

#241 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (September 20th 2021)

Date: monday, September 20th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
    - Ryzom installer/launcher: RyZtart
    - Wiki: Forge portal update
    - Next patch: Kitinlair occupations, Boss refactoring, Marauder gameplay
    - OP refactoring
    - Recrutement: Event team, Support Team, Translation team


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#242 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]

Compte-Rendu de la réunion de Ryzom Forge – 21 September 2021

Installeur/lanceur de Ryzom : RyZtart

Donc ryztart a été mis par défaut pour Windows et Linux. Pour Mac je continue le développement (qui avance doucement).
Une annonce a été mise sur le forum : .
Tout retour est le bienvenu. De plus sur l'annonce nous cherchons aussi des développeurs python/web qui aimeraient participer à la création de modules pour facilité la vie des joueurs.

Q : RyZtart n'a pas fonctionné chez moi (arch linux), j'ai dû passer par Steam. Serait-il possible de développer des AUR, des .deb ou des .rpm ?
R : Toute contribution est la bienvenue. Gérer tous les packages n'est pas une chose aisée. Un aur je pourrais faire, le reste je ne sais pas.
Q : Combien de temps peut-on garder le système existant ? Il fonctionnera aux prochains patchs ? Ou il faut que j'installe RyZtart dès maintenant ? (Linux ici).
R : Il existe 3 façons de lancer le jeu :
1 - Lancer l'exe et tout avoir sur un seul dossier (la très ancienne méthode)
2 - Lancer ryzom installer
3 - Lancer ryztart
les 3 fonctionnent avec le même systême de patch et continueront donc de fonctionner.
Toutefois, s'il y a des soucis de patchs, dans la majeur partie des cas, Ryztart corrigera le soucis.
Du fais que Ryztart patch lui même le jeu, là ou les méthodes 1 et 2 utilisent le client pour s'auto patcher.
Si ça loupe ... Le patch n'est plus possible.
Par contre, le ryzom installer ne sera de se fait plus mis à jour.

Q : Ryztart séparera la partie : Atys, Yubo et Gingo dans les fichiers save ?
R : De la même façon que le fait le ryzom installer. La compatibilité est à 100%.
Si vous utilisez RyZtart, puis que vous passez sur ryzom installer, celui ci pourra patcher aussi le jeu et inversement.

Q : j'utilise la méthode 1 et Steam pour patcher mes fichiers. Dois-je passer au nouvel installateur ?
R : C'est original comme façon de faire mais ça marche aussi très bien. Donc aucune raison de changer.
Q : Je parle de ces pauvres victimes de Windows 10 et de leurs étranges cartes son : l'ancien installateur avait un bouton pour appeler l'ancien configurateur Ryzom où il est possible de régler le pilote du son - FMod, etc.
R : Il a été rajouté il y a deux jours.
Q : Je suis toujours sous Windows 7. Est-ce que le nouvel installateur pourra être utilisé ?
R : Normalement oui. Mais s'il y a un souci, contactez moi.
Q : L'ancien installateur fonctionnait bien. Pourquoi l'avoir changé ? Simple curiosité.
R : Pour pleins de raisons.
Mais la principal c'est qu'il ne patchait pas le jeu.
Le patch du jeu était à la charge du client lui-même, ce n'est jamais une bonne chose.
Si le client rate le patch, il n'y a plus de moyen de patcher.
Ou alors passer par le patcher à part mais qui ne marche que pour Atys.
La deuxieme raison, c'est que le ryzom installer est une galère pour gérer les accès aux serveurs de tests.
On peut passer des après-midi pour essayer d'ajouter le serveur Yubo ou le serveur Gingo.

Q : Gingo, Yubo ... Ce sont tous des serveurs de test ?
R : Oui.

Wiki : Mise à jour du portail de la Forge

Nous allons remettre un peu à jour la page du wiki de la Forge.
Surtout que nous avons pu simplifier quelques processus et installation grâce au travail de ryzom core (en particulier Kaetemi).
Je vous présente la maquette du nouveau portail : .
Les liens sont des placeholders, c'est essentiellement pour présenter la nouvel vision du wiki Forge.
Avec l'idée d'orienté le joueur en fonction de ce qu'il sait ou aimerait faire.
Nous essayerons d'ajouter le maximum d'informations sachant que pour les nouveaux contributeur, trouver de la documentation est plus difficile que de monter toutes les branches de création de bijoux ...

Q : Build le client et le serveur est-il toujours autant une galère ou c'est devenu plus simple ? Je sais que c'était un point bloquant pour certaines personnes il y a quelques années.
Surtout lancer un ryzomcore server opérationel plutôt que la compilation elle-même.
Pourquoi ne pas fournir des primitives de base pour avoir un ryzomcore fonctionnel ? Je pense par exemple aux anciennes zone de départ raciale.

R : Le build client se fait maintenant via un petit script sous Windows, le même script sera adapter à Linux.
Pour ce qui est du serveur, le build est aussi simple, mais ... La mise en place d'un serveur plus compliqué, surtout que cela nécessite des datas privées.
Mais ryzomcore fourni une archive complète, clef en main pour lancer un serveur core.
Ce qui dans la grande majorité des cas suffira.

Q : Les données rudimentaires n'étaient-elles pas disponibles depuis Silan lorsque le client/serveur est devenu open source ? Sont-elles toujours disponibles ?
R : C'est encore disponible et ryzomcore ajoute des données manquantes en continue.

Prochain patch : métiers de la Kitinière, Boss refactoring, Marauder gameplay

Le prochain patch sera accompagné d'une longue opération de migration qui bloquera la journée complète.
Nous allons en effet mettre à jour le serveur web et tous ses composants.
Pour cela, nous allons le faire en 3 étapes :
1 - Migration de la base de donnée du jeu et du webig vers un serveur déjà à jour (et vérifier si tout se passe bien)
2 - Tester le code sur un serveur déjà à jour (et vérifier si le code est toujours fonctionnel)
3 - Mettre à jour le serveur web
Dans les prochains jours nous procéderons à l'étape 1.
Les étapes 2 et 3 étant prévues pour plus tard.
Nous profiterons de ce jour de patch pour ajouter les derniers mini camps Maraudeurs, déplacer les PNJs et objets des métiers kitinières dans la kitinière et ajouter les nouveaux rois dans les primes (projet boss refactoring).
Les métiers ont 2 élements, un PNJ qui donne le métier et les missions.
Et un élément ciblable qui permet de créer les produits de métiers.
Ce sont les PNJs et cet élément qui vont être déplacés.
Donc les PNJs et la table seront maintenant en direct dans kitinière.
J'ai oublié de préciser que nous allons mettre en place les rois dans les primes et que l'étape suivante sera de finaliser le projet en les ajoutants sur tout Atys

Q : Cela veut-il dire que les tables de larviculteur et de parcheminier seront déplacées dans la kitinière ?
R : Oui.
Q : Les rois existants des primes seront supprimés ? Les nouveaux rois de primes changeront-ils ?
R : Je vous invite à consulter ce post : qui explique en détail le projet boss refactoring.
Q : Y a-t-il une date limite approximative ? Une date de mise à jour ? Il serait bon de connaître la date approximative afin de pouvoir la planifier un peu.
R : Si tout se passe comme prévu, le patch avec fermeture d'Atys toute la journée aura lieu en début de semaine prochaine.
Nous vous tiendrons bien sûr informés dès que nous connaîtrons la date précise.

Q : Pour les nouveaux rois : il y aura aussi des nouveaux rois dans la kitinière ?
R : Il n'est pas prévu pour le moment de nouveaux rois dans la kitinière.
Q : Rocket Chat restera-t-il ouvert ?
R : Nous ouvrirons le Discord de Ryzom afin de pouvoir y communiquer avec vous pendant qu'Atys et Rocket Chat seront fermés. Le lien sera donné sur le forum.
Le Discord de Ryzom sera ouvert ce week-end. Le lien sera donné sur le forum et sera visible sur la page de connexion à Atys pendant la maintenance.

OP refactoring

Depuis quelques semaines les tests sont en cours au Nexus.
Des informations que l'on a cela semble pas mal équilibré, mais nous aimerions avoir des retours (ici, en forum ou sur le canal du projet).
L'idée étant de valider cette étape pour passer à la suivante, celle du GvG (guilde contre guilde) qui demandera un paramétrage différent des PNJs.

Q : Un contexte sur OP refactoring, ou des liens sur des forums que nous pouvons lire sur le sujet ?
R : 0 .
Q : Certains gardes se tiennent derrière des montagnes dans des endroits difficiles d'accès. Vous pourriez peut-être vérifier à nouveau toutes les positions ?
R : Je vais faire mon mea-culpa, c'est moi qui les ai mis là pour voir un peu la tête que feraient les joueurs. Aucun soucis à les déplacer.

Recrutement : Event team, Support team, Translation team

L’équipe de Support reprend sa campagne de recrutement.
Nous avons besoin de vous, de votre disponibilité, de vos connaissances techniques et gameplay du jeu mais aussi de votre diplomatie, afin d'agrandir nos rangs et de répondre au mieux aux attentes des joueurs.
En tant que CSR, vous aurez diverses tâches à accomplir parmi celles pour lesquelles vous vous sentirez le plus à l'aise :
- Assistance informatique auprès des joueurs : les aider à faire fonctionner le jeu correctement sous Windows, Linux ou Mac ;
- Assistance technique : répondre aux questions des joueurs portant sur l'utilisation du client et sur des problèmes relevant du gameplay ;
- Traitement des bugs : aider les joueurs faisant face à un bug, vérifier les bugs remontés par le système de tickets et les transmettre ensuite à l'équipe de Développement ;
- Rôle de testeur sur le serveur de test ;
- Veillez au bon respect du règlement du jeu ;
- Modération des canaux de discussions, des forums et de tout autre support utilisé par Ryzom.
Pour en savoir plus, veuillez consulter ce post : #2 .
Pour postuler, contactez exclusivement Tamarea à

Nous cherchons des bénévoles souhaitant aider à écrire des scénarios d'event, ou bien souhaitant devenir acteurs en incarnant un personnage lors des events que nous jouons.
La formation est assurée, et l'entrée dans le jeu d'acteur se fait très progressivement pour laisser le temps à la recrue de prendre ses marques.
Rejoignez-nous pour bénéficier de cette expérience unique !
Pour postuler, contactez exclusivement Tamarea à

Nous cherchons des bénévoles afin de traduire des textes en jeu et des annonces officielles en anglais, allemand, espagnol, russe, français, ainsi que pour effectuer la relecture de textes.
Pour postuler, contactez exclusivement Tamarea à

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Jadeyn (3 years ago)


Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team

#243 [en] 

Q : Is building the client and server still a pain in the ass or has it become easier ? I know this was a sticking point for some people a few years ago.
Especially running an operational ryzomcore server rather than the build itself.
Why not provide some basic primitives to have a working ryzomcore ? I'm thinking for example of the old racial start zone.

A : The client build is now done via a small script on Windows, the same script will be adapted to Linux.
As for the server, the build is also simple, but ... The server build is more complicated, especially since it requires private datas.
But ryzomcore provides a complete archive, turnkey to launch a core server.
Which in the vast majority of cases will suffice.

You can link to this directly, and you're welcome. (This is still in preview, so please share any issues.)

The package provides not only the server & client development environment, but the complete graphics and leveldesign pipeline.

It only takes about an hour to set up a local development environment and shard.

We'd love to see the old islands fully released, but WG so far won't allow us. They are empty for now.

Q : Wasn't the rudimentary data available from Silan when the client/server became open source ? Is it still available ?
A : It is still available and ryzomcore is adding missing data continuously.

We only have permission to release data that does not contain any unreleased balancing or mob placement data, and only the essentials to make the assets, client and server fully build and run.

Landscape can be fully built now. We painstakingly restored several missing source assets for the Ring landscape that were lost in the transition from Gameforge to WG. (And in the process fixed some islands that were broken in the original build.)

Additionally, a group of disgruntled ex-players is working on creating tools and spreadsheets to generate new data procedurally. Currently all mobs and equipment items are usable, allowing you to create your own world using both World Editor and the Ring. Player actions and materials are not yet available and still in the works.

***DEL*** irrelevant.

Edited 6 times | Last edited by Tykus (3 years ago)



#244 [en] 

Currently all mobs and equipment items are usable, allowing you to create your own world using both World Editor and the Ring. Player actions and materials are not yet available and still in the works.

I'm following this project for a while and I had tears in my eyes seeing (a more or less empty) ring shard working on my own machine! I miss this game mechanic so much and I am very thankful to all the people involved who fixed the many issues this project had.

I hope to see some of these mechanics return to the main game again, esp. for roleplay and / or events this could add some excitement granted the tools and shard is stable with a larger group of players.

I'm excited for Ryzom to see so many new projects appearing, interest in the game is still strong.



#245 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (October 4th 2021)

Date: monday, October 4th, 19:30 UTC (21:30 CEST)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • Database migration and webIg server change
  • Feedbacks on the Patch: Kitinlair occupations, Boss refactoring, Marauder gameplay
  • Recrutement: Event team, Support Team, Translation team

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (3 years ago)

#246 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – 04 October 2021

I'm going to review the migration and the patching that went on.
We had planned to migrate the very old web server that contained the webig and nevrax tools to a new fresh server.
In order to minimize the problems, it was agreed to migrate only the database (step 1), upgrade the server to a ubuntu version still in LTS (16.04) at least (step 2).
Then on the server make a copy of the apps and test them in php 7 (step 3).
Finally when everything would be ok, we would switch on (step 4).
Then finally a new server will come to add the replication in case it is necessary to switch services (step 5).
Well ... All this was without anticipating that the web server would fail.
This forced us to finally do steps 1 to 5 in 24 hours.
So, report of the operations :
All our servers are currently running Ubuntu 20.04.
The old web server is going to leave us (but no one is going to mourn it ...).
We have the main applications running without major errors (quite a few warnings that we will correct as we go along).
But overall, it's a very good thing done and no more big migrations are planned.
The next updates will be done during a reboot on the Atys server so that the game will not be blocked anymore.
So for the migration, we are not bad.
If there are any questions about this, don't hesitate.

Q : We have just seen that a server failure can always happen. However, as I understand it, there are not enough servers to ensure true redundancy.
Is this taken into account in the BCP/DRP ? In fact, is there such a thing as BCP/DRP ?
Not everyone is familiar with the technical terms, can you rephrase ?
Business continuity plan / disaster recovery plan : basically, the crisis management plan.
(Cf. SGDSN guide on the topic).

A : The database will be replicated with, the code too. and will be mirrored in order to take over in case of.
All via ip failover to not have to wait for DNS propagation.

If no other questions we can move on to the patch.
There is still a problem to fix concerning the occupations of the Kitin Lair which are bugged.
This will be solved soon, but we don't know if it'll be necessary to patch and reboot the server or not.
We'll keep you informed.
Boss refactoring has been fixed at launch and for the moment is running normally.
If all goes well, at the next reboot/patch we will apply the system to all Atys.

Q : When will that be estimated ?

A : Difficult to say, it will be necessary to adjust this according to the feedback of Boss Refactoring and the events of Anlor Winn.
Also missing are the icons for the Marauder mini camps (which will be added without needing a patch).

Q : If the old Boss system has a minimum respawn time of ~2 days, what's the minimum respawn time for the current new Boss system ?

A : Very good question ...
It is exactly of ...
Damn ... They deleted my post !
Well, too bad !

Q : Good evening. The wheel had problems, is it spining correctly ? And above all to bring back prizes ?

A : Yes. According to my tests, it is good.
I have added the id and the name of the items that we win in the info system.
If the wheel is blocked or an item is not won, just send us the screenshot of the info system.

Q : Does it work when you win a whole furniture too ? I feel like I've never been able to recuperate them.
The Id of the item, it also works for the complete pieces of furniture that we win at the wheel ?

A : Yes. So if it bugs, I'll know which item.
If no other questions, openssl ?
I know everyone is looking forward to this topic.
So, to put it simply, our clients are no longer compatible with a modification of the let's encrypt certificates.
Which remains one of the major authorities for providing ssl certificates.
To understand : it is thanks to them that we secure our websites in https.
And as a result clients are no longer able to access https sites that have a let's encrypt certificate (which is the case for our servers).
There is a configuration that allows to keep compatibility with clients using openssl 1.0 (so the old version).
This is what we did while waiting to update the clients.
Currently we are testing Windows 64 bits and Linux 64 bits clients with openssl 3.0 and no major issues.
We will apply the same modification to Steam and Macos versions.
If you are hosting webig apps that are no longer accessible from the game, you can come see me and I will help you configure your server to enable compatibility (this is a certbot option).
Well, it's still under discussion but we wonder if we will continue to maintain 32 bits versions under Linux (and Windows).
There are really very few people left on 32 bits configuration.

Q : Your last sentence let me suppose that I have my answer : is there a volume of Windows (7, 8, 10), Linux (I don't make the list), MacOS clients with 32 or 64 bits precision ?
Without revealing it to us of course. Or percentages, maybe ?

A : We use Steam's stats as a basis, but we don't have this kind of information on our side.
MacOS it's easy : there are no more 32 bits clients for years.

Q : My new laptop that is Windows 10 will only run ryzom on 32 bits config so what will happen to that ?
I had to go into advanced config and choose 32 bits, to make it work.

A : The OS is 32 bits ?
So we have at least one player still in 32 bits.
We can talk about it again in private message, it can be interesting to know what forces the use of 32 bits.

Q : Hum, why openSSL 3.0, and not 1.1 ? 3.0 seems a bit too experimental, for now.

A : It has been stable since September 7.
It is only used with curl in a very basic way.

Q : If I may interject, that wasn't a change in let's encrypt certificates : one of their root certificate expired, which is quite different.
All the certificates were cross-signed and therefore there was another path to valid root.
As far as I know the issue was that old versions of OpenSSL have troubles finding this alternate path.
New certificates shouldn't have this issue, therefore a quick workaround could be to rotate the certificates before their expiration date.
That's not perfect because each app would have to do so, but it seems better that whatever hack.
By the way, there is better ACME client than certbot, but this is a different topic.

A : We based this information on : e/ .
And indeed, an openssl 1.0.2 client doesn't work, if you upgrade it to openssl 3.0 it works.

A : Yes, that's what I explained.

A : Ah ok, great then !
This meeting is quite technical !

Now the last topic : recruitment.

Support Team
The Support team continues its recruitment campaign.
We need you, your availability, your technical knowledge and gameplay of the game but also your diplomacy, to expand our ranks and best meet the expectations of players.
To learn more, please see this post : #2 .
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at

Event team
We're looking for volunteers who want to help write event scripts, or who want to become actors by playing a character in the events we play.
Training is provided, and entry into acting is done very gradual to allow time for the recruit to get his bearings.
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at

Translation Team
We are looking for volunteers to translate in-game texts and official announcements into English, German, Spanish, Russian, French, and to proofread texts.
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Jadeyn (3 years ago)


Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team

#247 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting (November 8th 2021)

Date: monday, November 8th, 20:30 UTC (21:30 CET)

Meeting places:
  • Atys, on the public forge channel
  • Ryzom Chat, channel #pub-forge-xx (ex

Duration: 1.5 hour

Participants: all Ryzom players wishing to join.

Nature: informative, questions & answers and feedback meeting.Topic: Added, in test and ready to be tested projects.
  • Current projects
    • Pen-and-paper role-playing game in Ryzom universe
    • OP refactoring
  • Recrutement: Event team, Support Team, Translation team

#248 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Ryzom Forge meeting report – November 8, 2021

1 - Pen-and-paper role-playing game in Ryzom universe

Drumel (RT) – 20:39 UTC
For some time we have been working on a role-playing game in the Ryzom universe. The goal is to be able to play outside the New Lands, either on the Old Lands, now or before the Swarmings, or in other more remote places. Places that will never be in the MMO, for example places where resurrection does not exist.
There is a playable first draft, and I need testers, initially one or two teams of four people. People to play and point out what works well and give suggestions for improvement. For the moment, the working version is in French, and my level in other languages means that I can only have people playing in French. But if a game master wants to get involved, we can also set up tests in other languages.

Q: What is the purpose of this? I have a hard time understanding the principle of taking people out of the MMO to go to restricted areas when the MMO is sorely lacking in players.
No, it's not that at all! It's a complement, we're not taking anyone away from the MMO. Tabletop roleplaying allows you to explore the game world without the need for tehnique, it's a game played around a table with paper, pencils, and dice. We chat, and we don't need a screen or a computer :-) and we are currently working on a "rule book".
To put it simply, it's Dungeons & Dragons in the Ryzom universe, if that makes for you more sense.

Q: What type of table game it is? Card game like [/i]Magic: The Gathering[i], card game with map, map with dices, miniatures with rulers?
It is not a card game, it is a game where each player plays a character, and one of the players, the game master, embodies the entire environment. (See Wikipedia article.)

Q: Is the goal to build a game that Winchgate can publish?
A priori the game will remain in PDF or POD, and will be distributed for free. As for the rules, I plan to put them under a CC-By-SA license, but I haven't discussed it with Winchgate yet.

Q: I just wanted to add that tabletop roleplaying has been gaining a lot of popularity in the last few years in France. I can't say if a Ryzom tabletop roleplaying game will succeed in bringing roleplayers to the MMO, but in any case, it can help to make the universe known. So this is a good initiative in itself, because the Ryzom universe is worth knowing. Do you plan to record/film games? In stream, maybe. Hot to test if not!
At the moment no, and I think it would make me too uncomfortable to do so.

Q: Can we have a precise idea of the method used to test, then?
Precise no, but it will either be a visio, or just voice with screen sharing, maybe using a dedicated software like Rolisteam.

Q: I was wondering if, when I would like to play with so and so, I should put my webcam, my microphone…. Otherwise, what will it bring us more? A comeback to conviviality?
The final objective, beyond the tests, is to allow players to play at home with their friends, around a real table. The tests are to help in the development.
A comeback I don't know: personally, I have never stopped playing tabletop roleplaying games since university.

Drumel notes the names of the five participants at the meeting who expressed interest in testing (including two non-French speakers whom he will contact directly afterwards) and retains the idea of a wider call for testers (on the forums) before closing his contribution.

2 - OP refactoring

Tamarea (RT) – 21:28 UTC
The outpost refactoring project is Dev's current #1 priority.
Now that GvE tests are finished, we are preparing the next tests on Atys, which will involve GvG. Like GvE tests, these ones will be performed on special outposts.
Ulukyn (Dev) will come to present this GvG part in detail during the next Ryzom Forge meeting on Monday, December 6th.

Q: Since I'm currently without a guild, I was wondering: is the lack of "traditional" outpost battles for the past few weeks due to guilds being busy with testing?
No, there are other explanations for this stalling (participants give some). But the latter is the reason why we keep the redesign of the outposts as our #1 priority. We'll talk about it again at the next Ryzom Forge meeting.

3 - Recruitment

Tamarea (RT) – 21:42 UTC
Support Team

The Support team continues its recruitment campaign for volunteers.
We need you, your availability, your technical and gameplay knowledges of the game but also your diplomacy, to expand our ranks and best meet the expectations of players.
To learn more, please consult this post: #2 .
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at, and do not tell anyone about your application!

Event Team
We're looking for volunteers who want to help write event scripts, or who want to become actors by playing a character in the events we play.
Training is provided, and the entry into acting is done very gradually to give the recruit time to get used to it.
Join us to benefit from this unique experience!
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at and do not tell anyone about your application!

Translation Team
We are looking for volunteers to translate in-game texts and official announcements into English, German, Spanish, Russian, French, as well as to proofread texts in these five languages.
To apply, contact Tamarea exclusively at

That was the last topic for today!
If you'd like to contact Drumel about tabletop roleplaying, you can do so on chat.ryzom, or reply to the meeting minutes on the forum when they're posted.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, December 6th!
The two main topics will be Bugs and testing, and Outpost redesign.


(21:51 UTC)

Q: Would it be possible to know if patch here the proposed can be authorized? I'm itching to share it (and use it). I don't necessarily expect a definite answer now, but I would really like to have an official answer at some point, because I want to go kitin hunting with my friend. And I know that this kind of topic is easily overlooked... At the same time I'm not going to use and spread what can be considered as a feat, without official authorization.
I can't answer now, the idea must be investigated by the Devs. But we will answer you on the forum.

The meeting is closed at 22:00 UTC

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (3 years ago)


#249 [en] 


Against the CoC, see:

Slander or rumour about a Ryzom Team member or Winch Gate

(Major/Minor offence: depending on the degree, the Support Team will decide on each case)
Spreading rumours, false accusations or lies against a member of the Ryzom Team or against Winch Gate, in order to harm them or their reputation or honour, is strictly prohibited.The Support team reserves the right to make appropriate decisions based on the seriousness of the facts.

Edited 9 times | Last edited by Tykus (3 years ago)



#250 [en] 

I have a hard time understanding the principle of taking people out of the MMO

That's the dumbest argument against community projects ever, and this sort of closed minded thinking is why Ryzom will never recover. Adding more target markets does not take away from your existing niche target market. Growing the community does not shrink it.

It would tho, any ryzom player playing another game is taken away from playing ryzom.
Anyone buying the board game who isn't an existing ryzom player and decides to give ryzom a try would be an addition true.
A board game set outside of the game would always primarily target board game players and potential new ryzom players secondary.
No need to be condescending either.

Last edited by Magez (3 years ago)


#251 [en] 

It would tho, any ryzom player playing another game is taken away from playing ryzom.

Look at the resurgence of CP2020 when Cyberpunk 2077 came out and you'll see how wrong that is. It's a little different there since CP2077 is not an MMO so many peopel will stop playing after beating it a few times, but my point that it's not a zero-sum equation remains.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#252 [en] 

It would tho, any ryzom player playing another game is taken away from playing ryzom.

Look at the resurgence of CP2020 when Cyberpunk 2077 came out and you'll see how wrong that is. It's a little different there since CP2077 is not an MMO so many peopel will stop playing after beating it a few times, but my point that it's not a zero-sum equation remains.

I get what you mean, but what i mean is time cannot be spend on both at the same time, spending those 1-2 hours on the board game are 1-2 hours that you are not present/active/engaged into ryzom.
Active playerbase optics is already a problem in ryzom, when 1 person leaves a large crowd it goes unnoticed, when 1 person leaves small group it will.
With your Cyberpunk example its doubtful 100% of cp2020 players that tried cp2077 did all return, of course a themed board game is very different from an mmo, not like going from fps to fps, but it remains that players time will be split regardless if they return.

Regarding the board game itself, i understand the 'fun' but not the benefit of it, the splitting of players activity/time aside, dev-time and resources spend there could have been spend on the main attraction, i also fail to see how it will attract new players besides circles of friends that likely would have already mentioned ryzom if there was interest among them (i hope), in the case of marketing i have doubts and raise the question why marketing ryzom isn't done more in stead and in the case marketing ryzom is already exhausted i fail to see why the board game would then raise new players in its place.


#253 [en] 

but what i mean is time cannot be spend on both at the same time, spending those 1-2 hours on the board game are 1-2 hours that you are not present/active/engaged into ryzom


Against the CoC again.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tykus (3 years ago)



#254 [en] 

dev-time and resources spend there could have been spend on the main attraction

***DEL*** irrelevant.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tykus (3 years ago)



#255 [en] 

Regarding the board game itself, i understand the 'fun' but not the benefit of it, the splitting of players activity/time aside, dev-time and resources spend there could have been spend on the main attraction, i also fail to see how it will attract new players besides circles of friends that likely would have already mentioned ryzom if there was interest among them (i hope), in the case of marketing i have doubts and raise the question why marketing ryzom isn't done more in stead and in the case marketing ryzom is already exhausted i fail to see why the board game would then raise new players in its place.

The person behind this tabletop rpg project is already active in the Lore Team. He is not a developer of the game. So his time wouldn't have been spent on development. Working on a tabletop rpg is a good continuation of the lorist work: it will use the existing lore and extend it.
It is NOT a marketing project too, it's a tabletop rpg that a passionate is making and wants to share it with the community. You are not interested in it, fair enough it's your right so just pass by it won't change anything for you at all.

PS: Ryzom is claiming to have a strong "role-playing" community and looking at feedbacks this tabletop rpg project is receiving tells me it's a false statement.
Last visit Wednesday, 5 June 21:26:55 UTC

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