Collecting your interface woes

The current interface, generally speaking, is good and mid/high quality:
- low impact on PC performances
- good level of usability/features
- quick to handle
- fast reacting
- highly configurable
- mostly modern designed windows/items

so I can tell about little bugs/improvements only and particulars I've discovered roaming around (things like "I wish to have this feature now" :)).

Bugs related
- when I switch from screen to screen (F1, F2...F4) I often find, in "alternate" ones (F2..F4, as I stay ever in F1) talk windows of older chat, left there but closed in F1. Not a big problem but sometimes annoying if one wants to use F3 (the default "uncluttered" one) to take a photo.

Screenshot related
- no way to configure the screenshot utility to auto-hide the interface... this forces me to manually switch screens to "hide" it (and macros *can't* help, for the way they work now): please add a key for "screenshot-without-interface" (but leaving the actual one, as I need to take screenshots WITH the interface also).
(don't think this is a stricht interface-related but, as it relates to screenshots, would be good also to have the ability to config/define the filename of the saved screenshot, e.g. %Y -> year, %M -> month, %m -> minutes and so on, to have some kind of "Atys_%S(%C)_%YYYY%MM%DD-%hh%mm%ss{-%ccc}" converted into "Atys_Arispotle(Elweit)_20120612-162308.jpg", the parsing code should be free to include from many opensource projects)

Map related
- no way to have the map window contents at the zame zoom level as I leave it, after I re-log-in/use a Pact... this is terribly annoying (to every time re-zoom it). :(
- separate the "Main Map" and the "mini map" views, so that they can have different zoom settings and informations displayed.

- add the possibility to color the maps in relation to the (average) mobs' levels (and any other grouped/stats info you can insert, like factioned/PvP territories, fama, etc.).

Actionbars related
- "oriented" windows (like actionbars) can be designed to "re-orient" themselves if placed near an horizontal or vertical side of the screen, so that one can place them in the 4 sides instead of 2 (when at the corner, they should mantain the previous orientation).
- have the time indications, in mm' ss" and in sss" (e.g. "1' 20" (80 sec)"), for time-related actions, as they now appear like "mm' ss"" in same places and "sss sec" in some others.

- *MOVE* the "quit from team" item *AWAY* from the "Quarter" item, in right-click contestual menus, please. :D
(hint: leave a totally blank row under the "Quarter" item) ;)
(related: add a key to "quarter>all" to avoid to be forced to use the mouse, which some times is a pain in the ass, generally speaking: all mouse-related functions should have a keyboard counterpart)

Cam related
- cam vertical auto-leveling (configurable also in reaction time): when running up/down a hill it's ever a problem to get the proper (vertical) angle of view.
(really good, indeed, the auto-cam on target when fighting :))
- glance left/right without being forced to look the same direction of the target we're following, when actively using the mouse (or keys) to turn the cam around: option to re-snap-to-the-follower in configuration, after the mouse/key action ended (optimum: add a configurable time/delay before auto-return to follower).
- option to "see the toon when in view" so that this viewmode can be usable to journey around too (the view should be like the ones of most other MMORPGs: hands/weapons).
- (I'm not completely sure but found very useful in other places) the way to have an "external view" of another toon/target: using e.g. ctrl+leftmousebutton the "center point" of the cam should (temporary) become the pointed-to-object and, moving the mouse, one can pan/circle around it, zooming in/out with ctrl+alt+leftmousebutton so that one can take good screenshots of many environment/toons particular, or can see how another toon see you, not possible with the current cam handling (every time centered on own toon).
This only for a limited range (e.g. if the target or the toon moves, have an out-of-range of 50-100 m passing which the cam's focus return on the own toon).

Radar related
- may define different colors for mobs: herbs, carnivores, plants, kitins, ...
- may define (slightly) different sizes for radar dots, depending on some (selectable/config) criteria: type (herbs, carnivores, plants, ...), mobs' levels, aggro-on-you, named, boss, ...
- may the points of mobs/NPCs chasing you blink
- may exclude some elements from radar (e.g. mission givers) and may include other elements (e.g. landmarks)
- add the Guild selection as targets (even in-region only, if this can impair server performances) for online ones, the same way of the Team one.

Target related
- add some configurable informations on mouseover to the mobs/NPCs/objects:
-- level information to the mobs on mouseover (configurable), not name only.
-- fame information to the NPCs on mouseover (configurable: number or color)

-- neutral/factioned info to the object which can be related to (e.g. teleports) on mouseover.
-- type (herb, carnivore, kitin, etc.) information to the mob on mouseover
-- aggro/not aggro
- for all the above items: add the information in a compact form (icon) also, when the item is a selected target (e.g. homins have the guild sign, targets can have an icon with the related information)

Chat related
- add a new "Talk window" where to collect all talks in the current UI, with tabs which blinks if the content change. The talk tabs should be right-clickable to undock, like the inventory windows (to get the nowadays behaviour, if one prefer).
- Add Config flag to have a "single compact Talk window" (default) or multiple windows on the screen (like now)
- Add a Config flag to have the Talk window
's tabs vertically placed (so, not like the Chat window's ones).

I apologyze if some of the upper features are already present in the UI but, after a month in Atys, I've not discovered them.

- add a new "Talk window" where to collect all talks in the current UI, with tabs which blinks if the content change. The talk tabs should be right-clickable to undock, like the inventory windows (to get the nowadays behaviour, if one prefer).
- Add Config flag to have a "single compact Talk window" (default) or multiple windows on the screen (like now)
- Add a Config flag to have the Talk window
's tabs vertically placed (so, not like the Chat window's ones).

Are you talking about "chat windows" ie universe, around, region etc. or "tell windows" like the loose windows you get when you do /tell sywindt? If the first, then what Bitttymacod said is true. If the second, then this is not implemented. Can you change your post to better reflect your meaning please?
Sure :-)

I was talking about the "tell windows" (or "PM windows") scattered all around the screen when players sends you a private message via /tell.
If possible, I wish to have a config flag to "collect" them into a single "Talk box" exactly the same way as the Chat box is, with tabs reporting the (part of the) name of the player which is chatting with me.
If possible, tabs should blink (or change color, or whatever) to mean the corresponding player sent a message.
Anyone don't likes this compact format can still use the scattered one, not flagging the related config choice.

And now... the usual ASCIIart simulation :-D

<Vourac ! Bittyma.. ! Gasket ! Sywindt !.........................>
![02:00] may you better explain your forum proposal,.....!
! telling us if you mean the ChatBox or... ........................!
![02:03] sure, let me take the time to run into a safe ......!
! place and I'll do :-) ........................................................!
'----------------------------------------------------------- -------------'

As you can see:
1) I'm talking with Vourac, Bittymacod, Gasket and... you ;)
2) in the example, our conversation is shown
3) your tab is marked as "GM chat" (the 3 ***) to gain relevance, so that I can give it priority
4) I even received new message from Bittymacod awaiting for me in his tab, which got reddish
5) the other 2 conversations have yet read "old" messages
6) if more other players send me a /tell, I can have a number of opened chats bigger than the main box itself, adding left/right arrows to slide the tabs OR even the ability to auto-re-sort them on the arrival time of the last message criteria (e.g. the tab of the window with the most recent message arrived will automatically be placed to the left, and so on): [v] auto-sort blink tabs to the left.
7) each window can be individually closed, clicking on the [x] in the upper-right side of the tab (or in a [x] into the chat window itself, where Devs will think is better to place it)
8) each window can be undocked on-the-fly, right-clicking its tab (like the way you can do with Chat box and Inventory)
9) if you right-click the header of the window when it's undocked it docks (if the TalkBox facility is enabled).
10) in config, if you flag the [v] compact Talk box, you can also flag [v] open new /tell(s) directly in the box: if you don't flag it, new PM windows will open right now and you have to right-click them to collect into TalkBox.
11) you should be able to define the "active tab color" as well as the "inactive tab color", "blinking tab color" (and other like "CSR tab color" etc.), "inbound text color" and "outbound text color" (with defaults like the nowadays settings).
12) tabs should be configured to disappear when the corresponding player logs-off (link now the PM window disappear too) or to remain, to be manually closed, to better read the text left into history: [v] auto-close tab if other player goes offline.
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