Mutual Mac

Client KO - Below Os X El Capitan - Solved

Ok, so I am not sure if it was the latest client from apple app store, or what because I kept putting clients in the trash and trying clean installs, lol, but after i 'relaxed' my security settings it extracted the client app and I opened it and it patched and now I have an Icon on my Doc after clicking on it and saving it to Doc. I played the game last night, then this morning I was wondering if it was going to crash and all it did was ask me: This Program is downloaded from the internet, are you sure you want to open it? Then I click yes, of course and it opens. So it is one more step than I did before, but at least it is tolerable and I can play now :)
Thanks for your help.
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Last visit Tuesday, 25 February 21:14:29 UTC

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