boss respawn time based on boss lvl, not fixed time.

I don't agree with making more bosses, or making them easier to find either. They are already easy to find once you know all of the spawn points. The issue now is that it seems as though the server is either flooded with players looking for bosses, or someone has truely found out the respawn timer for the bosses(more on this later). I love killing bosses, before the server merge I would down atleast 3 bosses a day, sometimes up to 7(not named mobs). Now, coming back to ryzom, I have found 2 bosses in 2 weeks. I know the spawn locations haven't changed. I asked around about the bosses, and I was told that someone(in my guild) has witnessed people converging on a spot and a boss spawning a few minutes later. If someone has figured out the boss timers, then the rest of us will be hard pressed for killing bosses and getting these materials.
With that said, I would love for the timers to be reset. Make them truely random.
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