
The games future

Anzhanto (atys)
OPs have much less value than they used to. OP cats are worthless now due to subs having perma-cats. Having OP mats for gear is really only needed if you are PvP oriented. The same is mostly true of sup mats but that's another discussion. All this being true, where is the real incentive to fight over OPs? Give OPs some greater value and there will be more desire to own them.

In my opinion, at least 200 and 250 OPs have more value than before, because mats below 250/200 such as greslin, armilo, and to some extent also rubbarn have lost much of their value, there are more players than before, and thus much less mats to get. Anyway, there is not more competition about the higher level OPs.

The notion that OP mats are only for the PvP oriented is plain wrong. The mats have value in the hands of crafters, not fighters, and every crafter, if not extreme pacifist or anti-PvP, will craft for those who want crafted items not asking them to use in PvP or PvE only. Boosted focus armor and jewels are for diggers, not PvP fighters, same with picks.

Also, all stuff good in PvP is also good in PvE. The only difference is that you may negotiate with sportive PvP opponents to have an encounter with numbers, weapons and armor of same level and strength, while I cannot convince KP, Vorax, or packs of Jugula likewise. So there is no really valid argument that "the best stuff is for PvP" (I am aware and agree that all PvP fighters love to have the best stuff and want them all the best for, but that is a different story).

I am not sure how to overcome stagnation in OP wars, others have written a lot, a real solution does not seem to be at hand.

As to the original suggestion, a new temple war had been announced long ago. Taking in account the disequilibrium between the factions, I am not sure whether it would be a good idea at the moment. But I do not see how to change faction strength and numbers.


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