[Ryzom Forge] Meeting of November 8th

Communication & marketing Group

Ryzom Wikis
Ryzom has several wikis: Ryzom wiki for the Lore, Ryzom Core and Ryzom Forge. We've got the project to gather all these various existing wikis into one single official one: the one of Ryzom Forge, which has the advantage of being multilanguage. The other wikis will remain open, but only the one of Ryzom Forge will receive the official articles. It will have a "Lore" part gathering all the Lore validated articles of the, but also a "Dev" part.
Here is a mock-up of the project: (clic on the Gameplay and Lore test pages please).

Q: It's planned to integrate the RC wiki also?
A: Yes and no: we cannot close the Ryzom Core wiki (used by others than us), but the idea is to use the one of Ryzom Forge to consolidate there the Dev articles useful for Ryzom. And in priority, of course, the up-to-date articles by Ryzom Core. The aim of this project is to stop scattering and to concentrate on the same wiki everything that is about Ryzom.

Q: And what about the pages created by the players? (So not validated by the Lore)
A: The wiki will remain an official-collaborative wiki, also in its Lore and Dev sections.
But since it's not possible (nor advisable) to migrate the whole content of the Ryzom Core wikis and the 3 DE, EN and FR, the simplest way will be to just migrate the up-to-date and working articles on Dev side, and the validated Lore articles on Lore side. And then, to restart all together in collaborative mode on

Q: The new wiki will remain? (clone of forge)
A: No. We thought that instead of creating a 4th wiki, it would be better to reduce their number. It will be a part of the which will host the dev articles.

Q: I've got a question regarding the wiki: if we find a typo (typing error, wrong orthograph, error in translation...), we can fix it or we have to mention it somewhere?
A: You can fix it, of course!


Ryzom Team Manager
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