log off or die

Cidre --

While this would most certainly solve the problem of parking alts in OPs/safe spots and logging them out to be logged in to check on things, it would also, as Daomei points out, adversely impact those who are just grinding around and want to log out in a spot near the mats they are using to grind.

For instance if I was grinding high level Forest digging and crafting I would be in Grove of Confusion, which is a long dangerous run from my nearest teleport in KoD (I'm neutral). I would want to hang out for several real-life days digging and crafting until I had broken several tools (or someone dangled a juicy boss-hunt in front of me).

This is not a hypothetical. I have two guildies who did exactly that.

Possible modifications:

1) If any toon skill is at the lower end of the region it is parked in, then it doesn't get moved. It won't stop all camping, but it will mean that the campers will have to get their alts to level 201 in order to camp the q250 areas.
2) Instead of being moved to the cities (or being killed) move the toon to the center of the nearest friendly tribe camp. This might not help because I don't know if some of those are already camped.

Just some extra thoughts.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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