
#1 [en] 

end the misery! :o)

random boss type spawn from same zone


or just spawn loads of mega zoanns like the old zorai :o)

Last edited by Cidreuppercut (1 decade ago) | Reason: the smiley face makes it more light hearted

#2 [en] 

random boss spawn in same level and region would be a nice idea, indeed, at least for 250 PR and all 200.

But the camping whining and hysteria is widely overblown and abused as a disguise to violate forum and chat rules and to employ griefing.

So all calm down and let the little boys shout and cry


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#3 [en] 

Please do not flame here Daomi


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#4 [en] 

blast -1 for the mega zoanns then :o)

#5 [en] 

Has nothing to do with flaming, Bina. I am a scientifically educated woman and see the burden of proof with those who set up a hypothesis. So far I read slander, insult, speculation, and suspicion about alleged widespread camping, and the assertions failed any empirical test so far. And any attempt to boil the accusations down to falsifiable and testable scenarios ended up in new allegations covering up the failure of proof.

In science you would call those people quacks and those methods fraud.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#6 [en] 

eeek the mega zoann will rise up i tells ye :o)

#7 [en] 

Camping has been going on for years, even if it's just an alt watching ready to call in the troops.

How bad it is now compared with then I couldn't say. But it's a bad practice anyway, although I wouldn't necessarily blame the camper as people will exploit an opportunity. It's the mechanics that need to change making camping more difficult.

PS That doesn't mean KPs Sub. (he knows) lol

#8 [de] 

All speculations about camping aside, more variation in boss- and named-spawns would still be great; even if just for a feeling of the game-world becoming more lively - and more gaming-fun overall :)

Unfortunately I'm not sure what kind of bosses Cidreuppercut is referring to and what kind of randomization. If it's about NPC-bosses like Pei-Ruz or Sirgio and so on, I'd like the idea that you could "call" them to make them respawn promptly with some sort of process that will "provoke" them...

In my humble opinion it would liven up the chats and support the cooperation of players if "interesting" bosses/named/mini-bosses (speaking of which: what's up with named "bosses" with choice mats anyways?) would turn up more frequently but completely unpredictably anywhere on Atys. And yes to "Mega-Zoanns" :p

Aggros should still only spawn in levels according to the regions they patrol - so newbies won't be shocked to death ;). But some Aggros could in contrast to that "put up camp" themselves at one randomly chosen spot out of a considerable number of possible specific spots - in regions even above their levels anywhere on Atys... These spots only have to be mob-free usually and a bit hidden, at the border of regions instead of in the middle of the road, and not on mat-spots either. And yes, there's a big number of such places to be found on Atys ;)

Compared to this it could be really nice to see herbivore-bosses/named showing up and wandering across all regions up to "their" level (not in regions with higher levels though; because let's say making Ora pop up in the middle of a pack of Torbaks in Grove of confusion would NOT make much sense *chomp*).

I'd also like it if two or three bosses and/or named (with different random names if possible) would sometimes appear and stroll around a bit at the same time. :) So if you've just managed to avoid Strato on your way to the Great Outback, another giant Kirosta named Strallo or something could be sneaking around the corner of Desertstock and give you a heart attack :p

Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#9 [en] 

Daomei (atys)
Has nothing to do with flaming, Bina. I am a scientifically educated woman and see the burden of proof with those who set up a hypothesis.
Climb down from your high horse m'lady and walk with us common folk for a while. You may perhaps find that other people are "scientifically educated" as well, even though we don't go around quoting Freud with silver spoons firmly wedged in certain positions and feminist grudges attempting to belittle us "little boys".



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#10 [en] 

First off, I am not taking sides in the camping issue. Both arguments boil down to inferences made from personal observation. The irony is that you dismiss the argument of those who that say camping occurs as being non-scientific because it is just personal observation, but your own argument is based on your personal obervation that this does not actually occur. You cannot have your cake and eat it, Daomei.
However, when you place your self as an 'scientific expert' who can look own on us lowly mortals who were not 'scientifically educated', you will be able to explain exactly what your methodology was in testing your own hypothesis that camping does not occur? What are these empirical tests that the camping arguement fails to pass? Where is your data? How did you try disprove your own hypothesis? How does your hypothesis that camping does not occur and is just paranoia pass empirical tests?


#11 [en] 

Lacuna, let us have a look how a hypothesis test is done.

When somebody is raising a new allegation, the assumption of the contrary is considered as the null hypothesis, the new hypothesis as the research hypothesis.

The new hypothesis is that widespread camping on bosses is occurring and being a problem. Null hypothesis is that nothing such is taking place to a significant extent. And a new allegation has to convince the skeptics, not the believers, when it wants to be science, not religion.

Not I have to prove that the alleged camping epidemic is non-existant, but the accusers have to prove that it exists.

The first prerequisite for camping existing would be the presence of campers around boss locations. A camper suspect would be defined as a player character idling in the location or its vicinity for no obvious reason.

Therefore, every lack of a camper suspect around a given location is proof that at this given time, no camping occurred. Clearly, it is no proof that there has never been camping at that location. But as bosses use to spawn randomly, a camping which only occurs here and then is not very effective, more exactly, it is doubtful whether it is camping at all.

The significance of my observations has nothing to do with that it is mine or somebody else's. If there are these mysterious campers, everybody would have to see them. And I am one among those. Additionally, I asked others whether they saw boss locations under siege lately, the answers widely being negative.

Even those who repeatedly assert this camping epidemic failed to bring up evidence for. So far, I do not see any serious challenge for the null hypothesis. Even worse, I fail to see any evidence for non incidential presence of players around boss spawns. Hard to see how an allegation can fail more ashamably.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#12 [en] 

Null hypothesis: People aren't camping

Evidence for people camping:
1) People have admitted to it.
2) Many people have seen many different alts camping.

This is a game not an article for the APS. Either you are trolling or completely unable to comprehend what others say.

EDIT: Just to add if you are trolling you are doing an awful job of it.

Last edited by Virg (1 decade ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#13 [en] 

Virg, that is not science. What is "many people"? During which period of time? How did they figure an alt? There were two players who admitted to have camped, mainly trees. Nobody admitted to camp all time.

Matter of fact is that camping is not forbidden, like it or not. And the reason is that banning it would not help much but bring CSR in the uncomfortable situation to have to discriminate between injust accusation, mere incidence of resting and idling, and forbidden camping. The CSR have better to do, and there is worse malpractice to be mended.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#14 [en] 

Daomei, you do sound a bit like a typical scientist to me, my brother is one (Dr).

Ok, instead of us trying to prove there are campers to you.

How about you prove to us they don't exist?

I've only been back about a week after a long break.

This is how it used to work, you would kill a boss then you would know it was not due to respawn for awhile, when it got closer to the respawn time you would have an alt watch for the respawn. When it respawned the alt would alert the rest of the team and we would go and kill it. Rinse and repeat.

Last edited by Avvy (1 decade ago)

#15 [en] 

The many people on the forums you have been posting on. Stop acting so dumb then trying to act so clever.

You never answered my question: Why is gassing mektoubs during pvp worse than camping bosses?



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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