[Players] Matis - Plant curiosity (8th of february)

The discovery was considerable,
the royal botanist, Ser Cuiccio Perinia, also seemed intrigued
and above all, the Karae had given her agreement, he couldn’t disappoint her!

Zakarya gathered all his notes and sketches:
the mount, its growth, the help of the rangers present there,
the sudden aggressiveness of the kipees and this flower… this flower… troubling one!

He also had to find volunteers to escort them.
Since the swarm he knew that distrust was appropriate will all kitins,
even the seemingly most harmless ones.

The young copyist knocked the opened door
- Ser Zakarya!

Since he didn’t get any answer, more loudly

The old homin jumped
- You were never taught to knock before entering!

- The door was open and I knocked. I’m bringing you back the copies of the text before having them stuck up in the cities of the kingdom.

Zakarya read quickly the copy that the copyist was handing to him

In order to observe the phenomenon occurring
in the Almati Woods kitin-lair,
the study group lead by
the Royal Botanist, Ser Cuiccio Perinia,
ask the Matis Vassals wishing
to accompany it and ensure the safety
of the group, to gather on
18h - Quinteth, Mystia 11, 4th AC 2581,
at the belvedere of Yrkanis.

Zakarya di Avalae (aka Zakkk)
Matis Noble – Retired Royal Court Clerk

- Perfect, have it translated in the dialects of Natae and Davae and make it stuck up, it’s urgent.

(OOC: Sunday, 8 February 2015 - 21H15 CET (10 years ago) – thanks Copal for english version.
Players who want to participate can gather together to Yrkanis Belvedere at 21:00 CET or can directly go to the Ranger Camp in Wood Almati for 21:15 CET.)


Zakarya di Avalae (dit Zakkk)
Noble Matis - Greffier Royal à la retraite
Membre honoraire de la très noble maison "La Firme"
Gardien du Royaume & Béni de Jena
Ancien Emissaire Royal Suppléant pour la Paix.
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