

#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
"Laye mai, said Nilstilar to himself as he left the Hotel d'Alkiane, let's try to see now what the Karan has in mind!"
But he returned to his Yrkanian apartment to give himself there a few hours of rest first.
And it was only in the morning, with his thoughts cleared by the first chai of the day, that he took up the calamus to write his letter of resignation.

Yrkanis, on Mystia 2, 2613-3
Your Majesty,

Perhaps it has come to your ears that I ostensibly abstained from joining His Highness Aniro in the expedition he led this 25th of Fallenor, at the head of an international troop, towards the camp of the First Deserters to recover an amber cube robbed some days before from a tribe of the Fleeting Garden.
I come today to try to explain to Your Majesty about what you could rightly consider as a discourtesy towards your elder son, to say the least. Thus, I wish to let you know that the aforementioned abstention is the result of the disappointment that stunned me that day: even though, during our meeting, a few days before, near the camp of the robbed tribe, Aniro Karin had shown (to my great joy) his desire to preserve peace between nations, he allowed that, on the steps of the Royal Palace, the guards attacked without mercy a Tryker trader who had come to assist him in his quest for the stolen cube! The Emperor treats foreigners (uninvited ones at that) who come in peace to the Agora of his capital better!
As, however, I am aware that such an explanation does not constitute an excuse for what Your Majesty may consider, rightly once again, a crime of lese majesty making me unworthy of exercising the mission you once entrusted to me, this missive constitutes my letter of resignation from the office of Ambassador of Your Majesty to the Federation of Naw Trykoth.

Matis Aiye !
Nilstilar Thorec

Once he had sealed it, and before entrusting it to his favorite izam, he formulated in petto the hope that his King would refuse it.

Last edited by Maupas (3 years ago) | Reason: Post title


#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français] | Deutsch | Español
Le Karan Stevano finit de lire la lettre à haute voix et la jeta sur son bureau.
« Ça veut dire quoi ? »
Le Karin Aniro ne flancha pas.
« L’honnête commerçante en question a insulté et attaqué Filirae Ayala, l’une des dames de compagnie de Mère, à Fairhaven. Et elle a commis assez d’autres crimes envers les forces du Royaume pour que les gardes de la cité sachent la reconnaître au premier coup d’œil. Si je n’avais pas été occupé avec cette histoire de cube, j’aurais moi-même envoyé Line lui régler son compte. »
Aniro n’ajouta pas qu’il avait essayé de lui passer sur le corps avec son mektoub. Il n’avait pas réussi et ça ne semblait pas être la chose à dire pour l’instant.
Le Karan fronça les sourcils.
« Vous êtes certain, pour Filirae Ayala ?
— Sil. L’ambassadeur Nilstilar n’a pas le monopole des informations en provenance de la Nouvelle Trykoth. »
Stevano reprit la lettre et la relut une nouvelle fois.
« Il pouvait ignorer cet incident ? »
Aniro réfléchit. Il trouvait que l’ambassadeur était un peu trop prompt à défendre les intérêts des autres nations, et qu’il prenait parfois certaines libertés vis-à-vis des dirigeants. Comme lorsqu’il avait prêché la paix plutôt que de répondre factuellement à ses questions au Cercle Kamic. Ou comme en attestait sa présente défense, bien malheureuse, d’une Tryker absolument indéfendable. Mais il avait également réussi à donner une assez bonne image du Royaume hors de ses frontières, ce qui n’avait pas toujours été le cas. Le Karin répondit en choisissant soigneusement ses mots.
« L’ambassadeur ? Sans doute pas. Mais peut-être a-t-il été induit à croire à un incident isolé, ou que la commerçante s’était amendée. Il n’est pas toujours aisé de distinguer le faux du vrai dans les paroles des Trykers. »
Le Karan gronda.
« J’attends justement de mes ambassadeurs qu’ils distinguent le faux du vrai ! Et ce n’est certainement pas à eux de décider quand leur mission s’arrête ! Je refuse sa démission ! Mais il va falloir qu’il fasse mieux à l’avenir. Et pour commencer, je veux une liste complète des guildes trykeri et de leur position vis-à-vis du Royaume. Il est largement temps que Ser Nilstilar se remette à jour. Et la liste des dix adversaires les plus virulents du Royaume dans les Lacs. Et cette soit-disant commerçante a intérêt à y figurer ! Où est mon secrétaire ? »
Stevano ponctuait chaque geste d’une grande claque sur le bureau. La lettre finit par s’envoler et tomber par terre. Elle y resta, oubliée.

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (3 years ago) | Reason: Adding [es] translation

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Yrkanis, on Follialy 24, 2613-4
Your Majesty,

Let me first of all give praise to Your clemency. A clemency that hardly surprise me: the great Karan that you have never ceased to be in my eyes could not, indeed, not forgive the devoted subject I am for a misdemeanor of little consequence (at least I will endeavor it is so) on the future of the Kingdom.
Allow me, next, to share with you a suspicion which the reading of the missive making no demands at all You made me bring to my home the other day has made even greater. For the anonymous letter which preceded it (and of which I enclose a copy to Your Majesty) did not fail to intrigue me: presenting itself as the report of the debates provoked by the offer of my resignation (which, Your Majesty will agree, could not fail to follow the aforementioned misdemeanor), it in fact implied that Your Majesty would not limit himself to refusing it, but would in addition entrust me with a mission of intelligence! As if the Kingdom did not have a network of spies as discreet as seasoned and was suddenly forced to openly expose its diplomats!
Thus, while I had already been alerted by the mistake made by this "Ghost of Atys" as for the identity of the Serae protagonist of the incident supposedly reported to Your Majesty by Aniro Karin (in fact, it is Filirae Aylia who was taken to task that day in Fairhaven, not Serae Ayala), I now suspect that he is simply working to sow the seeds of dissension between the Nations of Atys. And this for the account of Akilia Ash Storm, because such a zizanie could well, should it last, leave soon in the Nexus Minor the field clear for the Marauders... to Jena displease!

Matis Aiye !
Nilstilar Thorec
Ambassador of Your Majesty to the Federation of Naw Trykoth


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