Journal de Lorlyn O’Barrel

Holeth, Harvestor 12 (18/08/2022)

I want to eat a Gookie too much... Lyren tells me it's not very Kami, but it makes sense since it comes from the Antekamis! I plunge back into endless reflections. We don't know anything about the Kamis. Do they have a cute shape on purpose, when in fact they're not cute at all? Lyren compares them to Karavans, saying that they don't look cute, yet they leave you alone when you walk by. This means that, despite their un-cute appearance, they're not mean! Well, they are, because they're friends of the slavers! The Antekami are more complicated to understand: sometimes they're nice, sometimes they're mean! They kidnapped Haokan's mother, but they gave me a gookie, and that's super nice! Lyren tells me that Giasuki isn't clear-cut, for example, but I could see her super well... I didn't really understand. Suddenly, Krill came in and told me that Kyriann had ordered a million Dappers from Byrh! How come I don't remember that? What the hell, I'm rich! Youhouuuuuu!

Nikuya arrived at the bar, asking about me. I said I was fine, but I wanted some Gookies. She didn't seem to like my answer, and asked if I knew Supplice. After I'd done a magnificent imitation of the Sage talking to the ra...len...tit..., Nikuya explained that he's in this state because of the goo, so if I don't want to end up like him, I mustn't have any more Gookies. I started to cry: no more gookies? What am I going to do? It's horrible!
I asked her if I could still see the Chlorogoo to find out more about my parents. She said it was up to me, in which case I'd have to go with someone else. Oh, and she taught me something! "Nobody is completely good or bad! I didn't know, I thought that was just the case for Giasuki, since she's weird... On the other hand, Alkianes are just evil, that's for sure! Very bad slavers, not nice! Nikuya says I should talk to the Alkianes and ask them why they're mean. Isn't that silly? She tells me to remember that they're Homin beings like me. Except for Nilstilar, who's an ancient Yubo, but shh, that's a secret...

Quinteth, Medis, 29 (03/06/2022)

Sitting at the bar, I cry for Gookies. I want so much, and it's so good with byrh...! Krill rightly points out that everything's always good with byrh, but I'm in no mood to laugh. She hands me a byrh, but I push her away. I've got plenty and much better ones on me. Besides... I want a Gookie! If only Gia were around... Jazzy looks worried about me. He says I should go for treatment, but I'm fine! Goo is bad for any homin, gnagnagna... Still, I made it through the barrier without a hitch! What if the goo really isn't doing anything to me? Nikuya asks me if I've seen Giasuki. I tell him I haven't, but that I was attacked by Tigrousse right here. She was looking for Gia and thought it was my fault she couldn't find her. Tigrousse is a fyros who had her purple baptism at the same time as me. She doesn't like me, because Gami was interested in me and not her! Anyway, I want gookies. Nikuya reminds me of the conversion about Supplice, and tells me to hold on. It's too hard, but I'll get there. Anyway, I'm going to try.

Prima, Mystia 7 (22/08/2022)

Haokan invited me to the Zora temple to pray. The temple, I think it's the place with the cute little black Kami in it! I didn't know the word pray, so the Zorai explained that um... "it's a way of thanking the kami for their blessings and asking for their blessings for the rest." He was surprised to learn that I'd never prayed, and asked if I sometimes leave them bottles of byrh. Good idea! I don't know if they like it, but probably yes, everyone likes byrh! I suddenly tried to look at the little kami warily, remembering the Giasuki's words, but to no avail. Haokan told me that the important thing is to open our hearts to them. What's wrong? Are you crazy? It must hurt like hell! Then I had an idea: "Say, little Kami! Can you make my Byrh even better? Is that possible?" Haokan took me back, telling me not to scream. Oops! I look at the Kami: "Say, do you like byhr? It's so good, isn't it? Look, this is the best in Atys! You won't find better! I stop myself from hugging the little fur ball that looks like a stuffed toy. Haokan continued: "Ukio, so, to open your heart... that means to uh... to tell her you love her, if that's the truth. And everything we love about Atys, thanking the kami for what they protect, that sort of thing." Oh well, that's easy then! "I love the Byrh, the Dappers, the cute animals, the Kamis, the Dappers, the Yubos, the Bolobis... And... Did I already say the Dappers?" I ask Haokan if we can also say what we don't like, like mean matis for example, and he tells me no, because that's going to sound like a claim, and I don't want to claim mean matis! Can you imagine the Kami understanding that? The horror! I'm told it's important to clear one's mind. But what's the point of thinking about nothing? I don't get it! "A prayer is an opportunity to advance on the path to enlightenment". The voice of enlightenment? Where's that? I hope it's not among the matis...

I look at little Kami and say to Haokan: "Moooh, look, he's waving at me! Hihi!" Haokan tells me that the kami is much nicer than "whatever's lying around in the purple fields". I think he's talking about Gami. This makes me think back to Giasuki's words about Kamis, and I ask the Zorai if he thinks it's possible for the kami to pretend to be sweet to fool the enemy. He replies that he's sure the Kamis are nice, but he also knows that Giasuki lies a lot and that she's terrible. I protest, saying that sometimes she's nice, and sometimes mean. She's weird! Then Haokan teaches me something: you can pretend to be nice! This is getting complicated...!

The Zorai tells me that a healer is going to test me to see if I've been contaminated by the Goo. He warns me that it's going to hurt a bit, and I get scared, imagining the worst. Maybe I'll be cut into pieces? Use a drill? Haokan replies that I'll be given a tiny cut, and I shout to the Zorai that he's frightened me for nothing. Hao's mother, Ylanghao, arrives and ends up doing the test after giving me a lot of grief about my, um... "friendship" with the Antekami who captured me. I'm not contaminated. Phew! Goo is bad! Gia is evil, she tried to kill me with goo! Gookies are deceitful, like matis!

Dua, Mystia 26 (10/09/2022)

Today, I had a... what's the word? Revelation! Canilia told me that the Alkianes are not slavers! They haven't been for a very long time! So in fact, not all Matis are evil! Wow! If only I'd known! Now I'd assume that they're basically nice! Hehe!

Nilstilar tasted my Byrh, apparently it's the first time he's touched alcohol! Hihi! What's more, he found it "not so bad"!

Prima, Pluvia 13 (12/01/2023)

Nilstilar lied. He found my Byrh... in... foul! The 100 Byrh he bought me at the market are still in his cupboard! I beg to differ! I'm going to make a special drink for people who don't like byrh! That'll be my goal! I'm going to call it... the Anbyrh!

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