
Hmm, I've been here over two years. I don't team, I have no alts, I've never begged for equipment or asked for a rez and I don't do PvP. I'm neutral; no faction, no nation. Yet, somehow I've managed to gain several masters and am well on the way to several more (although my healing sucks big time).

I don't care about the multi-boxers and the PvP gamers as long as I'm not forced into things I don't want to do (although the game does try to force one despite the advertisements about "play any way you want").

As far as hate and discontent; well the game lore, history and coding does sort of enforce violence, bigotry and racism. It's built into the game. However, you don't have to succumb to it or endorse it; you can overcome it.

Play on all...


Yaandor | Cult of Dgambi | He who walks alone
Atys is a stern and determined teacher; willing to repeat the same lesson as often as necessary.
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Last visit Sunday, 9 June 21:46:04 UTC

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