
Guilds vs Solo Play

Well, there may be good reasons to play mainly on your own, even in a MMO.

To cite my case: When I started on Leanon, the server was not overly densely populated, to say the least. As I played intensely, I usually lacked players of my level to explore with, to train with etc. In addition, for some private reasons, I wanted (and still want) to keep my private life in RL completely separate from the game (call me crazy, but that is my decision and my way). For that and not only that reason I did and do not want to join any guild or get into too close relationship to anybody.

Therefore. "solo playing", meaning to explore and train most times on my own, became a must for me. I want to add that it was not so much different for players in a guild as they also frequently lacked teammates. I always enjoyed and still do enjoy cooperation and interaction with other players, and do not see that there is any meaningful way to play the game without. Insofar I do not see that Ryzom can be played in a significant way similar to a solo and offline game, but I do not think that anybody tries to do so.

Without the support of fellow players providing equipment, advice, and escort services, the game is hard to play if possible at all. And waiving this part of the game would mean depriving oneself of one of the most pleasant and meaningful aspects of it.


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