PvP Week

Binarabi (atys)
Quote from Jarnys: Yes, the devs planned to have PvP from the start but right after release it only existed in the form of the Matis Arena and the duel.
Then there came Areas with PvP enabled (roots, nexus, temple war regions) which drove away a lot of people who had become accustomed to the original way.

Actually homins left in droves before pvp areas etc were introduced - at the time of the 1st patch, which nerphed homins considerably (some of you may remember those old days), at the same time as the nerphs WoW was released and 1000's left Atyss, an unfortunate timing

Oh... I missed the "patch 1" issue because I joined shortly after that had calmed down.. (just heard about it from others) and it's not really related to this thread as I just wanted to list all changes that were made regarding PvP ;-) please let me know if I forgot some other PvP related change though :-)


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