fatigué de courir

She hadn't heard from FleurDeTuber for a long time. Last time, he was staggering or collapsed at the FH bar.
But one evening, when he returned to his room in Thesos, a guard gave him a letter:
Lordoy Nair'Eleanide,

He has just been appointed Ambassador of the lochhi to the court of the Matis Kingdom.
And that's why Y wants to acquire a ceremonial outfit.

can contact me


Tuber Flower
Ambassador Bai Lochi Ad Ba Cours di Karan

Despite her travels that took her far from the Bark, she sought FleurDeTuber and noted her measurements and clothing tastes.
He wanted us to be proud of him. It could be felt through his little voice. But he also wanted to affirm his style.
She shone, so she sewed on her formal outfit and delivered it to him. She met him at FH's bar, in good company tryker. She saw TitePom again, who wore a pretty red and white outfit, the pretty Kyriann and other regulars of the bar. She did not mix with them because they seemed to be having a seriously She checked that the outfit was falling right and left without too much delay, greeting with a sign of general goodbye.

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