
The purpose of grouping?


What are the pros and cons of being in a group, both on Silan and mainland; do they differ?
Missions on Silan suck if you're playing in a team due to the need to repeat n times (for n players in a group).


I didn't pay much attention ot the downsides of group play on Silan, as I was often grouping with helpful Vets or just one other like-minded Newb, however, a friend of mine has just played through most of the Silan missions and teamed-up with other Newbs to do the Arken mission. His comments were (more or less):
Wtf!? We had to kill Arken 5 times in order for everyone to 'get' the kill award. It took ages and relied on everyone sticking around to ensure that the mission was done to the last man. This is a crap way of rewarding team play.

Is this how team mission/quests play out on the mainland, or is the Arken issue just a specific implementation for the Silan quests?

It would appear that there's little benefit to being in a group, for missions, if the mission has to be repeated n times (with n being number of players in the group); granted the mission may require the solo player to level-up further in order to actually be able to complete said mission.

I do appreciate that mission running is not a Homin's raison d'etre :)



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