Improve PvP Points Calculation

The existing system is far from disadvantaging them. Its a system which varies from player to player and I all the people I know all have high civ fames (which marauders get more points for) and no negative civ fames (apart from rollocks I believe).

Casy has put forward the worst case scenario and as such I shall do the same for kami and kara:

Kami are kara both disagree 2 times with faction fames giving a +2. If players are unaligned and have high civ fames in all that creates a -4, giving a total of -2 (no points gained). These players fighting marauders get a total of +3 (with the cap at +3). Marauders have by far the advantage in this scenario. It isn't hard to put forward a worst case scenario and say "oh look at us we are disadvantaged".

Looking at my previous calculations of what I consider a normal scenario:
kami vs kara: +2
kami vs marauder: +1-3
kara vs marauder: +1-3

Like I said before I would have no issues with the devs changing it back to the previous system. But I would consider it a waste of time making a new one up for a problem that isn't really a problem.



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