
I keep crashing. Lubuntu, Nvidia graphic card. 32 bit system

Shortly after fixing everything Ryzom did an update again.

I started crashing again.

I tried my Steam account and could go longer than the native ryzom way to start my client.

It seems Steam updates the Nvidia card in a different way.

This whole discussion is probably in the wrong place.

When I reinstalled my Linux to Linux mint 17.3 Rosa I started getting a message when I booted "ACPI probe failed"

By going to this Site and following the directions, also by scrolling down and finding the video link on how to fix it, I was able to manually install the Nvidia driver and get it to stop having the ACPI error.

However now I think my graphic card is just plain going out.

I wonder if the specs for the game have changed?....


The Clan

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Last visit Thursday, 6 June 16:13:20 UTC

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