[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Daomei (atys)
yet the constant call for more reward

More reward? Like there is enough of them and PvPers want even more. To ask for even more rewards there must be equal amount of them in the first place with stats being on par with PvE rewards. There is not. I'm not talking about new additional content, i'm talking about the old content that was there for years and still remain unfinished. Because i consider one skirt and pretty short range of other items as unfinished content compared to what the PvE side of the game has to offer. It's like there were all sorts of materials available for harvesting above the ground, but only pilan oil having supreme grade available in PR. That would be logical to ask for other materials also having supreme grade, otherwise it feels like huge chunk of content is missing. Either implement supreme grade for all materials, or don't implement it at all. Do the work properly or don't even start it. PvP shop rewards are unfinished work. I never had any respect for unfinished work. 

Crafters being put out of business is a nonsense. There is a lot of people not interested in PvP they could work for, there is constant stream of newcomers in game that need new gear every ten levels or so, there is always demand for grind gear, as i doubt PvP players would go to kill mobs for xp in their hard-earned PvP gear, unless they got it via farming points during some pre-arranged events.



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