
#1 Report | Quote[en] 

I would like to get back the Ryzom Ring very much. It's broken since last patch. However, about 2 weeks ago the bug that made players crash and getting stuck in ring has been identified by the ryzom core open-source team.

I know 2 weeks isn't very much time to patch, but i really want the Ring back. If it is not soon, please give us at least some hint when this can be expected so i can stop poking the ring terminal to find out if it has been fixed (I know there might be a client patch to resolve the issues, but without any news it's just a guess and i have to try and try just to find out nothing changed).


#2 Report | Quote[en] 

There will need to be a client patch to fix the issue, so until that happens you do not need to poke the terminal :)


Sywindt | Game Master | EN, NL, de, fr

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Requesting update on the status of this patch. I understand there are currently "bigger fish to fry" for the Ryzom team, but the Ryzom Ring is one of the bigger incentives for most of my friends to download the game. I don't want to drag them into a game where the one thing they would be most interested in, is non-functional.


#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Requesting update on the status of this patch. I understand there are currently "bigger fish to fry" for the Ryzom team, but the Ryzom Ring is one of the bigger incentives for most of my friends to download the game. I don't want to drag them into a game where the one thing they would be most interested in, is non-functional.

The good news is that the bug that was causing the crashes was resolved. The bad news is that the servers that hosted Ring were shut down. I have no idea if Winch Gate plans on re-opening them.

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Doh! I hope it comes back, as I've just discovered the game.

#6 Report | Quote[en] 

I hope very much that Ryzom Ring will be brought back online someday.
Last visit Friday, 7 June 07:12:04 UTC

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