

#51 Report | Quote[en] 

The new Ranged Mats Calculator is up (includes ammo)

The new Jools Mats Calculator is Up (tho this one should be "head math")


#52 Report | Quote[en] 

I have looked in the app zone for the YuboMabs. I also checked Bunny Tools. Where is YuboMaps?



The Clan

#53 Report | Quote[en] 

See 1st post:

With bunnynet down, only way to get is via e-mail

"Bunnynet site is down .... until it's restored, if ya want any of the tools, send me an IG mail w/ your e-mail address and I will forward them to you."


#54 Report | Quote[en] 

Occupation Timer Tool now working for all Occs, Special Items and NH Hand-Ins !


#55 Report | Quote[en] 

Until we get more "Celebrity Spokespersons" from Atys to do videos, here's the start of instructions for installing and using each of the Bunny Tools:


If you don't have the App Bar visible, then just type "Shift-W" (no quotes) without having ya cusor inside any dialog boxes.  It will bring up this image:

Click on the APP ZONE button to get to this screen:

While you are here, you may want to "Enable" Web App Bar".  Mine is already anabled so only the "Disable" option showing.

Scroll down the list and you will see the lil Bunny Icon for "Bunny Tools".  Click the green dot with + on it to load the app in game.

If you have the App Bar visible, then just click the "Gear Icon" on the far right side of the bar which gets you to the same place.

Once installed, if using the App Bar, you will see the Bunny Tools (BT) icon in your App Bar.

Alternately, if you don't like having the App Bar visible, just go to the APP ZONE as above, scroll down and the tool will be there.

Edited 6 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (9 years ago)


#56 Report | Quote[en] 

Hechicera already did a video for this one (See link 1st post) but wants to redo at better resolution.  Until then, here's the instructions for the ...


From your App Bar or APP ZONE, launch "Bunny Tools".

Once launched, click the "Gear" Calculator under the "Calculators Section" and then open your IDENTITY Window in game.  Once done, you should see something like this.

1.  Put your highest level, in any skill, in the first drop down window.

2.  In the second drop down window, copy your Constitution from the IDENTITY tab.  NOTE:  As this , as well as the following 3 items, can be multiples of 5 and the drop downs only go by 10, put 20 in as in this example if you have 25.   This will likely be addressed in next update.

3.  In the third drop down window, copy your Strength from the IDENTITY tab. 

4.  In the fourth drop down window, coipy your Intelligence from the IDENTITY tab

5.  In the fifth drop down window, coipy your Balance from the IDENTITY tab

6.  Hit the CALCULATE button to see that you can equip:

Light Armor = QL 35
Medium Armor = QL 30
Heavy Armor = QL 30
Sheilds = QL 30
Buckler = QL 30
Jewels = QL 35
Melee Weapons = QL 30
Magig Amplifier = QL 35
Ranged Weapons = QL 30

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (9 years ago)


#57 Report | Quote[en] 

Again, until we get more "Celebrity Spokespersons" from Atys to do videos, here's another tutorial for the next Bunny Tool:

XP Calculator:

From your App Bar or APP ZONE, lauunch Bunny Tools:

Once launched, click the "XP" Calculator under the "Calculators Section" and you should see this when you click on the 1st drop down window:

For this example, let's try and see how many crafts, and hence how many mats, you would have to go from Level 100 to Level 101 when you are averaging 7,000 XP per craft.

The tool tells us that you should get there with just 4 crafts.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (9 years ago)


#58 Report | Quote[en] 

Again, until we get more "Celebrity Spokespersons" from Atys to do videos, here's another tutorial for the next "Bunny Tool":

Mats Calculator:

From your App Bar or APP ZONE, launch Bunny Tools:

Once launched, click the "Mats" Calculator of your choice under the "Calculators Section", in this case we'll choose the "Mats Calculator (Armor), and you should see this window:

In this example, by looking at our INVENTORY window in game, we input that your toon currently has 100 Bulk in his / her inventory and that the Mount we brought along with us has 50 Bulk in its inventory.

We also note that we are already carrying 12, Wood, 12 Resin, 8 Oil and 8 Sap. and that we will be grinding using a "High Quality, Heavy Helmet" pattern.

When ya hit the CALCULATE button, the tool will tell you the optimum amount of mats to dig of each type so that, at the end of your craft session, you won't be out of one item and have 200 mats left in your storage that ya can't craft with because you are short that one mat type.

The Melee,  Ranged and Jewel Tools work the exact same way though the Jewel Tool is a kind of an "in your head" kinda claculation as numbers of mats ya need to dig / collect will always equal available bulk.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (9 years ago)


#59 Report | Quote[en] 

Again, until we get more "Celebrity Spokespersons" from Atys to do videos, here's another tutorial for the next "Bunny Tool":

Mob Data:

From your App Bar or APP ZONE, launch "Bunny Tools":

Once launched, click the "Mob Data" Tool under the "Encyclopedia" Section and you should see this window:

In this case, let's say you're in PR digging in close proximity to "Jugulas" and you want to be prepared by knowing:

1.  Do they aggro ?
2.  How close you can get to them before they will aggro you ?
3.  What type of physical / magic damage they will do to you ?
4.  What is their resistance to various physical / magical attacks from you ?
5.  What affinities do they resist or have immunities to ?

NOTE:  Aggro range in particular seems to vary slightly from region to region.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (9 years ago)


#60 Report | Quote[en] 

Again, until we get more "Celebrity Spokespersons" from Atys to do videos, here's another tutorial for the next "Bunny Tool":

Occupation Timers:

From your App Bar or APP ZONE, launch Bunny Tools:

Once launched, click the "Occupations" Tool under the "Reminders" Section and you should see this window:

There are three (3) different types of timers:

1.  Occupation Timers:  Once you have completed a "practice" for any of the eight occupations, select that Occupation from the drop down window and click "REMIND ME" button.  If you go back to do another Grade, hit the "RESET" button.  "Rinse and Repeat" for up to your three alotted professions.

2.  Special Item Timers:  Once you have collected any of the three "Special Items" (Ambers of Protection, Lucky Flowers or Stimulating Waters) select that item from the drop down window and click "REMIND ME" button.    "Rinse and Repeat" for up to your three available items.

3.  New Horizons Timer:  Once you have turned in your 36th item of Occupation Produce to a New Horizons Dude, select "New Horizons Turn-In" from the drop down window and click "REMIND ME" button.    "Rinse and Repeat" for up to your three available items.  If you only did 24, and do another 12 later, hit the "RESET" button after completing the extra 12.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (9 years ago)


#61 Report | Quote[en] 

due to a malware attack on my webserver all of the bunnytools are offline.
till now i havent decided to put all stuff online due to the fact that im not on atys currently


#62 Report | Quote[en] 

Oh thats terrible. I hope the attack didn't destroy anything valuable that was irreplaceable, nor require a ton of effort on your part to recover. The tools were cherished by many of us. We are so thankful for your efforts in converting the offline tools into IG apps. Given your situation, would you have any objection to us hosting it on an alternate site or one of your choosing until you get back up and running ?

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (9 years ago)


#63 Report | Quote[en] 

Sorry to hear about what happened. Hope it does not keep you away from Ryzom for long since your work and efforts have been helping so many.. keep in touch anyway so we know how things are going...

#64 Report | Quote[en] 

Sorry to hear about the malware attack. I want to let you know that I greatly appreciated the Bunny Tools app and thought it was the singular most useful app there was. Hope you get your system cleaned up without to much trouble on your part.

#65 Report | Quote[en] 

Working on a new Bunny Tool for Tribe Fame.  If interested see:


As for the loss of Bunny Tools as In Game Apps asTibest has noted above, we have rec'd dozens of PMs expressing the same sentiments.  Keep in mind that all tools also exist as as stand alone tools, many of which include additional information and features (i.e. Mats Calculators also handle Basic and Medium Quality patterns).

We hope Mirakel returns to game (if not he will be missed) or, if not, he permits someone else to host the app files.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (9 years ago)


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