowing that you're in favor of this initiative, I'm sure you'll have no shortage of arguments to persuade our sharükos to intervene in this matter..
Indeed, the situation is extremely worrying. Our residents' water supplies have dwindled considerably, creating major economic and social difficulties. It is therefore imperative to act quickly to alleviate this crisis..
However, the passage of the convoy through the lands of the neighboring country is necessary, given that the lakes lie on the other side of their border. This is why we are counting on your influence and your ability to plead this cause with the Emperor..
I am convinced that your decisive action will enable us to obtain the necessary authorizations from the Matis, to ensure the passage of the convoy in question. I am confident that our request will be taken into account, and that measures will be taken to respond to this urgent appeal..

sharükos pyrèkud!
sharük pyrèküd!

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English] | Español | Français

Graphybus Ceros had had to insist, but at last he could address the Emperor directly. His request seemed to light a glimmer in the latter's eyes.

"A new water route?"
"ney sharükos. Our patriots really worked to make it a reality. And this passage through the matis country would be a tribute to their persistence and dedication to the Empire."

The Emperor seemed to sink into his thoughts and spoke again with still a bit of that lingering glint in his eyes.
"Very well! They have my approval to organize this route but," the Emperor seemed to get taller suddenly, "I will not stoop to the arrogance of the Matis and I will not beg!"
"May I suggest an alternative? The akenakos Wixarika could lead the discussions on neutral ground with diplomats from the Kingdom. It is said that some of the nobles could be persuaded to come to the negotiating table. I would add that the Rangers, who are in principle in favor of any initiative that promotes the prosperity of homins and peace between nations, would probably agree to have these negotiations conducted under their aegis…"

Lykos stared at the celiakos for a moment, then, his eye once again sparkling:
"Excellent! Send my secretary to me, and I will immediately send a letter to their Guide asking him to arrange the meeting."

Graphybus saluted and hastened to obey his Emperor, who seemed to vibrate with new life.
From Graphybus Ceros to Wixarika
akenakos Wixarika,

As the last akenak assembly decided, you are in charge, together with the akenakos Naveruss, of the planning of a new water route.
Know that Lykos, sharükos, approves your choice of the route crossing the Matis Kingdom but that his current obligations do not allow him to participate in person in the talks with Matia that he is making necessary.
Therefore, he entrusts you, akenakos, with the task of representing the sharük at the negotiation table which will be held at Almati Wood under the chairmanship of Barmie Dingle, guide of the Rangers, at a date which the latter will communicate to you.
Lykos expects you to preserve the Honor of sharük during these talks, at the end of which you will inform me without delay of the concessions and counterparts thus negotiated to allow this passage of the future water route through Matis territory.
The Empire will be reborn from your ardor.
sharükos pyrèkud! sharük pyrèküd!
Graphybus Ceros

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English] | Español | Français
From Rangers Guide to Matis King
Stevano Karan,

The Trykers and Fyros have decided to revive the Water Road, which in the Old Lands was a symbol of solidarity between homins. They have chosen a route, unprecedented in the New Lands, using the paths of the Forest. This accentuates the commemorative nature of this new Road, and avoids the dangers, so often fatal, encountered when crossing the Primes Roots.

The free circulation agreements concluded under the Four Nations Treaty would allow the organizers to carry out their project without further formality. However, they are well aware that the movement of large numbers of mektoubs across its territory is unquestionably a nuisance for the Kingdom. They have therefore turned to me to organize negotiations during which the Kingdom will have the opportunity to demonstrate its greatness of spirit and generosity.

The Rangers are obviously in favor of such an initiative. I therefore propose to host at Almati Wood talks between a Fyros delegation and the ambassadors you will appoint. As soon as I have been informed of the identity of the members of the two delegations, I will contact them to set the definitive date for the conference.

Let me add that I'm looking forward to seeing this convoy pass by, a testament to the strength of the ties that unite homins.

Barmie Dingle
Rangers Guide

#4 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English] | Español | Français

The scribe was staring at the blank parchment in front of him. A career as a scribe could take an enterprising Matis far, of that the Filira Copal was living proof. But sometimes it could also lead to numerous problems, such as managing at last to put Karan Stevano's anger into words on this parchment without offending the missive's recipient.
As the heap of crumpled drafts beside him had grown to an imposing size, he decided to fall back on absolute neutrality. The Rangers were to be very fond of the notion of neutrality…
To the attention of Barmie Dingle, Rangers' Guide
On behalf of His Majesty the Karan Stevano,
I hereby communicate to you the names of the ambassadors responsible for negotiating the conditions for the possible passage of Water Route convoys through the territory of the Kingdom of the Forest.
These are Filirai Copal Frerini (Royal Scribe), Salazar Caradini (Royal Historian) and Tapco di Juice (Alkiane Order's Herën).

Signed in Yrkanis on Frutor the 27th, AC4 2623
Sirgio Rosirme
Royal Scribe

Last edited by Chronicles of Atys (2 years ago)

#5 [fr] 

naveruss clumsily and persistently scratched her quill across the parchment, tirelessly trying to write a letter before suddenly sending her desk tumbling with impatience. Instead, she grabbed an amber cube into which she impregnated her message with perfect clarity in as little time as effort. "Decidedly, as long as we have amber cubes, I won't learn to write!". She then sent the message.
De naveruss kynigrips, akenakos de pyr, à l'attention du sharükos.
sharükos pyrèkud, sharük pyrèkud!

Although a report will be made to you on the meeting with the Matis delegation concerning the water route, I'll take the liberty of already giving you my report: it was a disaster on many counts from which I'd have many diplomatic lessons to draw, except for one which is a rather good success..
Our mission was to inform the Kingdom of our passage, but due to my clumsiness in dominating the discussion, for which I take full responsibility, this was transformed into a request for authorization to pass through. What's more, we found ourselves having to make concession after concession, admittedly minor, but indirectly acknowledging that we were at the mercy of the matis' goodwill..
These concessions went so far as to agree to take on a Matis escort as we passed through the forest, with the escort being divided among all the teams so that it could be carefully monitored. This is our only success: getting the Matis joining the escort to acknowledge and respect my responsibility to lead it. During the Water Route, the Matis escort will therefore be under my command for the time it takes to pass through the forest, with the formal commitment of the subjects of the kingdom present to rigorously follow the discipline in place. A single victory among many defeats, but one that will enable us to maintain our ascendancy, at least in part..

Since I don't have time to be ashamed or proud of this encounter, I will now try to draw some lessons from it..

akash, the speech, orak in the right!
naveruss kynigrips

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Naveruss (2 years ago)


#6 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English] | Español | Français
To Karan Stevano and sharükos Lykos

First of all, I would like to thank you for choosing ambassadors capable of discussion and compromise.
The meeting held on 0h - Dua, Winderly 14, 1st AC 2624 at Almati Wood was courteous and enabled us to set up an exemplary organization for this Water Road.
As a result, this caravan of mektoubs will benefit from an escort of Matis Subjects and Nobles throughout its crossing of the Verdant Heights, ensuring that the laws of the Kingdom are respected.
The route to be taken will avoid all built-up areas and tribal encampments.
A non-aggression pact will be observed: no aggression whatsoever will be tolerated either inside or outside the caravan. For this reason, all participants are asked not to display any ostensible sign of allegiance to a faction (tag PvP) upon entering the Kingdom. 
The akenakos Naveruss will be in command of the caravan as it crosses the Kingdom, and her instructions must be respected by all, in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom. In return, she will be responsible for any incident occurring during the crossing. Any provocation must therefore be repressed.

I am sure that this event will mark the beginning of a new era of prosperity for your two nations, and that the non-aggression pact will survive it.
Barmie Dingle
Rangers Guide

Last edited by Chronicles of Atys (2 years ago)

#7 [fr] 

Azazor returned home looking rather upset. Before he did so, he took off the ranger armor provided to him on the return trip to Oflovak. This armor enabled him to spy on the negotiations between Matis and Fyros ambassadors at Almati Wood. He swore to Barmie Dingle not to intervene in the discussion. And he kept his word. But at what price?

As expected, it was a tough negotiation. And as he suspected, Naveruss and Ulymorus were not up to the task. All they did was give in, point by point, to all the Matis demands. It's a complete humiliation. As a result, not only will the caravan have to be escorted by Matis guards, but it will not be free to go its own way. But what's even more inadmissible is that all signs of allegiance must be concealed while crossing the kingdom. Hide? He, Azazor, remove his earrings proudly marking his allegiance to the Empire? Hide his title of akenakos? And why not remove his legionnaire's coat of arms while they were at it? He would never give in! Yes, that would be flagrant disobedience. But between indiscipline and dishonor, he'd choose indiscipline. And so much the worse if he wasn't allowed to accompany the caravan into the forest. The honor of the fyros was at stake. If the others were weaklings, he wouldn't flinch..

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)


Ranger éradicateur de kitins

#8 [fr] 

Eolinius paled as he looked at his desk and the three letters spread out before him. The task ahead was difficult, but it was his role. Being Bei Lochi ambassador didn't just mean swallowing petits fours and gingerbread at official receptions; he had to defend the Federation's interests, and here, with all the protests heard and made by his Talai and the commotion caused around him, he had to step out of his usual comfort zone. So much for his serenity and what would follow. Eolinius heaved a deep sigh. He sent the letters, copying the first two to Governor Nair-Ailan Mac'Kean.

Lettre de protestation envoyée par l’ambassadeur Bei Lochi Eolinius à Barmie Dingle, guide des Rangers

Nair Barmie Dingle,

My information and that of the people present have enabled me to learn of the secret meeting that took place in the Almati woods between the Fyros and the Matis to organize the water route and negotiate the passage of the convoy through Matis territory. I commend your initiative. It is to your credit and in your tradition to have sought to facilitate a rapprochement between these two nations. However, your interference in this matter may have gone a little too far..

Your equation is missing one parameter: the Trykeri, the main organizers of the water route with the Fyros. Given your Tryker origins, you must know that the wrong formula can quickly lead to an explosion. Inviting negotiations on the passage and organization of the convoy without the main organizers is inadmissible. It's not a mistake, it's a 'diplomatic error' which I hope will be corrected as soon as possible..
We are no longer the slaves of the Matis or the Fyros, and our opinion is essential to the organization of this water route..

Ambassadeur At Lochi

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)

#9 [fr] 

Lettre envoyée par l’ambassadeur Bei Lochi Eolinius au Sharükos Lykos

Ambassador Bei Lochi Eolinius in the absence of Ambassador Lorlyn to His Imperial Majesty Lykos, Emperor of the Fyros.

From the information we have received, we are aware of the negotiations that took place at Almati Wood between the Fyros and the Matis. The talks between your two nations are none of our business. On the other hand, Grand Sharükos Lykos, the Federation is very surprised that, as co-organizer of the water route and supplier of products imported to your country, it has not been invited to take part in the organization of this transport and relegated to the background in the negotiations..
The water route is a symbol of mutual aid between nations. I remind the Sharükos that the Trykeri make the barrels and export the raw materials; without them, the water route wouldn't exist..
It would be a pity if the great friendship between the Fyros and Trykeri peoples were to falter through misunderstanding or overzealous subordinates of the empire..

Ambassadeur At Lochi

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)

#10 [fr] 

Lettre privée envoyée par l’ambassadeur Bei Lochi Eolinius à l’ambassadeur Bei Lochi Fleurdetuber

Hey An-Neu Tala ! Elysem Gan Sul ?
What's going on in Sulem ambassade? We haven't heard from Sul!
Sul t'es fait mangé Tor sulem Ch'it Frippos?
Embassies are currently buzzing with excitement over the water route.
The Federation is waiting for new Sulem ( Al Sulem Talai Fosti ;)


Sulem Tala Eolinius

Edited 7 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)

#11 [fr] 

Courrier à l’attention de Ser Nilstilar, Ambassadeur du Royaume

Deles Silam Ser Ambassador,

I hope this finds you in good health..

I would like to draw your attention to several events in which I have been involved, and ask for your advice..

I met the Empire's embassy with Filira Salazar and Filira Tapo about the Water Route, under the auspices of Ranger Guide Barmie Dingle. The Fyros agreed to all the Karin's conditions, but we didn't get much more than that. I'm inclined to think, therefore, that our enterprise was moderately successful..

But you already know all that. So let me move on to the events that concern me.

My wife, Serae Liosta, and I recently visited Fairhaven at the invitation of my mother-in-law. As I'd expected, this wasn't a social visit. The Fairhaven bar - for, as expected, the meeting took place there - was packed. The Trykeri present questioned me at length about the meeting and the decisions taken. Assuming that there were no secrets involved, and assuming that the Fyros had already shared this information with their allies, I gave them as objective an account as possible of the agreements we had reached. But their reaction surprised me. To say the least.

In a nutshell, the Trykeri present felt that the Empire and the Kingdom had joined forces to reconcile at their expense. Several of them explicitly implicated the Kingdom in the affair. And they were extremely offended..
I tried to calm the situation and assured them of the Kingdom's consideration for the Federation. I believe I was more or less successful.

However, I don't practice trykeri customs as well as you do. May I ask you to assure me that I have not done more harm than good? And to calm their worries if necessary? I would be infinitely grateful..

On a broader level. I'd like your insights into what this event reveals. It does seem strange that the Fyros left their Trykeri allies in the dark about this meeting. And even more so of the results. Knowing that the results will be binding on the entire escort, including the Trykeri..
The Empire was behind the Water Route, the idea of crossing the Kingdom, and the encounter with Almati Wood. Is it possible that the Fyros deliberately sought to drive a wedge between us and the Federation? I wonder and worry. And that's why I'd like to benefit from your diplomatic experience at a date to suit you, but if possible before the date scheduled for this Water Route..

Looking forward to this meeting, may Jena keep you in Her Light.
Jena Aiye
Matis Aiye

Copal Frerini
Noble of the Kingdom
Scribe Royal d'Avalae
Ambassador to the Theocracy

Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)

#12 [fr] 

lettre pour Eolinius
Mon cher Eolinius

I need to talk to you frankly before the start of the Route de l'Eau. Will you have any free time in the next few days?* You're perfectly free to bring any trykeri you like. After all, this is about all of you..

We look forward to hearing from you, Azazor..

*HRP: Thursday, Friday or Saturday evening.

Last edited by Azazor (2 years ago)


Ranger éradicateur de kitins

#13 [fr] 

Wixarika sits at Pecus's counter, her gaze fixed, lost in the distance, as she tries to play with her unopened glass. Her movements are slow and hesitant, revealing a certain weariness. She tries in vain to concentrate on the small details around her to escape the sadness of the panorama outside: Naveruss striking the void with his axe while Azazor talks to a barrel of shooki while showing her an earring..

The bitterness of imagining her chieftainess negotiating under the aegis of the Rangers and the imposition of seeing this precious convoy escorted by distrustful Matis are sources of humiliation that weigh heavily on her. The infamy of this situation stands in stark contrast to the sense of pride that accompanies her fyros sap..

After all these rumors reaching Thesos, Wixarika carries with her the crushing weight of disappointment. All she sees are dignitaries and diplomats too busy weaving the threads of their own glory, and not bothering to resolve the desperate crisis afflicting the desert, this thirsty land..

The real issues, the suffering of his people, seem to have been relegated to the background, drowned out by the cacophony of egos in search of recognition..

From what she knows of the akenakos Naveruss, the fruitless debates and dilatory decisions that emerged from these talks seem to have been devoid of the very essence of any hominity.

Not to mention some who seek a certain protagonism at the expense of the fyros, even if it means demeaning them unscrupulously..

What a shame! Instead of concentrating on the overriding reasons that should guide their actions, they have become engulfed in the meanders of their own loves..

Commitments to find a solution to this water shortage have been brushed aside, relegated to the back burner of political concerns..

Wixarika, deeply affected by this disappointment, is now faced with a dilemma. How can she continue to have faith in this water route? In these representatives of the nations, when they seem so blind to the real suffering and basic needs of her people??

For, although disillusioned by the susceptibilities of one party or another, she still holds out hope in her heart that the real battle for water will only be won through concrete, collective action, guided by the solidarity and justice of selfless homins of good will..

Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)

#14 [fr] 

A drunken Tryker, Bhyre in hand, is pitching on Fairhaven's Pontoon. He's so drunk he doesn't see Nair'Eolinius coming. So much so that he jostles him, causing him to spill all the belongings he was carrying..

"oops Talla,... Seen Y hip,... Syln... Fin Saoul... y crois...

Attends Nair ...

Wait Y vais sul aider à tout ramasser....

Go, go, Talla, forgive Y.


I celebrated my daughter's birth a little too much ...
Al Tor the Parents' Blessing my sweet wife Al the child are bearing Lor, Ver Lors..."

the man catches his breath and brings the bottle to his mouth.
He looks at the bottle in disappointment:
"Toube she's empty....
...good Y'think it's time y'all went home... now."

Eolinius, perplexed, watches the strange hominid stagger and zigzag away on the pontoon, when he notices an envelope he didn't have before..

Edited 6 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)

#15 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français
Canillia remet une pile de plis scellé au courrier qu'elle a engagé pour l'occasion.

"Vous les remettrez aux Sénateurs de l'Empire Fyros.
Vous vous assurerez qu'ils ai bien tous reçu une copie de ce courrier."

L'homin quitte le bureau de Canillia en évitant les ouvriers qui travaillent à remettre en état la demeure.

Edited 8 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)

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