Ryzom points system

I know of each racial weapon and the effects. The reason for my choice of those 4 particular weapons is that the skins and graphics for them have already been designed. Therefore it would take minimal effort to set them as a reward. I am unsure if there are any other skins on bucklers that look better than the current craftable ones.

Would agree on the marauders having a weapon also, however not additional items. The rewards available to marauders should roughly balance that of a religion and a civ. I fail to see why they should get items because going from -100 to 0 fame is difficult. Many will not take that journey and actually going from -100 to 0 is a lot easier than 0 to 100. To reach -100 fame you simply need to denounce your faith (ie clicking a button). In some towns they get guard aggro however some civs they can denounce without being attacked. I agree on the PvP point payment for marauders.

I think the token system for crafting such a weapon you are talking about seems a lot of hard work to implement and it would be a lot easier to just put the weapon up on the civ merchant as they have done previously with civ, gen, kara, kami and marauder rewards.



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