
#316 Report | Quote[en] 

Hello atys, its your friendly neighborhood booglywooster. The comments i see here are made by those that have my understanding and respect at any level. you too mag. lol

It is a personal philosophy of mine (and i don't know where it came from. perhaps in my real life i have no choice but to make it true), that even in the most dire circumstance and unfair situations that cause us to fail, falter, weep, and curse; we have been enriched by the experience of it and are better able to improve ourselves. What makes those experiences bearable is that knowledge. Good things are coming if we want them and we are now better prepared to receive them.

The decisions that are being made by the owners and developers are necessary and filled with moral and ethical pitfalls. Any decision made will not please all players. It then becomes paramount to choose the path that will hopefully ensure the franchises survival. That in-turn is a monetary decision fueled by investments made by Real People that stand to lose quite a bit. I don't think its fair to ask anyone to loose their shirt for my toon. (it is argued that my toon is insignificant because i just don't have the time or dedication that others do in theirs) I believe all players are significant and have their place in a dynamic, shifting, and complex society.

There are so many opportunity's here and means of game-play that there is no reason for the game to ever become stagnant again. Even if the presently powerful become and remain powerful again, it should be acknowledged that all players have influence that is not necessarily tied to the best armor, weapons, or even skill training. That unspoken influence is often dealt with screams of "not fair! ticket ticket ban"

If you truly have strength prove it, but remember that not all have honor. Just like the real world that exists inside of this complex virtual society. This game can continue to be a success if you let it.


nice words

#317 Report | Quote[en] 

I can deal with a restart. I can deal with the merger of all servers. What I can't deal with is the "DELETE" factor. If a restart and full wipe is necessary, at least let me go out fighting and with honor.

Ryzom has always been a dynamic and ever-changing world. Always been a battle of one sort or another. It's never been easy here and it shouldn't be. If a permanent death of Beepe is necessary, so be it. But don't send me to the next world in my sleep, but with a sword in my hand and standing up, facing death in an honorable manner. Let me die fighting!

The Soul will be back. We have discussed it and decided that what we like most cannot be taken in one fell swipe of someone's keyboard. This is the togetherness of The Soul, the spirit of The Soul, the honor of The Soul.

Wipe us if you must, but let us go out with honor.

Beepe, The Soul

#318 Report | Quote[en] 

I can deal with a restart. I can deal with the merger of all servers. What I can't deal with is the "DELETE" factor. If a restart and full wipe is necessary, at least let me go out fighting and with honor.

Ryzom has always been a dynamic and ever-changing world. Always been a battle of one sort or another. It's never been easy here and it shouldn't be. If a permanent death of Beepe is necessary, so be it. But don't send me to the next world in my sleep, but with a sword in my hand and standing up, facing death in an honorable manner. Let me die fighting!

The Soul will be back. We have discussed it and decided that what we like most cannot be taken in one fell swipe of someone's keyboard. This is the togetherness of The Soul, the spirit of The Soul, the honor of The Soul.

Wipe us if you must, but let us go out with honor.

Beepe, The Soul


#319 Report | Quote[en] 

I have been reading this thread and it is almost like a book. I also have been here for a long time. I have seen things where everyone has gotten mad and quit in mass. I have seen complaints and more complaints. Nothing to do anymore. I am bored.

I have found that working for the general public either running a game or serving the public, it is the worse job to do. No one is going to be happy. Never.

I can remember people going. I can do better than this game, I know how to do this and that. I have always said well good go develop your own game. I have yet to see that happen.

The news was a shock. My eyes almost fell out of my head. But remember, this is a game. Something to enjoy, something to play to de stress yourself. It is not real life.

Yes I have always enjoy thinking that even if I am gone for a year or so I can pick up where I left off at.
But then I think umm wonder if I can do it better this time. I have had alts, deleted and remade. But it didn't help my main, she still was no good.

To the people who, flew off the handle, yelled, screamed and pull their hair, deleted their accounts got rid of everything I feel sorry for you as now what. You know even with all of the ups and downs of Ryzom, there is no game out there that touchs it. I have been playing games for quite awhile and where do I end up at. RYZOM

We have had bad times before and weathered it, this is a bad time but it is not the end of your real life. Yes you paid subscriptions that is good, so have I. But Ryzom is still here and that is all that matters and I will stick to it until the message comes that says. This game no longer is available.

This is just my opinion so you all go at it. See you in game.

#320 Report | Quote[en] 

Yumeroh (Aniro)

We still need time to find a viable solution and we will get back to you with a news as complete as possible in the coming days. Until then, the events for these next 2 weeks are continuing as planned.

This is all we really ask. Kudos to you for trying. Let's keep this game going.

#321 Report | Quote[en] 

For those of you who don't care about the reset, at least you have a choice. You can delete your character at any time and start fresh. The reset leaves the rest of us no choice about starting over. It took me 5 to 7 years to get my character to where it is today. Looking another 5 to 7 years into the future, I imagine there will be better MMO's available on tablets. Few people will even own PC's. Starting over from here is pointless to me. Resetting the game will be destroying everything I've worked for. Sure, the community is great, but I don't need a paying subscription to talk to friends in game. I pay the subscription so I can advance my character WHILE socializing with friends in game. Without the subscriptions of veteran players who feel the same as me, Ryzom will be gone much sooner than later. There are other solutions.

* I would pay extra to have my character data saved and transferred to the new servers. Manually copying data might be cumbersome and expensive to do, but this would certainly solve that problem. And money is the reason for all this anyway, isn't it?

* I would prefer they sell the game to someone who can afford to run it properly with sufficient advertising to bring enough players in to make Ryzom profitable.

* They could simply close the 2 smaller servers and have them restart on one that is currently running. Sure, those on the smaller servers would be annoyed, but at least there would be a good number players who aren't affected.

* Changes to the dapper system could be made without doing a reset. Simply create a new currency and call it something different than dappers. Let people spend their remaining dappers by gambling them away on the wheel.

#322 Report | Quote[en] 

* They could simply close the 2 smaller servers and have them restart on one that is currently running. Sure, those on the smaller servers would be annoyed, but at least there would be a good number players who aren't affected.

To my knowledge, the biggest community is on Aniro. So good luck with your new character ... *rolleyes*


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#323 Report | Quote[en] 

Ok, I was with this game long ago when it went thru the bankruptcy.
I stuck it out and waited for it to return.
I did not try to get my old character back, I started fresh because I thought in memory of that death of the game I would let my character die too.

After returning I did sub because I thought it best to financially support the game.
If this decision holds to delete all characters and make them go from scratch, I won't be continuing my sub - not because of me as much of as others that have put incredible amounts of time into this game. Whether it was staying online and answering questions or telling someone how to get somewhere or just doing what we all do in mmos - progress. Brother, without progression you don't have an mmo. To see a company not recognize the investment these people put in and the years (sometimes) of their lives invested that they maintain for a fee monthly - who knows what will be done next. One day I'll read that they deleted all the inventory for funsies?

I have another character in a new game that is only weeks old. I would be angry if it were removed and this has only been a few weeks. I do feel it part of what I should do to "stand up for players" by ending my time here too if the company behind the game does not understand the gravity of "deleting" any mmo character.
The only thing companies seem to understand lately is monetary punishment so let it all be done.

Ryzom really died to me all those years ago - I was just hoping it was able to recover. I don't forecast that with tomfoolery like let's just start over guys. No, let's not. We have started over already.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Psirca(arispotle) (1 decade ago)

#324 Report | Quote[en] 

What about keeping all characters with levels but no items and enabling permanent death and aged texture on them.



#325 Report | Quote[en] 

What about keeping all characters with levels but no items and enabling permanent death and aged texture on them.

Lifespan for over 50 RL years ? i can agree to that...

#326 Report | Quote[en] 

What about keeping all characters with levels but no items and enabling permanent death and aged texture on them.

Interesting idea. The permadeath aspect would turn into a disaster, though, as soon as someone died of lag or got ganked.

#327 Report | Quote[en] 

Your elders will need protection then. Makes for some more dangerous trekking activities. And if you do die, your character will have gone out with a story. We'll need graveyards.

EDIT: An aged character can be healed, but won't be able to respawn, so the permadeath would kick in when the death timer runs out.

Last edited by Kaetemi (1 decade ago)



#328 Report | Quote[en] 

If I recall correctly, aged characters were talked about in beta years back. I was wanting this then and was surprised it never made it in the game.

Also, I find it rather odd that people that are against the server wipe mostly NEVER attack or insult those who are ok with it. Why on Atys do you pro-wipers feel it is respectful to attack those that have personal interest in keeping what can never be obtained again (for example my prepatch desert NPC armor that has 99% health left).

We are not attacking your opinion, now offer us the same respect. This community is better than that petty garbage. I feel a wipe will bring on more division in some respects due to this debate. Especially if the insults are continually flung at a particular group. We paid for our invested time in a game with the understanding that we would log into the game again with the rewards in tact. We have a right to express our disdain over this.

I hear that this community is one of the more mature mmo communities out there. Prove it. So far some of you are not.

#329 Report | Quote[en] 

Jarnys (Leanon)
Mass genocide does not sound like fun. However restarting after a kitin plague with only whats on our backs, and our skills sounds like fun.

And maybe the mount (if you didn't flee via teleport the mount would be the fastest way)
The storage space of the mount would of course be empty except for some food/water and maybe some camp fire stuff.

Whatever you can get away with. The risk (and fun) is in the flight/fight.

Those very skilled may even manage to protect a mektaub or two (pref one male and one female for breeding purposes)

Though, if those on mounts flee without regard for their fellow Homins, the ghosts of the dead will haunt them forever!! >:0

#330 Report | Quote[en] 

Also, I find it rather odd that people that are against the server wipe mostly NEVER attack or insult those who are ok with it. Why on Atys do you pro-wipers feel it is respectful to attack those that have personal interest in keeping what can never be obtained again (for example my prepatch desert NPC armor that has 99% health left).

We are not attacking your opinion, now offer us the same respect. This community is better than that petty garbage. I feel a wipe will bring on more division in some respects due to this debate. Especially if the insults are continually flung at a particular group. We paid for our invested time in a game with the understanding that we would log into the game again with the rewards in tact. We have a right to express our disdain over this.

Thanks Sarp, well said! I get attacked every time I mention It's not appealing to me. I have 539 days of game time put into Ryzom. I have the right to feel any way I choose without being shamed by people about it.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Sarifina (1 decade ago)

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