
#75 Report | Quote[en] 

There can't be a technical reason why they can't transfer the characters because it's been done twice before. But if they don't/can't do it that way perhaps they can at least pull a record of all characters. Once the new server is up they would only need to wait for players to request they're levels back. The CSR's can check the players database records which will tell them what trees to boost to what level.

Boosting doesn't require anything specific to happen, it can be done in game face-to-face and is instant.
Because the population is so low it shouldn't keep the CSR's too busy after the first couple of weeks to full-fill most of the initial requests. After that I'm sure it will only be a slow trickle of old players occasionally making a requests.

I did the re-roll thing at beta, I did it again at Cho, there won't be any more reinvigorating experiences that I haven't all ready had since early 2004, the game isn't about levelling for me any more.

I know mine is an extreme case, but there are plenty of other players that have put a lot of time into just the levelling side, that won't want to do it again.

Please make a record of the databases and boost players on request...

Last edited by Final (1 decade ago)



#76 Report | Quote[en] 

We got quite a few it professionals playing. recruiting them to help on a one-time merger would be easy if they don't know how. but anyway it is VERY unlikely this is a technical issue. levels can be set by gm commands. levels can be read from db by various means.

P.S. Hopefully they will keep record of the current state. If they do the next owner of ryzom can resume at this point.

Last edited by Ulykus (1 decade ago)

#77 Report | Quote[en] 

The interview very clearly stated that they want everyone at the same level so newbies don't feel "without chance". The fact that the guys at Winchgate have no idea what they are talking about doesn't change their weird way of thinking. It being "technically impossible" is just a lie on top to make it more convincing.

#78 Report | Quote[en] 

I'm not so sure it'd be as simple as a pure lvl boost - what about all the skills that go with the levels, I'd have thought it would be FAR more time consuming to do it on a 1-1 request basis than a database merge... I still think they must be lacking the database know-how, maybe they made their main DBA's and designers redundant a while back in order to save money and just kept people with enough knowledge to keep the existing databases maintained

#79 Report | Quote[en] 

sorry, but ryzom vets always have great advantages over new players. you can say it's because of levels now. but it isn't. the only way to get a server with equal opportunities is to make all vets leave.

#80 Report | Quote[en] 

Take our Dappers (and our equipment, even), reset the Economy, but preserve our Skills, names, and Faces. Naming conflicts can be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, if there are overlaps between servers (first one to log in keeps their old name, otherwise prompted for new name, but skills still left intact).

Totally agree!! reseting the skills is just gonna put alot of ppl off..

#81 Report | Quote[en] 

I think it is a reaction out of desperation. There were a couple of attempts to increase the playerbase, without too much success. Now they are running out of money, and have to do something. Reducing the number of servers is comprehensible.

Possibly somebody had the "bright" idea that the lots of old seasoned players abhor new ones to start a career. While that may have some point, sometimes, I think it is a grave misconception. Without experienced players who helped me with advice, and sometimes equip (note I never accepted a single dapper from anybody), I would not have managed to progress in the way I did. Though I seldom accepted outside help, I won 18 master levels (all eco, jools, light armour, dagger, and off ele) in 19 months, and completed all occupations, basic and extended.

Different to others, I won't quit. My sub runs til Jan, that of my alt til August. If Ryzom survives til Jan, I'll renew for half a year. But I won't grind anymore as I do not see a future or perspective for Ryzom. Sadly.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#82 Report | Quote[en] 

If that is the case and they do no longer have anyone with the knowledge and expertise to combine the servers then what hope is there that this move will help, since they dont have the abilty to change anything else about the game apart from a full delete of all servers and the hope that people will make new Toons on this new server and that magicly new players will apear from no where due to there being no advertising and a pissed off comunity

Basicly it comes down to...
This is what we are doing, sucks to be you, deal with it.
( im sure i got told off for saying the same thing myself once :P )


#83 Report | Quote[en] 

Level boosting is very easy and was done frequently during better. The GM simply types a command with the skill and what level to set it too. It is not time consuming and doesn't even require the player to be online. The GM can simply do it when they have the chance.

The levels players have won't be what differentiates old players from the new ones, only experience and knowledge can do that.



#84 Report | Quote[en] 

Well yeah quite, in one sentence they say it'll provide a better prospect for new players, and in another sentence they say new MMO's are popping up every month, it's a very competetive environment, and they can't afford to advertise.

After hacking off all the old players no-one new will be introduced by word of mouth, so where do they think these supposed new players are going to materialise from ??

Does not compute....!!

They 'should' be doing everything they can to keep loyal subscribers, the fact that they aren't strongly suggests to me that they simply can't

(edit: response to Basic's post 2 above)

Incidentally, if that really is the true situation then I think they'd have a lot more sympathy and support if they just came out and admitted it

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Korva(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#85 Report | Quote[en] 

Only explanation I can come up with is they no longer have someone on the team with the knowledge and expertise to combine the servers keeping the characters intact, otherwise it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever no matter how you look at it....

This is my thought also. At this point in time it's a crazy thing to do. If they think it's going to be like the old days where Kippy Mull is full of leveling diggers all chatting and ressing each other I think someones in for a disappointment.

#86 Report | Quote[en] 

What a joke. Has anyone watched the Uni channel today? It's literally flooded with pissed-off people.

It's like watching a trainwreck in progress. Thankfully, I don't stand to lose much after this move, but OTOH you won't see me paying this company any cent after the reset - for the fear they might pull the same idiotic move sometime in the future too.


#87 Report | Quote[en] 


I agree to much you write, but please consider that the devs are acting out of desperation rather the fun or deliberation. I think that the decision to merge is correct though painful, same with losing beasts, apts, guilds, items.

Losing skill levels, occ grads, and titles like elder, guardian etc. is a grave misconception, and likely to kill the game. That is the message we have to spread, and the devs and owners of Winchgate would be wise to listen.

We should look for a middle way. Achieving the goal to attract new players without driving away old players.

A path could be to give back the achievements, but not immediately. Everybody had to pass Silan. reach a capital, venture for all 4 continents. Afterwards. missions would be offered to regain the old skills, in magic, combat, crafting, and harvesting, and occupations as well. Even if it would take weeks to regain old levels, that might be fun and invite cooperation as well as competition. Any "old char" might be offered that. Inconvenient, yet a challenge. I do not see many would complain.

Good idea would be to remove the strict barrier between sub and f2p. Any former or elapsed sub should be allowed to do f2p, with the limitations it brings as no packers (former greyed out), apt storage (greyed out) and gl and ho privileges (revoked). An f2p paying sub for a mth should be able to go f2p afterwards and so on. That might speel more incentive to sub and more turnover.

If money is lacking urgently and recently, please communicate the situation to the playerhood and ask for crowdfunding. Many love Ryzom deeply and are willing to help in case of emergency.

Devs and Admins, you are on a wrong and suicidal path. Kindly rethink and take action.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#88 Report | Quote[en] 

You're saying that by clipping the stem of the proverbial plant that is Ryzom, you're helping it grow. What you're actually doing is clipping the roots. The plant will die.

This game survives solely via the support of the elder players. Your plan will alienate your most loyal customers. Therefore, Ryzom (and your company) in its current form will die from this. No amount of event goodies is going to make up for 8 years of digital culture lost.

I played SWG after the infamous Combat Upgrade. I saw whole player-built cities deserted. Entire fields of mining equipment untended, churning away until their upkeep ran out. The game was dying, because it was made "better".

Like it was said before, any new player will not pay until it's necessary, or eases the grind. By all means provide incentive for paying: $-bought brown potatoes, for instance? XP boosters? I have a job, I can and have paid for those things.

As a new player, I wish there were more low-to-mid -level players, so there'd actually be a market for non-über goods. Merging the servers is therefore a viable choice, and I'm not against that. Also, I agree that the economy should be rebalanced. Inflation is usually rampant in old MMOs, due to top-heaviness. So balance that. Reset dappers, tweak prices, make moneysinks.

Just don't clip the roots. Clip the dead branches.

#89 Report | Quote[en] 

I have a couple of questions.

Paying players are going to get 2X exp that F2P players get
but is that paying players gettng 2X current exp or F2P getting 50% of current exp?
Its a big difference, if 2X current for paying players then getting master skills will be a lot easier than now.

Achievement System? -- any details of exactly what that will be?

Are all the other game elements going to be ingame as they are now -- skills, occupations,
adv occupations, fame system, faction points, encyclopedia, missions, etc.... ?

I never ever expected this to happen to Ryzom.
Its extremely hard to take and does look like a desperate move that has little chance of success.
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