Give Rewards for Multi-Masters Part 2: Forage Skills

Dear all,

this a continuation of a series of posts on changing things we actually need to be addressed. (part 1 is here: )

As these topics are actually more directed towards multi-masters; I would like the conversation and PoVs expressed therein to stay to those; but hey; any feedback that's constructive and imaginative is welcome..

So; in a continuation of the idea exhibited in part 1: Give us something more so more invested players have an advantage over someone else who are just starting out.

This time I offer passive Focus boost. Yeap; give us more focus per area mastered. Or give us passive Greslin effect (which is additive to the actual Greslin effect) on the area that we dig.

The focus bonus once again I suggest to be in the margin of +50; and when it comes to the Greslin passive regional ability; I suggest it to be to the margin of the actual OP produce mat.

Which means either a total of 250 Focus Bonus (which let's face it is not game-breaking but it sure is something); or in each region the % chance of the Greslin effect. (This one is not cumulative; it applies by itself to the area mastered; but it is "stackable" with the Greslin pick).

As always; provide your criticisms; suggestions; ideas.

Let's just make something happen:)




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