
Ingame stuff changed again (for the good), not patch notes?

Sorry bitty I guess wasn't nice of me to hijack my own thread for this.
me just venting > (I'm kind off mad becasue I tried reporting broken mara rite last week when a guildy did it and only response I got is "It's ryzom afterall" on irc then another guildy says how great rangers already look and how great the free tp system is he's using and how fun some of the '4 rites' he had to do where; makes me kind of angry since I've tried hard for the organisation I helped building the camp for tried loads of stuff on forums but all I end up with is great idea or we need it and nothing ever happens but in the end they make a whole new thing. Makes me feel like oh mara was a failed test before we implement ranger.) < for my venting

But about patch notes rangers might still be a beta test but why don't they announce it as a beta test tell us we are testing some new stuff in some patch notes. I think some old players might actually return if they hear about a ranger faction being tested if it's on forums and front page. It's kind of a big thing, alot bigger then new horizons turn ins but I know already from alot of ppl they told me they where hapy I put it on forums since now they doing NH again after seeing the post and had given up on NH months ago.

Nothing stops you from doing patch notes about ranger stuff now and then in 6months when there is a revision of the system posting new patch notes that change stuff in the organistation; this is what patch notes are for.

ps. yes the information is on the forums bitty but written as RP text by players that is hard to read and hard to get into not everyone is an RPer and such some might wanna join or bug test just for other means then just RP.


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