

#25 [fr] 

[HRP] L'event matis est annoncé sur le calendrier public depuis une semaine, même si l'ordre du jour a été ajouté plus tard.
D'une manière générale, nous annonçons les events sur le calendrier public au minimum 4 jours à l'avance, si possible au moins une semaine à l'avance, afin d'éviter les conflits de dates avec les batailles d'avant-poste. [/HRP]
Bien sûr, c'est malheureusement un avantage dont peuvent tirer parti les ennemis de la Karavan en général et du Royaume en particulier...

[HRP] Par respect envers les joueurs, nous veillons toujours à ne pas placer un event officiel en même temps qu'un event joueur (bataille d'avant-poste incluse). Nous apprécions lorsque le même effort est fait dans l'autre sens. Question de respect mutuel. [/HRP]


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#26 [fr] 

[HRP] L'event matis est annoncé sur le calendrier public depuis une semaine, même si l'ordre du jour a été ajouté plus tard.
D'une manière générale, nous annonçons les events sur le calendrier public au minimum 4 jours à l'avance, si possible au moins une semaine à l'avance, afin d'éviter les conflits de dates avec les batailles d'avant-poste. [/HRP]
Bien sûr, c'est malheureusement un avantage dont peuvent tirer parti les ennemis de la Karavan en général et du Royaume en particulier...

[HRP]C'est aux propriétaires actuels de l'Avant Post de décider le temps de la second phase (phase de défense).

Dans ce cas, elle est bien une idée Karavanière de faire coïncider l'Event avec la bataille AP.[/HRP]

#27 [fr] 

[HRP]C'est aux propriétaires actuels de l'Avant Post de décider le temps de la second phase (phase de défense).

Dans ce cas, elle est bien une idée Karavanière de faire coïncider l'Event avec la bataille AP.[/HRP]
C'est pas faux, ce détail m'avait échappé... C'est encore plus regrettable.


Ducocinnio Nono, dit Duke Nono
Noble Matis, artisan de la maison noble La Firme
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena

#28 [en] 

Ghost of Atys
Agenda of the Nobles Assembly (11th of october)

This assembly, as all the Nobles Assemblies, is not public. It's opened only to the Matis Nobles, Matis Vassals and to the Ambassadors from the other nations.

This is not true. There were nobles assemblies that were public or at least where outsiders were tolerated. I am confused further since there is a cut in the agenda marking it behind closed doors. Will the ambassadors have to leave at this point also?

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Khalaoden (9 years ago)


#29 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
The second part of the meeting is postponed to (13th of october). It will be held behind closed doors, so only Matis vassals and nobles will be allowed.

Report of the Karae's diplomatic visit in Aeden Aqueus.

Army and war

1) Attachment of Sciences to the Nobles Assembly.
2) Talk of SKA.
3) Report on botanic researches.

#30 [en] 

This is not true. There were nobles assemblies that were public or at least where outsiders were tolerated. I am confused further since there is a cut in the agenda marking it behind closed doors. Will the ambassadors have to leave at this point also?

[OOC]As a rule, there is some toleration, but that is nothing that can be counted on. Ambassadors are always welcome (and would have been this time), but indeed have to leave when the agenda moves on to matters of, say, inner security. [/OOC]


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#31 [en] 

[OOC]As a rule, there is some toleration, but that is nothing that can be counted on. Ambassadors are always welcome (and would have been this time), but indeed have to leave when the agenda moves on to matters of, say, inner security. [/OOC]
I see, thanks. Unfortunately I am not an ambassador. The governor insisted on the condition that the ambassador needs to be a Tryker citizen, but I don't want to give up my neutrality.


#32 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
The Nobles Chamber of the Verdant Heights has gathered in the Royal Palace of Yrkanis, on Prima, Medis 7, 2nd AC 2585*, and was lead by His Majesty Stevano-Karan.

Were attending:
Filira Erminantius, Viscount of Avalae, Ambassador towards the Theocracy, leader of the House Les Gardiens du Savoir
Filira Salazar, major-domo of the House The Order of the Argo Navis
Filira Zagh, leader of the Noble House Alkiane
Filira Zakkk, Clerk of the Court retired, leader of the Noble House La Firme
Filirae Ozwomen, Ambassadress towards the Rangers, leader of the House Spears of Eora
Filirae Remigra, leader of the House Liberi Margus

Ser Copal, Royal Scribe
Serae Shepeng, Cleric novitiate
Serae Zendae, Hamazan and Master of Arms
Ser Dukenono, vassal of the Kingdom
Ser Faerdinel, vassal of the Kingdom
Ser Fateciy, vassal of the Kingdom
Ser Nilstilar, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Elizabeth, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Jenisa, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Leeisnecyene, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Onea, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Marae, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Nemana, vassal of the Kingdom **

The Novitiate Shepeng has open the session with the traditional prayer to Jena.

The Karan has then shared news from the royal family, starting with the pregnancy of the Karae and the imminent birth of a new royal heir, and the next return of the Karin Aniro in political life after his ten years of training in the Clergy of Jena. These good news are unfortunately darkened by the steady decline of the health of the Karae-Mother Léa.
The Nobles and Vassals attending have expressed their wishes of recovery for the Karae-Mother, and their pleasure at the announcement of the growth of the royal family.

The Houses present have then reported current affairs at the question of the Karan.
Filira Zakkk indicated that the Firme, the Noble House he’s leading, was well.
The Noble Alkian Order, in the figure of his new leader Filira Zagh, is in full revival and is working at getting a new image, still at the service of the Karan and the Kingdom in the name of Jena.
Filirae Ozwomen mentioned the good fame of her House, Spears of Eora, as much towards the Kingdom than the Karavan. They are also surveying the growth of the kitins in the Kingdom.
Filira Erminantius has reported that the Gardiens du Savoir, although few, were continuing their study works at the service of the Kingdom.
The Amazons Mysticia have welcomed a new sister.
Finally, Filira Salazar, as major-domo of the House Order of the Argo Navis, has explained that they were few and that it would probably last unfortunately.

The ambassadors of the other nations have then been given time to speak, but none of them had taken the trouble to come, at the great displeasure of the Karan.
So Filirae Ozwomen has continued with the last news from the rangers. One of them seems to have taken offence from the actions of the Master of Arms Zendae during an expedition of the SKA in the Demon’s Lap, and from the fact that non-Matis members of the SKA hadn’t been explicitly invited to join it. It is unclear if this may, or not, endanger the relationships with the rangers. Na-Karan has hence made Filirae Ozwomen and Serae Zendae responsible of ensuring there would be no further problem.

Filira Erminantius has indicated that there was nothing new in the Witherings.

Filira Salazar has brought some preoccupying news from the Desert, where emperor Lykos seems to want to regain control on his people, especially Thesos. It seems opportune to watch closely the future developments in this country, and Na-Karan has asked his Nobles to think about how to achieve this.

Due to the late time, the other topics have been postponed to Quinteth, Thermis 17, 2nd AC 2585(***) and the Chamber has then been closed with a last prayer to Jena, said by the Novitiate Shepeng.

Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Holeth, Fallenor 6, 2nd AC 2585.

Stevano Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe

* on October 11th, 2015
** As usual, please let me know by IG mail if I’ve been mistaken regarding the attendees or their titles.
*** on October 13th, 2015

Last edited by Copal (9 years ago) | Reason: Title correction

#33 [fr] 

Zo’ro-Argh lut le compte rendu et s’étonna sur ce texte:

La parole a ensuite été donnée aux ambassadeurs des autres nations, mais aucun n’avait pris la peine de se déplacer, au grand déplaisir du Karan.

Étrange! pensa-t-il. Il avait été mis dehors, accompagné d’un garde à bonne distance (il est vrai que les parois sont mal insonorisées). Les Ambassadeurs des Rangers ne seraient pas considérés comme de bons ambassadeurs?

Dehors, il s’attendait à ce que des collègues scientifiques viennent le chercher devant les boutiques où il erra assez tard, car il croyait savoir que sa présence serait souhaitée lorsque les Nobles parleraient du SKA.

Las d’attendre, il s’en alla en se jurant que l’on ne l’y reprendrait plus à venir spontanément chez les Matis, sans invitation en due et bonne forme. Les Trykers, ranger ou non, avaient aussi leur sens de l’honneur.

Il en informera les Rangers à la prochaine assemblée.


Zo'ro Argh
Chargé de recherche dans la guilde du Cercle du Bois d’Almati.
Ambassadeur des Rangers auprès des Matis.
Président de la N’ASA et fondateur de Hoodo.

#34 [fr] 

Erminantius lisait le compte rendu de son ami le scribe royal.

Au vu du retour fait par la serae Ozwomen, Erminantius avait décider de réunir le SKA au plus vite pour mettre au clair certaine choses.

Bien évidemment, ce compte rendu public n'avait été fait que sur la première soirée de la chambre des nobles, la partie où les ambassadeurs étrangers étaient acceptés.
Il savait très bien qu'aucun compte rendu ne serait publié sur la seconde soirée de l'assemblée vu que cette dernière était réservé aux seul matis.
Erminantius se demandait encore si les activités du SKA devaient être dans la partie publique ou privé... Il devrait en parler au Karan car il ne voyait pas bien pourquoi mettre cette partie sous le sceau de la confidentialité... De toute façon, les sujets ayant pris plus de temps que prévus, Erminantius n'avait pas pu présenter les activités du SKA ce soir là. Le sujet avait été reporté à une date ultérieure.

#35 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
The next Nobles Assembly on 13 Floris 3rd AC 2586 will see the publication of a magnificient book about kitins achieved as a SKA project.

Kitins' fighting characteristics,
with a detail sheet for each species.

Ranking of kitins over different criteria :
Vitality, Strikes, Moving...

31 illustrated pages,
leather cover.

Available in 3 dialects.

For this event the presence of following persons is expected :

- People who worked on this project : Erminantius, Salazar, Shepeng, Osquallo, Copal, Siela, Marae, Zendae

- SKA members not listed previously : Zorroargh, Sygmus, Remigra, Maximinus, Seternulon, Ozwomen.

- Ambassador from Federation and Theocracy

Are invited people who helped a bit : Rikutatis, Moln.

And are also espescially invited all Ranger fellows who are interested, as well as Wuaoi Yai-Zhi their instructor.
We would be honored that you'll come to appreciate by yourself the quality of our efforts regarding the fight against kitins, and the coming of this book could be a opportunity to imagine future collaborations.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Zendae (9 years ago)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#36 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch | Español
Agenda of the Nobles Assembly (8th of january)

Social organisation, tradition
News of the Royal Family.

Talk of SKA.

Politics & diplomacy:
Talk of the Ambassadors.

---Rest behind closed doors.----
Army and war

Report on botanic researches.

This assembly, as all the Nobles Assemblies, is not public. It's open only to the Matis Nobles and Matis Vassals. Ambassadors from the other nations and special guests are allowed during the first part only.

#37 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français] | Deutsch | Español
De la part de Wuaoi Yai-Zhio pour Filirae Zendae, sincères salutations.

Je me réjouis de la publication de cet ouvrage, qui semble non seulement utile mais aussi très élégant et d'une allure impressionnante.

Malheureusement, je ne pourrai être présent. D'autres problèmes requièrent tout mon temps(*). J'encouragerai très volontiers les Aspirants Rangers à être présents et à assister à sa présentation.

Wuaoi Yai-Zhio, Instructeur Ranger.

(*) [HRP] En raison d'obligations IRL, l'Event Manager qui joue Wuaoi ne pourra être en jeu.[/HRP]

Edited 8 times | Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)

#38 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Agenda of the Nobles Assembly (19th of March)

Social organisation, tradition
Yrkanis banner.

Politics & diplomacy:
Talk of the Ambassadors.


---Rest behind closed doors.----
Domestic policy

Army and war

Report on botanic researches.

This assembly, as all the Nobles Assemblies, is not public. It's open only to the Matis Nobles and Matis Vassals. Ambassadors from the other nations are allowed during the first part only.

#39 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
A second session of the Nobles Assembly will gather (on 20th of March) to deal with the topic behind closed doors which haven't been seen during the first session.

Domestic policy

Army and war

Report on botanic researches.

This assembly, as all the Nobles Assemblies, is not public. It's open only to the Matis Nobles and Matis Vassals.

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (9 years ago)

Last visit Friday, 18 October 11:26:13 UTC

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