#194 Added by Tamarea 4 years ago
#195 Added by Nilstilar 4 years ago
Project description note: https://cloud.ryzom.com/f/159212(The links on this note don't work, but you can find more comparison screenshots here: https://imgur.com/a/Kx33JTO)At this stage we have a good baseline for texture replacement and we work mostly on specific types of textures that require special attention.
Service description note : https://en.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/New_Billing_ServiceThe new billing service, developed by Ulukyn, is implemented this week.SirCotare contributed by creating the interface at the website level.
Our goal is to limit the gameplay impact of the multi-alts gaming as much as possible.To achieve this, we will act in two steps: an update of the Code of Conduct and a progressive chanhe in the gameplay.1 - Short-term action: updating the Code of Conduct• Limit multiboxing to two accounts connected simultaneously during outpost battles, Bosses hunts, assaults on Marauders Chiefs and Storyline scripted events. In case of abuse, send a screenshot showing the violation to Support.• Tolerance of multiboxing up to four accounts connected simultaneously in other cases: leveling, roleplay, etc.2 - Medium and long term action: modification of the Ryzom gameplayWe're working on changing the gameplay little by little to limit the advantage of multi-alts over Bosses, Marauders Chiefs and Storyline scripted events.This is the expected outcome of the two projects presented below, Bosses refactoring and Outposts refactoring, but also of the future scripted missions of the Storyline.
The main objective of this project is to reduce the gameplay impact of Boss camping, including the one practiced via multi-alts.Project description note : https://cloud.ryzom.com/s/sHtn43WJiwtxrBNI need to clarify or underline some of the points made in this note:• In a given region, only Bosses of one of the species already inhabiting the region will be able to spawn (the program controlling the pop of Kings will use a file listing the species inhabiting each region). As a consequence :– if many new Bosses will pop, some of the current ones will not pop anymore, such as Madakoo (since no "common" madakam lives in the Prime Roots ecosystem)… but other versions of the madakam Boss will pop on the surface) ;– contrary to what the note indicates, there will be no Raguketh 270 popping since no ragus inhabits the 250 region of the Desert ecosystem.• Bosses logically non-existent by the above rule, whether they exist (such as Madakoo, for example) or not at present, will exist later on to "animate" OOC or scripted events (Storyline). Thus, Madakoo will not completely disappear…• … Nor, for that matter, the materials collected from these lost Kings who today fill your Guild Hall.• The refactoring responds to the objective stated above in that it will result in a significant increase in the number of possible popping spots of Bosses per region, thus making it difficult to predict which spot in a given region (now hosting, moreover, a greater diversity of Bosses than today) will see the next Boss of a given type pop.
The aim of this project is to revitalize outpost battles by restoring interest in all POs, by having them change owners regularly and by diversifying the types of combat. It will also reduce the gameplay advantage of multi-talts.Project description note : https://cloud.ryzom.com/s/pCP3JJgBrrMCgipSome points to emphasize here again:• All outposts, regardless of their level (which will remain unchanged), will produce either Q150, Q200 or Q250 materials.• No guild will no longer be allowed to keep an outpost for the sole purpose of enjoyment (if any) of its possession.• To remember: outposts will change hands much more often and regularly than in the past!
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (4 years ago) | Reason: Various fixes
#196 Added by Kaetemi 4 years ago
server reboot
#197 Added by Kaetemi 4 years ago
HD texture
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Kaetemi (4 years ago)
#198 Added by Maupas 4 years ago
Nilstilarserver reboot...
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Maupas (4 years ago)
#199 Added by Gidget 4 years ago
3 - MultiboxingTamarea (RT) – 20:25 UTCOur goal is to limit the gameplay impact of the multi-alts gaming as much as possible.To achieve this, we will act in two steps: an update of the Code of Conduct and a progressive chanhe in the gameplay.1 - Short-term action: updating the Code of Conduct• Limit multiboxing to two accounts connected simultaneously during outpost battles, Bosses hunts, assaults on Marauders Chiefs and Storyline scripted events. In case of abuse, send a screenshot showing the violation to Support.• Tolerance of multiboxing up to four accounts connected simultaneously in other cases: leveling, roleplay, etc.2 - Medium and long term action: modification of the Ryzom gameplayWe're working on changing the gameplay little by little to limit the advantage of multi-alts over Bosses, Marauders Chiefs and Storyline scripted events.This is the expected outcome of the two projects presented below, Bosses refactoring and Outposts refactoring, but also of the future scripted missions of the Storyline.Q: When will the amended Code of Conduct be published (implemented)?R : During September and you will be notified before then.
#200 Added by Fyrosfreddy 4 years ago
Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (4 years ago)
#201 Added by Tykus 4 years ago
Agenda1 - Op refactoring2 - Recruitment
Last edited by Tykus (4 years ago)
#202 Added by Tykus 4 years ago
AgendaCoC Update https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/31250/1 Russian version addedMultiboxing
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Tykus (4 years ago)
#203 Added by Jorgensen 4 years ago
Last edited by Jorgensen (4 years ago)
#204 Added by Magez 4 years ago
#205 Added by Moniq 4 years ago
#206 Added by Jorgensen 4 years ago
#207 Added by Eolinius 4 years ago
Last edited by Eolinius (4 years ago)
#208 Added by Magez 4 years ago
Mise à jour du code de conduite:
Plusieurs choses ont été ajouté comme la règle pour les noms personnalisées des zigs et toubs, Il a été aussi ajouté les boss Maraudeurs dans la règle III.8.Diverses corrections ont été apportées aux textes, surtout dans la formulation, je vous conseille de le relire en entierDiverses corrections on été apportées aux textes, surtout dans la formulation, je vous conseille de le relire en entier1- Ajout de la version Russe https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/31250/1 Nous remercions particulièrement les traducteurs qui ont travaillé rapidement pour accorder les diverses version du code, avec les changements, corrections etc…
III.4. Multiboxing : III.4.1 Règle générale : Le multiboxing (le fait de jouer plusieurs personnages en même temps, sans l’aide d’un logiciel tiers) est limité à deux comptes connectés simultanément pendant les batailles d’avant-poste, les chasses aux Rois, les assauts sur Chefs Maraudeurs et les événements scénarisés de la Storyline (voir III.4.2) et tolère jusqu’à quatre comptes pour les autres activités.Lorsqu’un joueur joue plusieurs personnages simultanément (multiboxing), il ne doit y avoir aucun doute pour un observateur qu’ils sont contrôlés manuellement l’un après l’autre et non par un bot. En cas de doute, l’observateur est invité à envoyer à l’équipe d’assistance une vidéo montrant les personnages agissant de manière apparemment synchronisée. L’équipe d’assistance décidera alors si cela constitue une violation du présent Code de conduite et, dans l’affirmative, si cela est le fait d’un éventuel bot (voir III.3) ou s’il s’agit seulement d’une violation des règles édictées par le présent alinéa (III.4). Dans ce dernier cas, les comptes concernés seront soumis à une restriction de connexion simultanée (impossibilité de connecter deux ou plusieurs comptes simultanément).
III.4.2 Multiboxing pendant les batailles d’avant-poste, les assauts de Rois ou de Chefs Maraudeurs et les événements scénarisés de la Storyline Infraction majeureLe multiboxing est limité à deux comptes connectés simultanément pendant les batailles d’avant-poste, les chasses aux Rois, les assauts sur Chefs Maraudeurs et les événements scénarisés de la Storyline Si vous soupçonnez un abus, merci d’envoyer une capture d’écran ou une vidéo montrant la violation à l’équipe d’assistance
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