
#18 [fr] 

A titre personnel, je suis plutôt contre tout ce qui rend le jeu "plus facile".
Les niveaux de jeux élevés devraient encore plus se mériter, et ne pas être disponible pour des joueurs dilettantes.

Mais je propose une amélioration : rendre plus agréable les abords des étables.

Un pnj ramasseur de bouses de mektoub pourrait passer plus souvent, et se faire aider par les joueurs présents.
Il faudrait que le ramassage des bouses soit facile, et demande peu d'efforts, de manière à ce que ce soit accessible à tous, très facilement.

#19 [fr] 

Il faudrait que le ramassage des bouses soit facile, et demande peu d'efforts, de manière à ce que ce soit accessible à tous, très facilement.

Merci Djaimse pour cette tranche de rigolade dès potron-minet :D


-- Yragael

#20 [en] 


Hey, I hear you. Playing difficult games is rewarding in its own way.

But .. such a game will never achieve mass attraction. It's simply not possible. If you need any significant number of people, you have to soften the edges, and leave some hardcore nuggets of pain for those who enjoy that.

Really, this topic here reminds me of an older one, almost to a T : Why I will never pay to play Ryzom. Back then, right like now, older players told the new one that things are exactly as they're supposed to be.

Well, to me it's pointless to watch the same arguments unfold again and again. Good luck keeping Ryzom like it is. I hear a slow death is preferable to changing one iota.


#21 [fr] 

euh.. on a déjà les catas illimitées.. ça suffit toujours pas? une fois que vous aurez 12k, il faudra combien de temps pour demander encore un fois 2?

Ryzom est un jeu qui donne la possibilité de up toutes les branches, mais ce n'est pas une obligation. Si ça vous gonfle, personne ne vous oblige à les faire.

#22 [en] 

I fail to understand why people think boring and repetitive grind is difficulty. It's not difficult, it's just repetitive and grindy.

Difficult is going to dig supreme mats solo in an area filled with vorax where KPs are patrolling nearby. Or killing jugukoo with only 2 homins. Those are challenges.

Spending countless hours killing cratchas all the way to 210 and after that pulling najabs one by one in a very safe and comfortable environment is not difficult. It's just boring and repetitive.


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#23 [en] 

Exactly. It's not difficult. And even worse: once you've done it for the first time, the next time it will be even easier, giving the same amount of experience over and over again. After your first master you can fight monsters that give 6k from 20-200 with little to no effort. It's just not even rewarding at this point. You hit your melee stanza and return after 1 minute to get your 6k exp and start hitting the next Cratcha. If it would be profitable to TRY to kill higher monsters for more exp, there would be a new sense of reward. If it would be profitable to hunt Kinchers instead of Cratchas, I might try and feel challenged again. THIS is what I am talking about.

We have to make the game more fun in some aspects to keep the new players and also keep the old players. We have to give new players a chance to catch up to the old players to take part in every aspect of the game. And I also think that this change is actually quite urgent. We need it now, where we still profit from incoming Steam users and while the requests for restoring characters are high.

I would love to get a response from the Ryzom staff on that matter.

How difficult would implementation be? Does the Ryzom staff also think about the new players and recurring players?

#24 [en] 

I fail to understand why people think boring and repetitive grind is difficulty. It's not difficult, it's just repetitive and grindy.
Difficult is going to dig supreme mats solo in an area filled with vorax where KPs are patrolling nearby. Or killing jugukoo with only 2 homins. Those are challenges.
Spending countless hours killing cratchas all the way to 210 and after that pulling najabs one by one in a very safe and comfortable environment is not difficult. It's just boring and repetitive.
Riku, it depends. It is up to the player to make level training boring or interesting. That is, btw., true to most ingame activities.

As to Jugukoo, I only managed to kill it with 3 homins (but 2 players). If you know what to do, it is more repetitive than hard after having pulled it to a tp - takes a lot of time as it is tenacious and has loads of hp - some eggs recommended, too. In a team of two, it indeed needs a lot of time, concentration, and skill, I am not sure whether I could manage it, even with a very good partner. But alas, what does that mean, if not that such an excellent player has a lot of routine, knowledge, and dexterity. And how to obtain that if not by patiently training and honing of your abilities, which of course is "repetitive and grindy".

When the server merge happened, I had "only" mastered 21 skills. Note that level training then had already been eased by introducing cats, and obtaining cats by introducing the sadly removed advanced occupations, later. I somewhat regret the introduction of permacats because it made it less necessary to interact.

From the design of the game, it was not intended to make acquisition of levels that easy. Instead, the idea was that players should usually have a few masters so that they had to cooperate in teams, guilds, alliances, and networks of friends. The alleviations of the level burden already highly eased soloplay, or playing with alts. This was, to some extent, a necessity. But further easing might prove destructive.

I have seen games going downhill because the management, driven by the wish to acquire new subscribers, pressed to "make things easier". That was particularly the case in GW1 where I witnessed it myself, but reportedly by friends who played it, in WoW as well. Such easing drove out loads of experienced players, when their frustration and boredom could not at least be compensated by extensions of the games or even a successor game Project, an option which is not available for Ryzom nor is it - at least the latter - desirable.

Unless one is willing to spend tons of hours of training one should accept that mastering of skills is not for free. The option either to do it with low risk at frequently crowded level spots, or seek more risky and entertaining methods, is up to everybody, as well as the decision either to play in guilds, teams, with alts, or a mix of all that.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#25 [fr] 

Pourquoi vous voulez tuer le jeu encore plus vite?

6 mois et tous full 250. Et? Ce qui va devenir vraiment ennuyeux ce seront les gens qui vont se plaindre, encore plus, qu'ils s'ennuient après.

Moi, je propose qu'on revienne à l'ancien système à 3K max par kill. Ca permettra de redonner de l'intérêt aux catas d'op et de réinstaurer le métier de fabrication des catas.

Et qu'on ne me dise pas que c'est parce que mon avatar a fini, parce que du coup, j'en monte un autre et dans l'état actuel ( catas illimitées ), c'est plutôt une balade de santé..

Last edited by Nerwane (8 years ago)

#26 [en] 

@Daomei: I agree there's certain players that go off the beaten track to make grinding a more challenging activity for them. Amazons Mysticia for exampe does that a lot. All I'm saying is that most people don't do that, but still think Ryzom is a more difficult game because it has a long and arduous grind.

I just think that's a very artificial difficulty. It doesn't challenge you as a player, it just forces you to spin that hamster's wheel longer and harder.

And I also agree many games, like the ones you mentioned, have been totally dumbing down the experience to make it completely accessible to casuals. Someone once told me nowadays you can reach level cap in WoW in one day. But what kills the challenge in those dumbed down games isn't the ease of leveling, but the ease of the "end game" content as well. Raids in WoW are also very easy, dumbed down and casual from what people keep telling me as they quit the game.

I would be totally fine with a game in which you could reach level cap fast but then have difficult, challenging and deep end game activities that require tactics and coordination. In EVE skill training is passive, you don't need to grind for skills. It happens automatically, you just choose which ones to train first. All you need to grind for is isk, but there are just so many different ways to acquire isk, and some of them aren't even grindy at all. Just requires you to be clever about it. And no one in their right mind would say EVE is an easy or casual game. It's as hard as they come.


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#27 [en] 

D'un côté on a les partisans de l'exp facile, de l'autre ceux de l'exp difficile (ou normale, je dirais).

Actuellement, un joueur abonné est automatiquement mis sous exp facile, sans même avoir le droit de désactiver les catas. Autrement dis, le niveau d'exp facile est devenu un standard, et c'est pour cela qu'il y a une demande de la part des pro-exp facile.

Je ne pense pas que cet exp facile imposé ai un quelconque impact positif sur le jeu (ni même sur le nombre d'abonné parce que je sais bien que le but est là).

Au contraire, il n'a que des impactes négatifs, et c'est pour cela que nous sommes en train d'en discuter ici.

La solution a déjà été proposée : Désactiver ce système, redonner ainsi de l'importance à la production de catas (que ce soit par les OP ou métier ou je ne sais quoi).
De ce fait, l'exp normale redevient le standard, et l'exp facile le bonus.

Et pourquoi pas le métier de ramasseur de bouses à l'étable (très facile d'accès et échangeable au taux de 1 cata le kilo, l'étable va être propre :) ).

#28 [fr] 

C'est pas le nombre d'abonnés le fond du problème là..

Tout d'abord pour up une seconde ou x branche à 250, faut en avoir monté une.. donc la personne est abo déjà.

Ensuite, vu le franc succès de la mise des catas illimitées sur le nombre d'abo et la population d'atys (smile).. je ne pense pas que dire à un nouveau , tu vas up plus vite les autres branches après en avoir monté une si tu t'abonnes, va le motiver ..

Par contre, gros +1, pour les activités qui vont rester aux joueurs après avoir rapidement up tous leurs levels:

ils pourront aller camper quelques rois .. calcul rapide .. un 250 est intéressé par un roi 270..3 par pays, à la louche 10 en primes, allez..on va dire 2 douzaines tous les 3 jours en moyenne..huhu ça va être rigolo..

les sources de sup en primes, ça va repleurer que 10 min après reboot tout est vide.. mais comment faire quand on travaille au moment du reboot? ..(proposition : mettre le sup en permanent!^^)

va rester le pvp.. ah ben non..faut du bon matos pour pvp.. (voir au dessus)
va rester le rp .. ah ben oui..mais pour rp , t'as pas besoin de 50 branches 250.. (utilité de la proposition?)
va rester les ops.. ben non plus en fait.. (pour les raisons vues au dessus.. à moins de boost des mps de base à excel nations..)

c'est pas que je sois contre mais je vois pas en quoi c'est super comme idée.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Nerwane (8 years ago)

#29 [en] 

Could you please start using English?
I really don't speak french and the translator ist not helping. It just puts out extremely incorrect sentences with little to no meaning.

#30 [en] 

Can't really expect someone to magically speak in a language they do not know...perhaps just don't comment on the posts you don't understand?Everyone has the right to voice their opinion.

#31 [en] 

@Daomei: I agree there's certain players that go off the beaten track to make grinding a more challenging activity for them. Amazons Mysticia for exampe does that a lot. All I'm saying is that most people don't do that, but still think Ryzom is a more difficult game because it has a long and arduous grind.
Well, those who chose boredom have lost the right to complain about. And no, the grind is not long and arduous unless you choose to master lots of skills.

For the game proper, that is completely unnecessary. nearly all standard melee combat tasks can be done with 3 weapons, namely 1h sword, 2h axe (or sword, up to you), and pike. All the rest may play a role e.g. in PvP, but is not necessary. And there is no need to level them all up to master at a time. Mostly. even a master is not really a must.

In magic, off ele and heal are important, where heal is already useful and powerful from lvl 125 on, and healers are always in demand. And ele is easy to train.

So let us do some math. How hard is it for a solo player to reach lvl 50 from lvl 25, then going on?

Assuming she takes only on opponents 20lvls and more above her level, yielding 6k xp each, it is 58 kills (avg and mean kill rate per level is 3). A solo player, sitting down and using self heal, may still kill 10-20 mobs per hour. When fighting in a team, e.g. with a healer, xp will drop to 2/3, but kills per hour will rise to 50-100. I still recall how some kind players (thanks Tomstato ;)) took me as a healer at level 24, healing in Dyron and FF, and I became lvl 78 in an afternoon.

Between lvl 50 and lvl 100, it is already somewhat more, kill rate per level rises from 4 to 8, and it needs 338 kills for a solo player to achieve lvl 100. To get to lvl 150 from lvl 100, it needs 542 kills (from 8 to 15 kills ph), and from 150 to 200, it will be 931 kills (from 15 to 22). Between 1 and 3 lvls per hour are still possible.

Just for completeness: To reach the master level, it takes other 1315 kills at 6k xp, which is not possible, as xp drops to 2000 per opponent once one kills mobs of the own level. Moreover, at those levels, healers and teams are very recommended.

What I wanted to show: it is in no way hard or cruel grind to reach level 200 in any combat skill. If concentrating on, it can be done in a week or two of casual play. On the toplevels, more cooperation is recommended, and, btw. is more fun too.

Assuming you are playing in team all time, have an average yield of 4k xp/mob, and a fairly low kill rate of 60 mobs per hour (kincher and najab teams will rofl about, they do up to 3 kills per minute), it takes 45hrs to ascend from lvl 50 to 200, and 78hrs from 50-250. I fail to see that an exaggerated effort. (btw. I took a low kill rate to take in account the time to gather a team and hold it together)

[quote]I just think that's a very artificial difficulty. It doesn't challenge you as a player, it just forces you to spin that hamster's wheel longer and harder. [quote]
In Ryzom, the route is the goal. I had much fun during level training, and somewhat regret that the times are over when I could do training with newcomers, showing them spots and tricks. And I still like plod teams and sometimes heal off team (granted I want my share of skins and eyes, then :) )

I would be totally fine with a game in which you could reach level cap fast but then have difficult, challenging and deep end game activities that require tactics and coordination.
Ryzom is not such kind of game, and won't be. Btw, I do not consider 2 weeks til master a hamster wheel. Those of us who are achievement addicts clearly have to grind, and those who do have fun. Those who don't may achieve the necessary minimum of masters, or even high levels without masters, and engage in other activities like roleplay, explorations, harvesting, or PvP. They cannot request to get a Spirit of War title within a few days.

Well I know Eve, and do not like it due to being forced to PvP. But just a matter of taste. And leveling in digging ist also widely passive, you have to dig for range fight (and will have maxed ammo crafting before auto/launcher fighting). Other crafts will come when doing dapper missions, or occupations. There is a lot of passive leveling in Ryzom.

#32 [en] 

Even though your calculations are extremely favoring your point of view, they clearly show that a normal player would be forced to grind for one whole month at 2 hours a day in order to get one master. That is two hours of doing nothing but constantly grinding monsters that are not even hard to kill.
What about occupations? What about PvP? What about guild life? What about fame? What about crafting and harvesting?
I can't farm two hours every day just to enjoy the game like the others do. I can't farm two hours a day for half a year without doing nothing else just to wield 3 different weapons, heal and deal some damage.

The point is not if it is possible, the point is that it is neither challenging nor fun. It is just extremely repetetive. And who is gonna craft all the stuff I am using? Who is gonna harvest all the mats if I don't have time for it?
You can't say this is in any way justified or purposeful. I don't want to grind one weapon to master and stick to it for eternity because leveling is just too boring. I want to be free to do whatever I want to do without needing to grind for more than one month just to use the weapon on a level the community expects me to. What happens if I notice I don't like 2-hand weapons? Should I be punished by having to level 1h sword + dagger? (Which are two masters by the way!) Giving me the opportunity to get more experience simply makes the choice to level another weapon easier. The other option would be to leave the game, because the grinds are in no way justified. Which is exactly what many many people do. I want to change that.
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