

#262 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (February 7th 2022)

Date: monday, February 7th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • Next content patch
    • Rywards store
    • RyzHome
    • Wheel of Fortune
    • Ephemeral Enchantments
    • Storyline Content

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (3 years ago)

#263 [en] 

***DEL*** irrelevant.

Last edited by Tykus (3 years ago)



#264 [en] 

***DEL*** irrelevant.

Last edited by Tykus (3 years ago)



#265 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]

Compte-Rendu de la réunion de Ryzom Forge – 07 Février 2022

Je vais donc parler de la boutique Rywards qui remplacera du coup Rykea et la section Ryzhome du sac special (y en a des Ry xD).
Voici une capture d'écran : 207%20f%C3%A9vrier%202022%2021%2043%281%29.png.
Il s'agit donc d'une nouvelle page de la fenêtre shift + E.
Il y aura à la fois donc une liste d'objets d'appartement classés en fonction des catégories déjà connues via les titres mais aussi de collections à compléter.
Chaque collection terminée donnant lieu à une récompense unique (toujours d'appartement).
Il y aura aussi la liste des objets déjà obtenue avec une pré-visualisation 3D.
Et l'information indiquant le nombre d'objets en sa possesion (donc les doublons) et combien sont posés dans l'appartement.

Q : Les noms de ces objets sont-ils définitifs ? Je veux dire ... Ceux que je vois là semblent avoir été tirés au sort dans l'alphabet.

R : C'est le cas.
Les objets n'ont pas de noms (pas encore).
Alors je suis allez dans un magasin suédois très connu et j'ai vu que leur noms ne voulaient rien dire.
Je me suis dis : faison de même.

Q : À ce train là, il va bientôt falloir nous autoriser à acheter plus d'un appartement ou acheter des extensions d'appartement.

R : Ah oui, je note.
L'autre particularité de la boutique c'est que l'on pourra savoir ce qu'il faut pour obtenir chaque objet.
Parfois (comme sur le screen) ils ne seront disponibles qu'en gain via la roue.
Parfois en évènement spécial.
Et d'autres fois il sera indiqué quel type de ticket est nécessaire.
Les tickets Rywards étant les plus communs et génériques, ils permettront d'acheter de nombreux objets, notamment ceux des autres nations.
Avec parfois des couleurs ou des textures différentes.
Enfin, si vous avez des doublons, vous pourrez les convertir en tickets Rywards et donc acheter des objets de votre choix.
Ainsi, obtenir des doublons à la roue, permet de les convertir en tickets Rywards qui permet alors d'acheter des objets.
Plus tard, d'autres récompenses viendront compléter la boutique.
Comme des perruques, des tenues ou autres objets purement esthétiques.
Nous suivons différentes pistes afin d'ajouter des choses cosmétiques sympas, comme de nouveaux FX d'afk, des animations, etc ...
Y a-t-il des questions, suggestions, remarques ?

Q : Ces changements vont-ils corriger les appartements où les objets ne peuvent pas être retirés une fois placés ?

R : Oui.
C'est le prochain sujet.

Q : Est-ce que les collisions dans les appartements vont être enlevées ? Vu qu'on ne place pas forcément les meubles là où c'est prévu.

R : Oui.
Il faut remercier Kaetemi qui a fait un gros travail sur les outils pour permettre justement de pouvoir les enlever facilement.
Passons donc à la suite qui concerne Ryzhome et donc les appartements.
Et je vais pouvoir donner la proposition d'ajout.
L'idée c'est de pouvoir faire des configurations d'appartement.
Et donc de pouvoir avoir plusieurs configurations d'objets et de choisir celle que l'on souhaite afficher.
Par exemple une configuration pourrait contenir tous les objets de Noël.
Une autre ceux d'Anlor Winn.

Q : Un peu comme les groupes pour les vêtements et les parures ?

R : Oui, c'est exactement ça.
Il serait facile de passer de l'un à l'autre et les joueurs invités pourraient parcourir les différentes configurations.
Une configuration particuilere nommée "Commun" contiendra des objets qui seront affichés quelque soit la configuration choisie.
Ainsi, il pourra y avoir le lit, les meubles, un tableau dans la configuration "Commun" et quelque soit la configuration affichée, le lit, les meubles et le tableau seront toujours affichés.

Q : Est-ce que la proposition vous satisfait ?

R : Merci de me poser la question Ulukyn.
J'avoue que effectivement cela pourrait permettre de régler le problème de surcharge.
Après .... Avoir un appartement virtuel ... Ça va finir par m'embrouiller ... Mais c'est personnel.

Q : Cette décoration sera-t-elle aussi sélectionnable par les personnes invitées ou seule la configuration choisie par le propriétaire sera affichée pour l'invité ?

R : Ce sera en option.
Le propriétaire sélectionnera une configuration.
Puis pourra permettre que les visiteurs puissent voir d'autre collections (via une case à cocher pour chaque configuration).
On pourra donc pas savoir si vous avez une configuration avec des poupées vaudoues des joueurs d'atys, soyez rassurée.
Enfin il sera possible de donner des items a sa guilde pour la décoration du hall de guilde.
Et là pour le coup ... Va falloir remplir.
Des questions ?
Si pas de questions, passons à la suite.
Mais avant, petite précision, il sera également possible avec des Tickets Rywards d'acheter des jetons suprêmes pour la roue.
Ce qui du coup tombe assez bien puisqu'il vont être ajoutés prochainement.
Les jetons permettront de gagner une récompense à coup sûr, mais évidement, certaines seront plus rares que d'autres.
Mais les jetons suprêmes pourront également servir à acheter des tickets Rywards faisant ainsi un cycle.
Vous aurez alors le choix entre, jouer des jetons suprêmes à la roue et gagner une récompense sûre, mais pas forcément celle que vous souhaitez.
Soit convertir les jetons en ticket Ryward et vous offrir une récompense de votre choix.
Ainsi les récompenses ne seront plus systématiquement le fruit du hasard.
De plus, de la même manière que les objets d'appartement, les doublons des objets gagnés à la roue pourront être convertis.
Donc morceaux de zig ou montures, coiffures, etc ... Ne les jetez pas, recyclez, c'est bon pour Atys !
Si vous avez des idées de cadeaux, nous sommes toujours friands de suggestions.
Et si vous faites un peu de 3D avec blender, sachez que l'on peut vous aider à intégrer des objets dans le jeu. (Sous licence CC-by-SA avec crédits a votre nom ou pseudo si vous le souhaitez).
Des questions ?

Et si pas de question, on passe à la suite.
On vient de parler de récompenses esthétiques, nous avons aussi prévu du contenu plus gameplay.
À commencer par les enchantements éphémères.
Il s'agit d'enchantement de sorts qui ne pourront être obtenus que via des PNJs ou bâtiments.
Ils pourront s'empiler et prendront la même place que les actuels.
Lorsque l'on enchante une arme avec un enchantement éphémère l'arme se charge entièrement de sève.
Et ne peut plus être rechargée.
À chaque utilisation de l'enchantement éphémère, la charge en sève va donc baisser sans pouvoir être rechargée.
Une fois la charge de l'arme insuffisante pour utiliser l'enchantement, celui-ci disparait.
Ainsi, prenons l'exemple d'un enchantement éphémère qui consome 300 de sève.
On l'applique sur une arme qui peut avoir au maximum 1000 de charge de sève.
L'arme se charge complètement, donc à 1000.
On peut alors utiliser 3 fois l'enchantement.
Il ne reste alors que 100 de sève, l'enchantement disparait.
Les 100 de sève restent.

Q : Ces enchantements éphémères ce sont de nouveaux sorts ?

R : Ce ne sont pas forcement des sorts (je n'avais pas fini).
Je continue et tu me diras si c'est clair.
Les enchantements éphémères seront soit passifs, soit actifs.
Actifs, il faudra les lancer comme les enchantements actuels et consommeront donc de la sève a chaque utilisation.
Ce ne sont pas forcément que des sorts que l'on connaît, mais cela peut être aussi une mini aura, un effet de zone, il n'y pas vraiment de limitation technique.
Passifs, ils s'activerons tout seuls à chaque utilisation de l'arme, à la manière des effets d'avant poste comme Tekorn ou Vedice.
D'ailleurs, un enchantement éphémère remplacera temporairement l'effet de l'arme.
Les effets temporaires de par leur fonctionnement pourront être très puissants (mais très couteux en sève et donc limités dans leur utilisation).
De plus, plus ils seront puissants, plus ils seront difficiles à obtenir.

Q : Donc en clair ils agissent comme des artefacts.
Mais sont limités par la puissance de sève de l'arme sur laquelle ils sont attachés.

R : Tu pourrais imaginer ça comme une huile faite à base de sève que tu mets sur ton arme.
Et au bout d'un moment ça ne fait plus effet.
Mais du coup ça peut être vraiment très très puissant.

Q : Et ne durer que deux coups par exemple.

R : Voilà.
C'est donc en fonction des situations que tu préfèrera soit utiliser un enchantement moins puissant, soit l'effet d'OP de ton arme.

Q : Je voulais demander malgré tout si la puissance de l'enchantement éphémère est supérieure à la quantité de sève d'une arme ?
Imaginons un "EE" de 2000 ps sur une épée qui n'en a que 1500.

R : Dans ce cas là ça ne s'applique pas.
Mais tu ne perds rien.

Q : L'utilisation de cet éphémère sera-t-il conditionné par l'ajout d'une option dans les briques d'action ? exemple faire une attaque puissante + bonus éphémère ?

R : Non, on va rester simple.
Mais il n'est pas impossible que certains enchantements éphémères ne soient appliquables qu'avec une certaine stanza (rien de prévu, juste une possibilité technique).
Comme cela va surement demander de jongler entre plusieurs enchantements.
Ariald va nous présenter un ajout sur lequel il travail.
Actuellement, consommer des objets peut être assez frustrant.
Je pense nottament au changement d'enchantement ou a la recharge de sève constante en PvP.
Bref, ça fait mal à la main.
Nous avons évaluer plusieurs suggestions pour résoudre le problème.
Je vous présente aujourd'hui la solution que nous évaluons comme optimale.
La barre d'objets.
En gros, c'est un nouvel inventaire consistant de 5 emplacements.
On peut y mettre des objets consommables, comme des potions, des larves, etc.
Ainsi que des recharges de sève ou des enchantements.
Les emplacements se retrouveront dans la fenêtre actuelle d'équipement et dans sa propre fenêtre (si on souhaite l'afficher).
Il y aura des raccourcis clavier configurables pour chaque emplacement de la barre (pour consommer/utiliser l'objet) et la barre d'objets sera integrée avec le système de groupe d'objets actuel.
Je vous présente une capture d'écran du brouillon auquel je travaille. 20February%207%2C%202022%205%2004%20PM%281%29.png
J'ai pris l'occasion de réarranger et de centrer la fenêtre d'équipement.
Celle-ci vous donne encore plus d'informations. 20February%207%2C%202022%205%2006%20PM%281%29.png
(Notez que dans la deuxième capture d'écran, la fenêtre d'équipement n'est pas à jour).
Je pense avoir fait le tour, y a t-il des questions ?

Q : Alors je vois bien que c'est un projet qui a été mûrement réfléchi, mais actuellement je ne vois pas en quoi cela changera quelque chose au rechargement par exemple en cristaux.
Ne prenez pas ça mal, j'avoue simplement ne pas comprendre en quoi cela va changer quelque chose.

R : Ah. C'est que j'ai oublié un élément important. On pourra faire une macro pour utiliser un emplacement donné de la barre.
Donc ça sera plus facile que de cliquer, vous pouvez configurer la macro comme vous voudrez.

Q : Alors ... Que je comprenne : cette nouvelle barre de raccourcis permettra d'y assigner n'importe quel élément ? Est-ce que je peux assigner les cristaux de sève et donc les utiliser automatiquement ?

R : Attention, la barre le n’acceptera que des objets dit “utilisables”. Mais oui, dans votre exemple ça fonctionnerait.

Q : Les munitions aussi donc ?

R : À voir pour les munitions ... Je n’ai pas encore de réponse.

Q : Bonjour ... Est-ce que cela s'affiche comme 'Action Bar 3' dans Windows ?
'Actions et Inventaire' ?

R : Non, comme “Barre d’objets”.
''Barre d'objets'' serait ''Item bar'' en anglais.

Q : Est-ce que plutôt que "barre d'objets", cette barre ne pourrait pas s'intituler "Poches" par exemple ?
Q : Ceinture ?

R : C'est une très bonne idée. C'est assez simple à changer puisque c'est uniquement au niveau des traductions.
"Item belt", "Pockets", j'aime bien.

Q : Et peut-être le nombre d'emplacements varient en fonction de l'armure portée (genre 5 pour une armure légère, 3 pour une armure lourde ...) pour être dans une logique ?

R : Ça semble compliqué. Un nombre statique sera mieux je pense.

Q : Utilisateur forcené des cristaux et des œufs de toutes natures, j'ai déjà constaté des plantages liés à la cadence d'utilisation de ces "Objets" entrainant un freeze complet de leur utilisation.

R : Si vous trouvez des plantages "reproduisables" liés aux œufs ou autres, n'hésitez pas d'ouvrir un ticket avec le support ou un issue GitLab qu'on puisse investiguer et corriger.
Bon je pense qu'on a fait le tour, je repasse à Ulukyn.

Q : Quand ?

R : Bientôt.

Q : Il est semi-reproductible que l'on puisse griser une chose si le timing avec la communication du serveur échoue ... Difficile à reproduire car c'est une question de concurrence.
Et ensuite, il ne peut être réactivé qu'en se reconnectant ou en mourant.

R : Je note Elke.
Laissons Ulukyn continuer.
Passons donc au dernier sujet.
Avant le vrai dernier sujet.
La storyline va reprendre son cours et apporter aussi de la nouveauté gameplay.
En termes de contenu haut niveau, comme c'est la storyline je n'en dis pas plus.
Mais il faudra se bouger pour avoir les meilleurs composants pour les meilleurs enchantements éphèmeres.
Et aussi remplir ses poches de potions de combat qui ne vous demandent pas de vous assoir.
Bref, les prochains patchs seront surtout axés contenu comme vous pouvez le voir.
Ils seront étalés le long des prochaines semaines et pour que ce soit plus simple pour nous.
N'oubliez pas la section idées, que nous essayerons de maintenir à jour et si vous souhaitez aider et bien,
Tamarea va vous dire comment faire.
Oui, en effet je vais parler du recrutement !
Plus précisément pour les équipes Event, Support et Traduction.
Event team :
Nous cherchons des bénévoles souhaitant aider à écrire des scénarios d'event, ou bien souhaitant devenir acteurs en incarnant un personnage lors des events que nous jouons.
La formation est assurée, et l'entrée dans le jeu d'acteur se fait très progressivement pour laisser le temps à la recrue de prendre ses marques.
Rejoignez-nous pour bénéficier de cette expérience unique !
Pour postuler, contactez exclusivement Tamarea à
Support team :
Nous cherchons aussi des bénévoles souhaitant rejoindre l'équipe de Support afin d'aider les joueurs de diverses manières :
- Assistance informatique : aide pour faire fonctionner le jeu correctement sous Windows, Linux ou Mac ;
- Assistance technique : répondre aux questions portant sur l'utilisation du client et sur des problèmes relevant du gameplay ;
- Traitement des bugs : aider les joueurs faisant face à un bug, vérifier les bugs remontés par le système de tickets et les transmettre ensuite à l'équipe de Développement ;
- Rôle de testeur sur le serveur de tests ;
- Veille au bon respect du règlement du jeu ;
- Modération des canaux de discussions, des forums et de tout autre support utilisé par Ryzom.
Pour en savoir plus, veuillez consulter ce post : #2.
Pour postuler, contactez exclusivement Tamarea à
Équipe Traduction :
Enfin, nous cherchons des bénévoles afin de traduire des textes en jeu et des annonces officielles en anglais, allemand, espagnol, russe, français, ainsi que pour effectuer la relecture de textes dans ces cinq langues.
Pour postuler, contactez exclusivement Tamarea à
Si vous avez des questions au sujet du recrutement, vous pouvez aussi me contacter sur chat.ryzom, j'y répondrai avec plaisir !
C'était le dernier sujet pour aujourd'hui !
Merci à tous, et bon jeu sur Atys !

Edited 7 times | Last edited by Jadeyn (3 years ago)


Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team

#266 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
See : .

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Jadeyn (3 years ago)


Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team

#267 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (March 7th 2022)

Date: monday, March 7th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • Patch on March, 7th
  • OP refactoring
  • Recruitment

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ghost Of Atys (3 years ago)

#268 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – 07 March 2022

Indeed, it was long the arrival of these tokens !
And yes, there is some scam as in all wheels !
Nevertheless, we hope that the arrival of new outfits and weapons has whetted your appetite !
Because the goal is obviously to be able to continue to add more, and to the wheel, but also in other types of gameplay.
For those who didn't see it (I forgot to put it up in the patch note) but the NPC next to the wheel offers you to exchange your gifts for tickets.
And the tickets for supreme tokens. So, if you have too many wigs, no worries, he'll be happy to take them back.
Are there any questions ?

Q : Will we also be able to win plans to make the new outfits ? To combine style and craftsmanship.

A : It was just whispered in my ear.
So, all the outfits that we add have all a creation plan.
It is systematic.
So about the amount of material, it's pretty random, after all, who knows how it was made ?
So if we were to add new outfits to the wheel to replace the old ones, it would be possible to make the plans available through a challenge.
Any other questions ?

Q : Is there a list of gifts that can be exchanged for tickets somewhere ?

A : 2 secondes, I send a screenshot. 207%20mars%202022%2021%2045.png
So there are : plushies, underwear, refugee outfits, wigs and tattoos.
Others may be added such as pieces of zig / mount.
As well as the exchange of tokens from one type to another (at an abused exchange rate ... Obviously !).

Q : Basic wig traded in, looks like I can't choose which color to trade in.

A : It is now possible to lock an item in the special bag and in this case it will not be exchangeable or exchanged.
This is what allows you to choose which item to exchange with the NPC.
Any other questions ?
If no questions, I'll take the opportunity to talk a little about the content additions.
Because it's true that we haven't had any for a long time, there had been weapons for events OOC but nothing new.
We now have Rizyinshi who makes beautiful weapons (that I modify a little sometimes) and who is very motivated.
No doubt that he will make us many others !
For the outfits, the idea was to create a simple, smooth skirt. This is the case of the new skirt with the wheel.
It is a base of zorai skirt which has been simplified.
In order to have something simple enough to texture.
The model, the texture (in Gimp format with layers for the 3 skins) and a tutorial (as soon as I have some time, I promise) to be able to make our own version will be available on the wiki.
Maybe we'll get some future designers to make us the next skirt for the wheel !
Moreover, all the items, the fixing of the hairstyle were made in Blender.
No need to have 3DSmax, if someone feels comfortable with the tool, it's a pleasure to help him integrate his creation (if it's validated of course !).
The hardest part is often getting started !
It seems that there are very good courses on Blender.
But tell you one thing, whatever you do, it will always be better than the first outfit I made for Ryzom, the PvP potato bag outfit !

Q : By the way, you remember that we talked a long time ago about having Homins sit on their seats. At that time it was impossible. And now you think it would be ?

A : Ah, very good question !
Well, you need 2 things, to fix an attachment point on a seat and to stick an animation on it.
For the animation, I was able to add one (a jumping Homin ... Totally ridiculous but well ...).
For the attachment it is more complex, there are only the mounts which have it.
So we need seat mounts !
It will end up in a merry-go-round !
There are fewer and fewer things we don't know how to do.
And a lot of things at the end of the preparation, not only cosmetic.

Q : Flying mount ?

A : If you talk about riding an izam, it is possible.
But flying in the sense of being able to go where you want in the air, no.
Because your character will collide !

Q : It's ok to sit on the floor, but flat seat cushions as objects on the floor would be great !

Q : Yes, sitting on the floor on cushions. Or making a chair slightly elevated and walkable to sit on a chair is sufficient.

A : Oh, because you don't have any cushions ?

Q : In lake only.

Q : There are many cultures where you just sit on the floor.
But they have cushions !

Q : In my apartment I did that, I put the cushions in the ground to sit on them.

A : Well, we'll have to deliver some !
And with the option to sit on the cushion and not in the cushion !
Let's talk about OP refactoring.
Well, as Silan refactoring is about to go into translation (and final testing), as the wheel has had its share of gifts, as the New Ticket System is also being tested.
Well, good news, I'm full time on OP Refactoring !
So in about a month, things will be moving.
I will just remind you of the major changes that were validated by the working group.
When the server is rebooted, there will be :
- Deletion of materials 50 and 100, to keep only 150 and more.
- Rotation of materials in quality and type.
Basically, an outpost may not give the same type of material, nor the same quality.
However, an outpost 50 will yield much less material than an outpost 250.
Once the outpost is conquered.

Q : We have no way of knowing what the outpost will produce as material until we put in a drill ?

A : Well done, you're asking me a trick question ...
We will think about it, but it would be possible that the guild that has just conquered an outpost is aware of the material and the quality.
Without having to install a drill.

Q : Will it be possible to have an outpost without fighting ? Otherwise, how do the Ranger get an outpost ?

A : It was proposed to have also attacks of kitins instead of tribes.
And therefore PvK.
Which is no longer PvP.

Q : This is nonsense !
The Ranger does not aspire to have an outpost at the risk of finding themselve fighting against Homins ...
This is the typology of the faction ...

A : OP Refactoring is about gameplay, how each player plays his character, it's not really a question that the project answers.
I continue.
There will be small subtleties in the rotation of materials.
Outposts in low level areas will have more chance to change the quality of materials but less chance to change the type of material.
Outposts in high level areas will more easily change the type of material but are less likely to change the quality.
Thus, an outpost 250 that gives Q250 Vedice will be more likely to switch to Q250 Egiros than to Q150 Vedice.
And for an outpost 50 that gives the same Q250 Vedice, it will have more chance to switch to Q200 Vedice than Q250 Egiros.
Then, along with the rotation of materials, 50% of the outposts will be taken over by tribes.

Q : Is there a way to predict what ressource an outpost will produce in the future ?
To see what it will be before I battle it ?

A : Never at 100% because it remains random.
But there is a logic and a fixed number of materials and qualities.
So by combining the information it would be possible to know more.

Q : That's just the point, not to know. You'll have to ask around to find out what the outpost is producing before you attack it.

Q : Is the rhythm of the rotations known in advance ?

A : It will be indicated yes, but never accurate to the day.
It will depend on a reboot, but if we start on a 3 months rotation, it will be 3 months and some days.

Q : If I ever attack an outpost and suddenly, rotation. What happens ? The attack keeps on going or I get my money back and the rotation takes over the attack ?

A : The easiest way is to block the attacks just before a rotation, which will avoid this scenario.

Q : Will we have a chance to fight against the tribe that wants to take over our outpost ? Or will there be a rotation and suddenly, no more outposts ?

A : They are very vicious, they attack when you are sleeping ...
In any case, you can imagine that if you could fight them and we can't reach 50%, we would modify the levels to have 50% of the total. So it would just be impossible to win.
You can't balance an attack so that a guild of 5 players has the same chances as a guild of 20 players.

Q : Will the price of the attacks change ? And the one of the drill ?

A : Yes, they will go down.
There will be only one model of drill per faction.
Once the rotation and the taking of the outposts, there will be a wagering session on who will be able to attack which outpost.
The session could last about ten days.
The way it works has changed a little from the initial project, especially to give everyone a chance.
Each guild will have 50 points that they can bet on, either on a single outpost or on several by dividing them up.
For example, the guild could bet 30 points on the X outpost and 20 points on the Y outpost.

Q : The taking of outpost(s) will be done by combat ... Can't we buy an outpost from the tribe ?

A : Yes, it is mandatory.

So the bets, at the end of the 10 days, are very simple.
For each outpost taken by a tribe, we look at the highest bet and the guild that has bet the highest amount wins the right to attack the outpost (the guild will have about 7 days to do so).
Attention, in case of a draw (you were going to ask me the question ?!) if two guilds bet exactly the same amount, the bet doesn't count and we look at the next bet.
So if two guilds both bet 50, but a third guild only bets 10, the two 50 bets are ignored. Congrats to the guild that only bet 10, it felt a good opportunity !

Q : Can you only bet at the time of the rotation change ?

A : Yes.
Bets are used to determine which guild can attack an outpost that is held by a tribe.

Q : So if I follow what you say, at the time of the patch OP refactoring all the outposts bellong to Marauder NPCs and therefore at this moment we will have 10 days to bet on the outpost that we wish ?

A : 50%, not all. And then there will be bets on the 50% of tribal outposts.
The other 50% we will just have to launch the attack.
The other 50% remain in normal mode.

Q : Okay and we agree that this 50% changes target at each rotation ?

A : It is totally random. We take the list, we choose half of it.

Q : We bet on a tribe, okay. But do we know what the others are betting on and do we know what this outpost will produce ?

A : We don't know anything !
These are blind bets.

So once the wagering session is over, the guild that has the right to attack can do so.
Or not to attack if it wants to (or if it can't).
The threshold of the outpost is systematically 5.
So if you want to train, go to Nexus and attack an outpost at threshold 5.

Q : So for this type of outpost it is only GvG ?
At this point I mean.

A : It's GvE.
It's your guild against the tribe.
And only.

Q : Yeah we can't call any reinforcements so.

A : No, none.

Q : So the guilds of 2 players for this type of outpost are screwed.

A : Also, members who joined a guild after the start of the wagering will not be able to participate either.
If I'm not talking nonsense, according to the tests at Nexus, a guild of 3 players on an outpost 50 can reach the threshold 5.
But obviously not on a 250 outpost.

Q : What happens if the guild that won the bet does not attack the outpost ? Or doesn't reach the threshold ? How long does the outpost stay in the hands of the tribe ?

A : I was going to come to that !
In case of defeat or non-attack, the outpost goes to its maximum threshold.
And it's up to whoever wants to attack it.
If successful, the outpost will remain unattackable for several days before returning to normal mode.
So that the guild can enjoy it a little.
Finally, there will be a 3rd type of PvP.
It will be possible for a guild to declare (after the session of bets and tribe attacks) 2 times per cycle (the number may change) a GvG.
This will engage only the 2 guilds, the one that attacks and the one that defends.
In a single phase.
If the guild wins, the outpost will remain unattackable for a few days in the same way as for GvE attacks.
Then it will be attackable only in GvG and that for a few more days.
In any case, an outpost can only be attacked once a week in GvG.
In FvF it's limitless.
The idea is to finally have the three types of PvP and that each guild can practice its play style.
The periods when the outposts are not attackable are used to reward the guild for taking advantage of the outpost before a possible massive FvF attack.
I don't think I missed anything and if I did, it will be a surprise !

Q : How long is the no attack period please ?
And if PvE is 50%, whats the % for GvG ? And FvF ?

A : The 50% concerns the outposts which will be taken over by the tribes.
These will have a 10 day period without attack.
But for the others it does not change.
It will remain in FvF as now.

Q : How about you try your new little experiment with outposts below 150 to see how the system works or if it even works before you destroy what's left of the fragile commmunity ?

A : The outposts will tend to evolve, we plan new things.
But the current system does not allow any evolution.
If we want to add real value materials, it should not unbalance the game more.
For this to happen, outpost's attacks must be the key to the gameplay.
And no, keeping it otherwise, what will happen is that we will be forced to add new things elsewhere, better balanced.
And the outposts will end up being just ruins.

Q : So how do you stop people from joining the attacking guild before the attack ?

A : Ah, I knew I had missed something.
To join a GvG or a GvE you must have integrated your guild at least 3 weeks before.

Q : Currently, an outpost fight draws players to the game, if they happen. Dozens. A GvG ... Will draw much less. Especially if you cannot join the sides or include new players.
Doesn't that trivialize it ? We tested a GvG, and it was hard for the opposing party to rally 4(!) people.

A : Sorry, we have already discussed this several times.
And work for several months with many players on the subject.
Of all factions.
I know that the project has been dragging on ... Unfortunately.
But I'm not going to go over every point.
For new players, 3 weeks is nothing.
Also, we are talking about GvG and GvE, not FvF.

Q : I drop guild on daily basis, for alt GHs ... The bulk is a huge issue. Does that mean I cannot do that anymore ?

A : Yes, you can still do it. In the case of GvE, if you are in the guild at the time of the bet, you will be able to ask to participate in the attack against the tribe.

Q : So on the day of bet, I am in the guild, and between after bet and attack I still can drop and come back to guild ?

A : In the case of the GvG it is not simple, it could work too, if at the time of the declaration of the GvG you are in the guild, you will be able to participate.

Q : So why don't you just add a button for GvG declare and make this whole thing easy ?

A : There will be a button, I promise !

Q : Will there be a dashboard or something to track which outposts are being taken by tribes, which outposts are producing what, etc ?

A : There will be a table to know which outposts are taken by the tribes, yes.
It will be used to put the bets.
But not which outposts produce what.

Q : Sorry, back to the 3 weeks game mechanics. Does that mean we don't need to consider the 3 weeks anymore ?
As long as we are present in guild at time of GvG declare.

A : If you declare a GvG, at this time, there is a list of saved members.
If you leave the guild, you can ask to recover the date of entry in the guild that had been registered.

Q : Can a guild refuse GvG if a smaller guild wins GvE and then get GvG declare ?

A : No, a guild cannot refuse the GvG.

Q : Do I understand it right : a guild can win an outpost in GvE. But then the outpost can be taken away from them in GvG ?
What's the time they are guaranteed the OP ?

A : Or in FvF.
10 days.
And all the outposts become as they are now, eventually.
The clock is ticking and it's time to move on to the last topic.
We will put ''OP refactoring'' back on the agenda for the next meeting.
So let's talk about recruitment.
We are looking for volunteers who want to help write event scripts, or who want to become actors by playing a character in the events we play.
The training is assured, and the entry in the acting is done very gradually to leave time to the recruit to take its marks.
Join us to benefit from this unique experience!
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at
We are also looking for volunteers to join the support team to help players in various ways :
- Computer and technical assistance, bug handling, role of tester on the test server, ensuring compliance with the game rules.
To learn more, please see this post : #2.
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at
We are looking for volunteers to translate and proofread in-game texts and official announcements in the languages of the game, as well as to proofread texts in these five languages.
Even if you don't have a lot of time to offer, your help is welcome !
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at
Our Devs prepare regular patches, and it is thanks to the crucial role of testers that they can arrive on Atys with very few bugs.
That's why we're looking for volunteers who want to give some of their time to help with bugs and test new features under development.
You will be able to help according to your availability and choose freely the tests you want to participate in.
If you have any questions about recruitment, you can also contact me on chat.ryzom, I will be happy to answer them!
That was the last topic for today !
Thanks to all, and good game on Atys !

Edited 19 times | Last edited by Margote (3 years ago)


Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team

#269 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (May 2nd 2022)

Date: monday, May 2nd, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • OP refactoring
  • Boss refactoring
  • Offer a subscription
  • Activate DeepL in more ingame channels
  • Recruitment

#270 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – 02 May 2022

Well, when you have to start !
I give again here the topic on the forum : &post206409=en#1.
I will quickly summarize.
So last Monday there was a rotation of the OP materials and 50% of the OP were taken by tribes.
So we don't know what materials the OP of the tribes produce, but the guilds that still have an OP could see their new material and the new Q, which can only be 150 200 or 250.
At the same time, the betting system to obtain the right to attack in preview one of the OP of the tribes has been implemented.
Do you have any questions ?

Q : One question : at what point must the membership and level requirement be met ?

A : At the time of bidding.
This simplifies the process enormously.

Q : We have 14 OP taken back by NPCs.
I thought there are 24 OP in total ? That would be more than 50%.
Oh ! There are 28 OP actually. My mistake !

A : Let's forget it !
There are in fact 50% of the OP in zone 50, 50% in zone 100, etc ...
There are also the same qualities produced in each area.
Thus in zone 50, the OP produce 2xQ150, 1xQ200 and 1xQ250.
Same in zone 100 and 150.
No questions ? Any comments, opinions ?
Or does everyone want to see what it will be like ?

Q : Does the loss of the outposts also depend on the region ?

A : No, it's totally random.
Well ...

Q : Is 1/4 of the 50% in the country Tryker for example ?

A : No.
It is 50% of the OP in zone 50.
But then they can all be Tryker.
No chance, we'll have to send the giant robot guards next time !
It is possible to consult the OP taken by the tribes at the banner in the cities.
It is located next to the NPC outposts.

Q : It is possible for Q250 OP to make Q150 OP materials at a fast pace ?
Wouldn't be a waste ? I'm not sure if Q150 greslin pickaxes would be very useful !

A : An OP 250 always produces at the same rate, whether it is a Q150 or Q250.

Q : Right.
Wouldn't it make more sense to have Q250 OP make only Q250 OP materials ?

A : But indeed, nothing prevents if you find it more useful that the production is different depending on the Q. You'll have to suggest it on the forum.
The 250 OP have already produced lower Q materials.
So it's still something that already existed, we just added the random aspect so that the value of an OP varies from one cycle to another.

Q : Prior to OP Refactoring, no Q250 OP made lower than Q250 OP materials.

A : I can assure you that it was the case !
<ATOM Name=''quality_200'' Value=''0.06''/>
<ATOM Name=''quality_150'' Value=''0.02''/>
<ATOM Name=''quality_250'' Value=''0.92''/>
Here is what an OP 250 produced.
0.06% of Q200.
92% of Q250.
0.02% of Q150.
It is indeed very little, but it was still possible. That said, we didn't try to make the system as close as possible to the old one either.
We really think that the point of the OP wars is to fight to obtain an interesting outpost.
Have action and challenge.
If no other questions, I guess they will come later, we can move on !
Boss Refactoring.
We have taken into account a large number of feedbacks on the first version in the PR.
And we proposed to the working group a modification.
It will separate the PR system from the surface system.
On the surface (excluding Nexus) the system will be the same as the one on PR currently.
That is to say, only bosses with a creature in the region will appear.
Thus, as there are gubanis in the Void, there will be a gubani boss.
The frequency will be on average once a day.
As far as Rewards are concerned, here are the changes we will make.
All the bosses of Atys (with the exception of Kizarak) will appear in the 9 regions of PR.
It will be every 1st of the month randomly distributed among the 9 regions, which will give about 6 to 7 bosses per region.
The list of bosses available in each region will be available as a rumor from the scouts (NPCs) in the region.
This list will be updated every month.
The bosses of each region will appear with exactly the same frequency.
It's like putting the 6-7 bosses in a bag, and pulling them out randomly one after the other.
Then once they have all appeared, we put them back in the bag and start again.
So if you know which bosses are dead, you can eliminate them from the list and know which ones will arrive (but not in which order).
And not to miss any of this valuable information, at the death of the boss a pile of material and bones will appear at the place of his death.
This pile can be analyzed by anyone in order to know which boss died and approximately when.
Writing down and sharing this information will make it easier to target areas to check if you are looking for a particular boss material.

Q : So, if I understood correctly : on the surface, about one boss per day and per region. In the PR, 6 to 7 bosses per month and per region ?

Q : Question : How often does a boss appear in the PR / What is the cooldown within a month in a single region from one boss to the next ?

A : It's the same thing, about 1 per day.
So 30 per month per region.

Q : That's significantly more than before, isn't it ?

A : It's the same thing !
The pile with the bones will remain 24 hours.

Q : Would 48h be possible ?

A : I'll give you that !
We often use a temporary value because it is difficult to talk with letters.
So the 24 hours were for information purposes, 48 hours could be a correct value too.
Let's say between 24 and 48 hours, it will be defined !
Are there any questions ?

Q : Will some bosses become unavailable for a month with this system ?
(From the fact that they would not be selected in any region for example).

A : No, it's just the opposite.
All bosses of the game will be available.
Madakoo, for example.
So many people miss him.
Well, he will be in a region in June.
Sometimes a 150 area, sometimes 200 and yeahhhh sometimes in 250 area.

Q : Do we know the number of materials produced by an OP per day/month according to its quality ?

A : I am in the process of retrieving information, to determine if the rate is correct or not. I'll take any information on this !

Q : Can a boss that spawns in one area be found at the same time in another area ? (Will a Madakoo 170 block a Madakoo 270 for example ?).

A : Madakoo will only be able to appear in one region during the month.
If he is assigned to a region 150, he will only appear in region 150.
But, there is obviously a special case.
If Madakoo appears last days of June in a region, he can appear the following month in another region at the very beginning of the month.
Because we only change the lists, we do not make disappear bosses that are already in game.

Q : If I understand correctly, he will only be 270 once every 3 months?

A : PR levels : 250-250-250-200-150-200-150-200 ----> 4/9 chance for level 250.

Q : When you say 6-7 bosses per region ... Do you mean per land ? Or per region (like Dryon, thesos, etc ...) ?

A : We only talk about the 9 regions of PR.

For the surface regions, it's the current system used in PR.
There is no list, but only the creatures that exist in the area that give a boss.
These are 2 different systems.
In PR : 6-7 bosses in the 9 regions.
Out of PR : Bosses depend on the creatures in the area.

Q : And on the surface, there can be 2 similar bosses in different places though ?

A : Yes, each region is independent.
So there are many Kipee bosses !
Kipees are everywhere !

Any other questions ?
Let's move on !
Next topic : Offer a subscription.
Last month I published a poll about "be able to gift a subscription to a friend": &post206156=en#1
As nearly all the players who answered voted for it, we'll add it !
So you'll have soon the ability to offer a subscription to another player.
Next topic ?
Activate DeepL in more ingame channels.
We are testing the extend of DeepL to new channels : Leagues, Teams and Factions (Kara, Kami, Marauder, Ranger, Matis, Fyros, Tryker, Zoraï).
We hope you'll enjoy the feature !
Last topic ?
We are looking for volunteers for different teams : event, support, translation, testing.
We are looking for volunteers who want to help write event scripts, or who want to become actors by playing a character in the events we play.
The training is assured, and the entry in the acting is done very gradually to leave time to the recruit to take its marks.
Join us to benefit from this unique experience !
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at
We are also looking for volunteers to join the support team to help players in various ways :
- Computer and technical assistance, bug handling, role of tester on the test server, ensuring compliance with the game rules.
To learn more, please see this post : #2.
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at
We are looking for volunteers to translate and proofread in-game texts and official announcements in the languages of the game, as well as to proofread texts in these five languages.
Even if you don't have a lot of time to offer, your help is welcome !
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at
Our Devs prepare regular patches, and it is thanks to the crucial role of testers that they can arrive on Atys with very few bugs.
That's why we're looking for volunteers who want to give some of their time to help with bugs and test new features under development.
You will be able to help according to your availability and choose freely the tests you want to participate in.
If you have any questions about recruitment, you can also contact me (Tamarea) on chat.ryzom, I'll be happy to answer them !

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Jadeyn (3 years ago)


Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team

#271 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (June 13th 2022)

Date: monday, June 13th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • News about the projects about to be released
    • Rywards
    • Silan Refactoring
  • Feedback about the released projects
    • Outpost Refactoring
    • Boss Refactoring
  • Recruitment

#272 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – June 13, 2022

1 - Feedbacks about Outposts Refactoring

Ulukyn (RT) – 19:38 UTC
Considering the way the first cycle is going, we have already decided to reduce the length of the bidding period from two weeks to one week as of the next rotation of materials.
But we are still curious to know the thoughts and suggestions that this first experience has inspired to you, the practitioners. The floor is yours, then!

Q: It is a pity to have to bet without knowing what exactly you are betting for (bidding period) or, later (period following the recapture of OPs in GVE), to have to attack in GvG or FvF an OP without knowing what it produces. In both cases, these are too risky bets. To find oneself owner of an OP producing only Q200 material after the effort made for the hardest conquest is very disappointing. Couldn't we make public the production of relevant OPs once the bidding period closed?
A bet is, by definition, more or less risky. As far as level 250 or 200 OPs are concerned, you are indeed faced with a dilemma: abstain in order not to risk the disappointment you point out (and stick to bidding on level 50 outposts, for example) or take it in order not to miss the chance (which is not negligible, despite all) of obtaining Q250 materials.

Q: As it is logical that the "richest" OPs are the best defended, would it not be preferable that the difficulty of a GvE battle be based on the quality of the production of the OP it concerns rather than on its level (that of the region where it is located)?
No, because small guilds must also have their chance, so they can bet on an outpost knowing they can conquer it with a small troop. Bets are made on the quality of the materials produced (bidding on a 250OP exposes to a bad surprise, on a 50OP to a good one) but the difficulty of conquest cannot be risky, except to let play only the big guilds with big needs.

Q: Shouldn't there be a maximum number of GvE attacks allowed for guilds to take back from NPCs the OPs the bids have assigned to them, so that the OPs don't remain blocked (forbidden to GvG or FvF attacks) for too long? Couldn't we agree, for example, that a guild, after two failed GvE attacks, let another guild attack in GvE before, if necessary, being able to attack a third time in GvE?
Yes, this is a proposal we will think about. In fact, another proposal to make GvE less difficult has been made and is under consideration: that attackers should not lose a "Max Level" when they lose a round (so conquering an OP at threshold 7, for example, would require winning only 8 rounds). In fact, we'll probably review GvE attacks to reduce the mentioned blocking time, whether it's due to NPCs being too resistant or too many failed attacks.

Q: Many regret the previous system, where guilds had more freedom, were less subject to rules and deadlines. Because the present system is slow: for example, the GvE recapture of the whole of OPs concerned in the present cycle was completed only recently and no FvF battle has yet taken place... Couldn't the system be simplified to speed up the operations?
We've had similar feedback, yes. The operations of the current cycle have indeed required more time than expected (probably because this is the very first cycle: once the rules are stabilized and assimilated by the players, let's say within three cycles, the regime will be more sustained). Moreover, it is not impossible that we extend its duration in order to complete our observations and make the necessary adjustments for the second cycle.

Q: During GvE battles, we get bored between two squad pops (low level OPs or first rounds of high level OPs). Would it be possible to add a button to the OP window, accessible only to the guild leader and allowing him to request the sending of the next squad? It would shorten the dead times…
We agree with the observation and will discuss the proposal.

Q: It would make more sense if the amount of Q250 materials produced by 250OPs was greater than the amount of Q200 and Q250 material produced by 150OPs. Better yet, since low quality materials is not very useful, shouldn't every OP produce only Q250 materials in a quantity proportional to its level?
There is a concern that if this last proposal were adopted, the 50OPs would lose much of their appeal, since they could then only produce one unit of Q250 materials per week. But we will give it serious consideration, yes.

Q: Does a guild that abandons an OP during the bidding period get back any points to bid? And, if so, doesn't this give the guild too big an advantage (the one, after having noticed that one of its OPs produces materials of no interest, of receiving more bidding points thanks to information known only to it)?
Yes. And no: this advantage makes the system more calculable and forces guilds to have as many OPs as possible at the end of a cycle. This contributes to the goal set for the refactoring: making OP battles flourish again.

Q: Couldn't we, to make the bidding period more interesting, credit all the guilds, whatever the number of OPs they own at its opening, with the same number of points to bid but set a maximum to the number of OPs owned by the same guild at the end of the recapture period (GvE)?
A (given the all-out debate between participants initiated by the question):
It is reminded that everyone can join the OP Refactoring working group in which all these questions and proposals will be examined and discussed.

2 - Feedbacks about Boss Refactoring

Ulukyn (RT) – 20:21 UTC
And let's move on: any questions, feedback, proposals about Boss Refactoring?

Q: Would it be possible to award a title ("King of Bones" for example) to the players who would have found 1000 bones of killed Bosses or/and to the first one who would have found 1000 living Bosses and to grant an achievement to those who would have killed all the Bosses? And the same as for guilds?
Proposals noted: we will think about them!

Q: Today only the leader and his senior officers are informed via the guild app of the results of a search for Bosses. Couldn't we allow all guild members to access this information?
Yes, because the restriction was not deliberate (it has no reason for being). And other bugs (in the scaling of Bosses, in the display of their minions' characteristics, etc.) will be fixed too.

Q: Couldn't we display on the bones of a fallen Boss the names of the players who killed him?
No: it would not be easy to implement. Moreover the players involved would probably not agree to such a display.

Q: Could the bones of a fallen Boss appear not in the place of his death, but in the place of his birth?
No, because that would be implausible (what wild animal perishes in the exact place of its birth?) and would remove all interest in the search for Bosses.

3 - Introduction of Rywards

Ulukyn (RT) – 20:50 UTC
In the next few days we will implement the new Rywards window intended to replace the display of the objects constituting the furniture of the apartments. It has been tested and only remains to write and distribute the announcement presenting it.
As soon as it is implemented, new objects will be available and new possibilities will be offered to apartment owners. Namely: purchase of furniture previously reserved for players of other nations and conversion of their duplicates and other unwanted items into tickets that can be exchanged for new ones.
Your further ideas for furniture enrichment will be welcome!

Q: Possibility to send your duplicates to friends? To host a fourth zig in your apartment?
It is noted and we will consider it.

Q: Will the bug that prohibits retrieving or moving furniture placed in the Marauder Camp apartments be fixed?
Yes, we have it treated.

Q (off topic): Will the new stats for the faction shield and robe, as well as their crafting plans, be available on this occasion?
A (given the passionate debate between participants launched by the question):
Let's move on.

4 - Silan Refactoring

Ulukyn (RT) – 21:12 UTC
The new beginners' isle is now in test on Gingo (so its implementation should not wait too long) and includes :
• some pages enriching the creation of the character by allowing to indicate briefly its tastes and its background;
• a new tutorial area (already in place but empty for the time being);
• a dynamic tutorial organized in lessons explaining the basic gameplay;
• ... and still the sleeping lady (but she doesn't snore anymore... phew).
Other tutorials will be added later (and I'd be happy to have help for their design :D ).
So you'll soon be able to create an "alt" to test all this.

Q: Will the lessons of the new tutorial remain available for reference, or will they disappear after the new player has read them?
Yes: they will remain available at any time in the Academic Knowledge section of the Encyclopedia (accessible in-game via the Shift+E combination).

Q: Will the tutorial be completed to accompany new players in their discovery of the continent?
Yes, that's what we have planned.

5 - Quality of Life on Atys

Ariald (RT) – 21:20 UTC
I have been inactive for a while, but I am happy to announce that I have resumed work on the next "Quality of Life" patch.
This patch will be implemented in mid-July (estimate) and will include three major changes:
• Adding of pockets
• Refactoring of the Equipment window
• Refactoring of equipable items groups (part 1)
Since we have already talked about them extensively in previous meetings, I'll skip over the pockets.
As far as the Equipment window is concerned, the whole user interface has been revisited and its content (enriched with pockets, therefore) is now adaptable according to its size.
The management of groups of equipable objects is a bit problematic today. The user interface is bad: everything is controlled through / commands and the SysInfo window. The problem will be solved by two patches:
• the first one (mid-July, thus) will allow the player to create, display and delete groups of items via the game UI (but the / commands will remain operational, so optional use);
• the second one will go deeper and allow the player to modify the content of the groups directly in the Equipment window enriched for this purpose with checkboxes.
As usual, this QoL patch contains many bug fixes and small features that I won't detail one by one. But be aware that applying it will allow you to open (finally!) the exit dialog box by simply pressing the Escape key!
To finish, if you want to follow the progress of the patch in a more detailed way, here is the link to the GitLab milestone that reports on it.

6 - Call for volunteers

Tamarea (RT) – 21:40 UTC
Lately, we've been putting two big projects into play: the OP and the Boss refactorings. Coming soon will be our third big project, Silan Refactoring. Behind each of these three projects, but also behind each new feature, each improvement of the game, each event played, each technical help brought to a player, there is not the work of one person, but the work of a whole team of devoted and passionate volunteers who give of their knowledge and their time, according to their possibilities, to allow Ryzom to evolve as it does today.
And for that, I thank them.
If you too have some time that you would like to devote to help them behind the scenes to make the game move forward, you can contact me on chat.ryzom or by email at, and we will see together which team would suit you best and which you could join: Development, Communication & Marketing, Event, Game-Design, Computer Graphics, Level-design, Lore, Support, Testing, Translation & Proofreading. The choice is vast!
If you prefer to help out by joining a group working specifically on a project, that's also possible. For example, at the moment, OP Refactoring and Silan Refactoring projects.
Feel free to contact me for more information!

The meeting is closed at 21:45 UTC.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (2 years ago)


#273 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (September 12th 2022)

Date: monday, September 12th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.

Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • Atys games (feedback)
  • Rywards (feedback)
  • OP refactoring
  • Boss refactoring
  • Silan Refactoring
  • Novel in Ryzom Universe
  • New Ticket System

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Maupas (2 years ago)

#274 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – September 12, 2022

1 - Feedbacks about Atys Games and Rywards

Ulukyn (RT) – 19:32 UTC
Ulukyn invites attendees to express their opinions and suggestions on these two topics, as well as on the latest updates of Ryzom Chat.

– I enjoyed the Atys Games races, but why didn't you announce on the forum that they were prolonged and that there would be a reward for participants even if they didn't win?
Ulukyn :
During the Games period, this month of August, the communication team was not in full...

– During the games, the Silan Creatures events were great: they filled my pockets with dappers! Please offer them again!
– As for me, I think that the rewards we received then were too big: the excellent token are worth almost nothing with this type of event.
– Agree: I still have some left even though I didn't participate much.
Ulukyn :
Duly noted.

– Personally, I was absent during the Games (on vacation). So I didn't have the opportunity to participate to much... Wouldn't it be better to span them over two months?
Ulukyn :
We could indeed, by proposing a different set of activities depending on the month. By the way, this is what happened on a month this time: the events on Silan were introduced two weeks after the beginning of the Games. So this proposal will be considered.

– It would be nice if the winners of the Games were published in the forum. Indeed, as I couldn't attend the closing ceremony this year, I don't know what happened to my entries.
Ulukyn :
Sounds like a good idea.

Ulukyn concludes the segment by stating, regarding Rywards, that in the coming months:
• underwear will be moved there;
• all items will be exchangeable for tickets;
• sending items to friends will be possible (with restrictions for F2P players that remain to be determined).

2 - Outposts Refactoring

Ulukyn (RT) – 19:50 UTC
Two important pieces of information:
• the next rotation date for raw materials produced by outposts is Wednesday, October 5;
• the bug that affected NPC placement in outposts has been fixed.

Scheduled changes to the outpost mechanics, which will mark the end of the first stage of the refactoring when implemented:
• the length of the bidding period will be set to one week (i.e., for the upcoming rotation, October 5-12);
• battle-rounds lost by the attacking guild in GVE will no longer lower the "Max Attacker Level" by 1 (including Nexus); this should make GvE easier;
• a guild failing to retake an outpost in GVE will not be able to attack an outpost in GVE for a week (except in Nexus);
• after a failed GVE attack, the threshold of the concerned outpost will no longer be raised back to its initial value, but will keep the value reached at the end of the lost battle (and then decrease over time).

Tutorial interlude
Following a request for clarification from a participant not translated by DeepL in Ryzom Chat, it is specified that the translation for the readers (including those in game) of what is typed in RC is effective only if the typing language is the one indicated in the [Preferences] of [My account] (see menus displayed by clicking on the icon at the top left of the RC window which bears the dot indicating your status).

3 - Boss and Silan refactorings

Ulukyn (RT) – 20:02 UTC
Statistics of some of them will be corrected and the overhauled system (except, at first, the management of the bones of fallen Bosses) will be extended to the whole of Atys soon (probably on October 5th, or at the next server reboot).

The refactoring patch is scheduled to be released before the end of September, along with a substantial "Quality of Life" patch that will bring the improvements mentioned in the previous Ryzom Forge meetings.
On asking of a player who returned to Atys after a long absence (and who, delighted to find a living and working game, complimented the RT on it) for more details on this point, Ulukyn points to the URL of the present forum thread, which collects the minutes of the said meetings.
On Silan, we also plan to add lessons to introduce new players to the various nations and factions of Atys in as neutral a manner as possible, describing their particularities and how to join each of them. We'll start by building the lesson about the Marauders because, unlike the other nations and factions, they don't have any representatives among the NPCs in Silan.
Please note: these lessons can be built by players with no development skills. So, all contributions will be welcome!

Q: Regarding the Bosses: will they be as random as in Prime Roots or will their distribution depend on the region considered?
No: on the surface of Atys, the only Bosses likely to appear in a region will be those belonging to one of the species populating that region.

4 - New management of tickets

Ulukyn (RT) – 20:17 UTC
It's been several months (even years) since we wanted to modernize the ticket system.
The new version is in the final testing phase and brings a lot of changes compared to the current system (which is not so good).

The notable changes are the following.
• Complete redesign of the ticket submission form (including in-game) with categories based on the request, clear input fields to allow CSRs to see important information right away.
• Ticket tracking (in-game and out-of-game). That is to say, a list of tickets indicating for each one its status, the person who took care of it and its complete history.
• Possibility offered to answer directly to a ticket, allowing to start a real conversation illustrable through drag and drop of screenshots (out of game only).
• Sending, out of game but also in game, of an email indicating that an answer has been given and containing a link allowing to open the ticket.
• The same player can obviously open several different tickets at the same time, each ticket being individualized.

Do you have any questions or suggestions, features you would like to see added?

Q: Can we already test this new system? Or have a preveiw?
Yes. CSR are conducting the final tests at the moment and the test team will soon be able to move on, I think. Without risk, by the way: the future system and the current one don't share anything, for the moment.

Q (off topic): What about the faction shield design?
Please send me your idea of its statistics by private message!

5 - A novel in the Ryzom universe

Tamarea (RT) – 20:31 UTC
This summer, we had the great pleasure to see published the first volume of a novel taking place in the universe of Ryzom: "The Sacred War", written and self-published by Rémi Dromnelle.
The story, which takes place in the Old Lands, is really exciting; the immersion is fast, and one lets oneself be carried away with pleasure in the whirlwind of the heroes' life, living with them a few years of the History of Atys.
As the author is French, the novel was naturally published in that language. However, an English translation as well as a German one are in progress by volunteer players.
To learn more about this novel, see the forum thread dedicated to it, if you want to visit the book's website, it's here and, finally, if you want to buy it in hard copy or in PDF version, go to Librinova at this page.
But I warn you: it's so exciting that you'll have trouble letting go of the book before you finish it! And it's true to life!

Are there any players who have already read the novel, among those who are following this meeting? And, if so, would they be willing to give us their feelings, without spoiling the story?

(Two player-readers express their feelings:
– To get in your library right away!
– Already given on the right post: It smells like the beginnings of Rôdeurs and Marauders. It's the History of Atys, but one name escaped the author: Kal (it won't speak to everyone, but to Aniro players certainly).

The next issue of our magazine "Behind the Scenes" will be dedicated to an interview with the author of the novel, Rémi. When I finished reading the novel (at 3 a.m.) and he asked me what I thought, I replied: "I want the sequel !!!!!!!!!!!!!". The volunteers of the translation team will be the first to have the privilege of reading this issue... and the translation team is recruiting!
I should also point out that the author (and this is something very important to him) wanted to allow our community to read the novel for free on the Ryzom wiki (click on the language flag to display its ongoing translations). But feel free, of course, to buy the book too if you want to support the author!

Q: Is the novel based on the Lore, or do original characters appear there?
A :
Both! This is fiction, not a summary of the Lore. But it tells a real part of the Lore. In fact, the author has constantly solicited the Lore team during the writing process, both for clarification and validation.

Q: For me, I would rather it BE the Lore of Atys than a fiction. The History that you can read in the wiki is acceptable, but a historical library of Atys would be great.
This fiction describes in a very plausible way a large part of the past of Atys, in the Old Lands.

Various issues

Ulukyn (RT) – 20:17 UTC
The dynamic event of kitin invasion seldom runs during the week and, given the large number of invaders, it sometimes takes a long time to resolve.
What would you think, then, of more frequent invasions involving fewer invaders?
(The suggestion is welcomed and Ulukyn, on the remark of an attendee, confirmed that this frequency/importance ratio of kitin invasions could indeed be adapted to the number of players present on Atys at such or such time of the year.)

Q: Couldn't we propose one-off events like "Festive Nests", where items to be discovered by other players could be placed, hidden or not, on Atys. This kind of event really adds a lot of fun, atmosphere and RP opportunities, I think.
The "Festive Nests" mini-game was indeed very popular during the last Refugee's Day. As we haven't decided how the Rywards will be offered to friends, this kind of event is a possibility... But I can't say anything more.

This is followed by some remarks and suggestions that launch debates among the participants, debates that Tamarea, to conclude, invites to continue on the forum.

The meeting is closed at 21:25 UTC.

Last edited by Maupas (2 years ago)


#275 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

Ryzom Forge meeting report – October 10th, 2022

1 – Feedbacks about the last patch patch

Ulukyn(RT) – 19h36 UTC
And we'll start as usual with the feedbacks. Are there any feedbacks/comments/suggestions about the last patch?

-- Is it planned to resize the missions window properly? It can't get as small as it used to be, and it doesn't get big enough for some of the longer descriptions?
Ulukyn : Ok, I'll add the problem to the list right now

-- The graphical problems are pretty bad. The sizing of objects. It happens everywhere. Sometimes things are so big they fill up the entire screen and I cant even see where I am going.
Ulukyn: The bug is known and is being fixed, but it's not easy because we don't know why it only affects players on Macos.
The patch introduced a smoother creature/item magnification. Before, when a script changed the size of an object, it was done in steps, visually it was ugly.
I don't understand why it only bugs on Mac (and I don't have a Mac... so not easy) but I'll find out eventually :). Probably something stupid like it often does.

-- Regarding the redesign of Silan and the new tags I created several characters to test a little bit of everything and I could notice that the tags are mixed between the characters. I have two new characters with no tags, they have been moved on to old characters
Ulukyn : I will contact you for more info, I'm interested.

-- Regarding the new tutorial, when you grow psykoplas for training, you have to kill the psyko that grew before growing another one. Otherwise the bag buds count down but there is still only one growing
Ulukyn: [i]That's right, every time you grow a bud, the previous one disappears, so there aren't dozens of them for nothing. This is intentional, the same principle applies to the maraudeur banner. What would you suggest?
I was thinking of maybe avoiding the bud count in the bag if we didn't kill the psykopla involved.
Ulukyn: That's an idea. I make a note, I don't know if it's feasible :)

-- I have a compliment for you. :) I think the new possibilities in the inventory are great. The new pockets are very useful in the daily game. A big congratulations for that.
A second action bar that doesn't reflect the first one anymore, I don't find that very useful.

-- I'm a fan of the fix that allows you to sell directly to the NPC again with Shift + Enter
Ulukyn: We were wondering if this was fixed for everyone (I never had the bug for example), so much the better if it is the case :)

Ulukyn: Are there more crashes than before? There were quite a few after the patch, especially when going to Silan. We fixed 2 big bugs.
We will try to get better crash logs, so we can fix more of them, if there are people who have C++ knowledge on the subject, it would be great :)

--At some time, there were some crashes when we were trading old tokens (the ones we have in exchange for titles), but that seems to have been fixed
Ulukyn: Yes, this one is fixed.

-- Can the NPC sale be reset to the way it was before, i.e. recognizing that the Shift key is still pressed? Since the patch, you only sell one item to the NPC and to the players, so if you have multiple items to sell you have to press Shift + Enter for each item, not hold Shift while spamming Enter.
Ulukyn: You should send a ticket with the details, your OS (if Linux the distribution), it seems that Shift + Enter does not work the same way for everyone.

-- All windows sometimes get stacked at reconnection. Is this a known bug? Under Windows in windowed mode, all the windows of the game are superimposed on top of each other at the bottom left. I have to replace them one by one. It happened to me 2 times in the last few days but never before.
Ulukyn: It happens on Linux, but I've never seen it on Windows. Typically, it's when the client window is minimized. The windows are then all moved to the same place. I'll get back to you to check it out.

--On the whole, nice job. We always complain about bugs or some changes. But nice job anyway. Thanks

Ulukyn: In any case, we will continue to fix the bugs and will revisit the forum for ideas of Quality of Life additions, do not hesitate to send up posts ;)

2 – New features

Ulukyn(RT) – 20h19 UTC
I won't go into detail, but it might give you an idea.

The QoL (Quality of Life) patches will continue to add new features to make the game more enjoyable and fix bugs. And in order to make the work of the devs easier, we have gathered the whole client code in one place:, whereas it was previously on 3 different repositories.
You can now see the list of issues (bugs):
Everything is public :)

About the Storyline, it will start again soon, we had a rather busy year and we couldn't progress on it as we wanted.
We'll have to improve this in order to make it progress more regularly, the lessons system should help :)

Speaking of lessons, we will obviously continue the tutorial and lessons on nations/factions. Especially since it's pretty quick to do now that the system is coded.

We will continue to add the rewards to Rywards so that it can list all the items to be won. Including the underwear (and I know this will make people happy :D )

Finally, and still with the idea of finishing things that are not finished, the guild islands will be fixed and finished (with the possibility to visit other islands).
Content for the guilds can then be added.
This is the big development axis we have planned.

Of course the ongoing projects like op refactoring, bosses refactoring and all refactorings will be continued and finalized.

--Are there any plans for the maraudeur faction?
Ulukyn: Oops I forgot. So yes, we have added the marauder camp on Silan to continue development. It's one of the things we need to finish, so we'll finish it.

-- Finishing the rites would really be a good thing.

--Has consideration been given to allowing openable items in pockets?
Ulukyn: We have already answered on the forum for some items, you can add on the post the items you think useful. For the artifact [Editor's note: automatic purchase of pacts] it is in progress, but we have prioritized the bugs.

-- Will there be "neutral" maraudeur teleportes that you can have without being a maraudeur? Because a new maraudeir has to do all the fames at -50 and then walk all over Atys to get everything again compared to the other factions.
Ulukyn : No it is not planned for the moment.

-- Will there be something for the Trytonists. They have waiting for so long.
Ulukyn: We will not add factions in terms of gameplay any more. It's a lot of work that costs us a lot. It would not be reasonable. However, in terms of RP, the event team should be able to do it (and I can't speak for them).

-- Can we still expect big new gameplay features like new light maraudeur bosses, new crafting plans, new occupations, etc?
Ulukyn: We've been constantly improving the tools in order to make things easier and simpler. That's what takes the most time, having the right tools.
For the crafting plans, every item added to the wheel is always accompanied by a crafting plan. So, once the items have been replaced by new ones, it will be possible to offer the plans as a reward.

--Speaking of crafting, the look of items created with natural mp is disappointing. Wouldn't it be possible to improve them? (Natural mp earned hard on nexus ops give crafts with pale yellow bubbles... one could hope for better)
Green would be closer to the ranger colors :)

Ulukyn: Ah if they had been refined, purified or modified yes. But without treatment, I'm afraid they will remain in a simplistic state :P
We'll see what can be done though :)

--Can we have barrel-refactoring too? There is a 150 ratio between shooki and byrh barrels (volume 1 in the bag for shooki barrels. 150 for byrh. You have to be motivated to put a barrel of byrh).
Ulukyn : Haha ok, maybe there was a mistake :)

--Achievements give yubo points. Are there any plans for them to be used for anything other than personal glory?
Ulukyn: Very sincerely... no plans at the moment. But if there are proposals on the forum, they will be taken into account.


Peu importe que la chope soit à moitié vide ou à moitié pleine, tant qu'on a le tonneau.

#276 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (January 2nd 2023)

Meeting Posponed to January 23rd.

Last edited by Ghost Of Atys (2 years ago)


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