Give Rewards for Multi-Masters Part 2: Forage Skills

I have made similar proposals before, we've had some back and forth and I can support this ... on one condition.  That it's not "single segment oriented" modification for the benefit of oine player segment.  I imagone mage oriented folks have it on their minds too ?   I know it's on Crafters and  Diggers

1.  There should be equal incentive to master all trees ... but with 11 fighting skill trees, 15 if we count ranged, that's +500 to + 750 HP.  No bigga deal for PvE folks, won't change much there but it does give a HUGE advantage to veteran players in PvP which may discourage new players.   Yes, ya should get something for all ya T & E, but the cost of who we scare away has to also be considered.  2.  Same idea for parry.  What I could get behind is say +1 Parry for each 2H mastered and +1 Dodge for each 1H mastered.  Something else for CC and ranged.  As for the HP... maybe +50 for completing a tree..... 1H, 2H, ranged CC ... a decent but not overpowering + 200 HP.
4.  Foe the diggers, considering that a single swing of the pick costs you 270 ... + 50 focus on 5 lands isn't very exciting.... doesnt evcenb give you an extra swing.   You get absolutely squat out of digging after mastering and if ya got an extra +100 per region, big deal... 2 extra swings.  More importantly, get the Spirit title and ya get Knowledge 4 and +6 Focus credits (276 allows Gentle x 3)

3.  As for crafting ... master 6 HA skills or 6 Jool skills and hey... that deserves something.  Master a HA / Jool tree get +1  on success % for ONLY that skill.  That will take you to 91% ... Works for LA / MA too but when ya get the 5 branches done ya get a bonus +1 so has same +6 s HA and Jools.  Shields would have to be +3 for each since only 2 to get +6 ... 1H weaps works as there's 6 ... 2H Weaps would be 1.5% each, 2H ranged 2 each.  Pistol and amps are single... not sure about that one.  Alternately ... a durability bonus if you mastered a tree
4.  Magic is a tough one.... not thinking more power or more HP / Sap ... but perhaps a slight bump in resistance or failure chance.  have toi be careful here as PvP impacts could be significant


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