Guild race fame making more roleplay sense

It also restricts freedom of choice to be karavan or kami.. for guilds and players.

In that case, I see no reason to change this - it is by design and the way it is.

I also don't see why a citizen aligned player should be able to join any guild.. there are implications in practice for declaring allegiance to cult or civilization, and it should be considered before doing so..

There's a workaround to have citizens of multiple nations join the same guild - don't align the guild.. all of this is intentional design, change that and there's really no RP meaning to anything in Ryzom.

It makes far MORE RP sense as is sadly. It is inconvenient, in fact, doing the alignment of guilds incorrectly can lead to one being booted from their guild.



High Officer, Spiritus Artificis
Former Officer, High Officer and Leader, Reapers of the Dark

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