Level Design


#36 [fr] 

I just wanted to take a moment to thank the team for working hard on 12 projects and 4 rites. October is coming and I'm super excited, even if things are delayed I am glad we have some updates.

Will apply for Slack so I can see the updates


#37 [fr] 

Thank you Loved. The projects have been put in break a little waiting that all clients will be moved to v3 but it's nearly finished now, so they will restart very soon.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#38 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
2016 october, 10th

- GM rights of the Yubo accounts have been removed, and in the future these accounts will be closed. These accounts will be gradualy replaced by new individuals accounts with GM rights and yubo access, one account for each Forge team member that asks to Tamarea. Each forge team member that created scripts on an old account will be able to ask their tranfert to their new yubo character.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#39 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
21st of november 2016

1 Recruitment
The Level Design Group is recruiting! Mainly authors with lots of imagination to break as much as possible the routine of the current Rites, Missions and Occupations
Moreover, if getting their hands dirty in Ark doesn't frigthen them, that would be perfect!


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#40 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Matis light marauder boss

Nuts: I will just add few words about a new project I'm launching with an other player in cooperation with RF.
First of all, we are only at the beginning of the project and nothing has been yet validated.

We are working on adding a new light marauder boss in forest. We already have few ideas about a possible scenario where to put the new boss etc. But we don't want to repeat the errors made with Pei-Ruz, we want to do something which is matching the Lore that's why we are still gathering informations about the known matis marauders.
We are hoping that one day (not in a near future but still) we will have this becoming true and we think it will be a good addition to the game that will benefits to every players!

If you have any question on how things are going/moving for this particular project, you can reach me here on IRC or through Tamarea. :)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#41 [en] 

But we don't want to repeat the errors made with Pei-Ruz
What errors were made with Pei-Ruz?


#42 [en] 

He can kill from a distance without moving towards you, with a sword.
But we don't want to repeat the errors made with Pei-Ruz
What errors were made with Pei-Ruz?

#43 [en] 

What errors were made with Pei-Ruz?

He should be dead since a long time, because no homin and no creature can live a long time in the goo, it's lethal.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#44 [en] 

What errors were made with Pei-Ruz?

He should be dead since a long time, because no homin and no creature can live a long time in the goo, it's lethal.

Or... maybe he has the antidote, or some deal with whomever spreading the goo to provide some protection?!?

#45 [en] 

What errors were made with Pei-Ruz?

He should be dead since a long time, because no homin and no creature can live a long time in the goo, it's lethal.

Or... maybe he has the antidote, or some deal with whomever spreading the goo to provide some protection?!?

There is no antidote, a homin (or a creature) can't stay alive if staying a long time in Goo. But this boss has been created in a time when devs were adding things without asking for Lore validation, that's why it's an addition out of Lore. And unfortunately it would be too much work to fix it now.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#46 Multilingual 

so remove it.


From past we learn,present we live and future we make:))

#47 [en] 

Agan: Well, it's one of the nicest NPC bosses in terms of needing good teamwork to to bring him down.

Tamarea: I'll take your word about the design not consulting with Lore, but your statement about creatures staying alive in the Goo is wrong, and the wrongness goes back a long way.

1) Goo contaminated kipesta in the camp of Masters of the Goo.
2) The large two-trunked twining trees that have colonized all the places where the Goo is close to Witherings.
3) Numerous examples of Goo-contaminated beasts that have lived (and even bred) for many Years of Jena. Some in Silan, even. ( I am discounting such things as the Goo-Javings, and Goo-gibbai, that were parts of Marauder plots some time back. They never lasted long enough to show if they were viable or not.)

Even homins can be un-affected by Goo if they use their Invulnerability Power. That cannot be the case with Pei-Ruz since he clearly can act and be damaged, but perhaps his magical training has allowed him to isolate the damage caused by Goo and find a power to block it.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#48 [fr] 

Hello guys,

1) Are you sure the kipesta in cage is a contaminated one ? But anyway we could imagine they replace it form time to time.
2) True, we have many large Alineas on goo in jungle.
3) The Goo contamined beast are supposed to die after a certain time.
But by the time they live they could contaminate others. It would be a turn over. Of course it's more easy to let a spot of goo-beast alive unless players kill them, and let players imagine this turn over.

And as we already replied some times ago in #pub-event-lore, normal beasts wandering on goo without problem is a "mistake". But if having them dying would be the case, players would certainly find a way to exploit this for fast xp ?

Last edited by Namcha (7 years ago)

#49 [en] 

My comment was simply a lore augmentation to be able to "fix" it.

The point of lore is they grow and have some element of truth and some element of exaggeration, right?

Maybe he gets "replaced" time to time. Anyone remember the concept of "Dread Pirate Roberts" from " The Princess Bride"?

Again, I only suggested some ways out that would explain away his survival.
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