
As Jorgensen pointed out in an ironic way, proving that you have the skill to multibox without cheating is pretty difficult.

I think these 3rd and 4th alt could be forbidden on certain activities :
- OP War
- Future new features from the story line that Ulukyn mentioned
- Killing bosses if there's only one real player in team (otherwise it doesn't really matter)

If those rules were not respected, it would be pretty easy to prove what happened with a few screenshots and a ticket. Multiboxers may be forced to give the name of their toons to GMs when they start playing with them to make things easier.

The idea is basically to keep them out of the most competitive content so no one feel like they are and advantage over them.

I think using alts on Magic spots is not a big advantage; it's very easy to take them down with a small team in "mobile" PvP as once one or few of them is down all macros don't work anymore and players with 3 alts don't have the mobility of "Normal" players. But this could be forbiden as well.
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