
pvp tactics in non pvp zones

Thanks, Mokoi, for the clear words.

Eruv, while I'm sure any volunteering is encouraged and happily accepted, any community should be careful, if not suspicious, about folks who want to sign up for regulatory positions. The problem here is that it is not obvious who would be a neutral referee or ombudsman and who would have personal interest in one side or the other. I'd rather trust folks who've been active on the volunteering side for a longer time and are thus known to the rest of the team. _Especially_ if they are hesitant to take on regulatory positions.

Back to topic, I do agree that folks fleeing and dragging aggro should watch their radar for other users on 150m range. After survival I always track back, and try to follow the aggro back to where it started to see if there was collateral damage. It's really hard to miss if the other players were active. But sometimes the aggro catches an afk player. Then it's good to /tell them and resurrect them also.

For the other cases, the on-purpose griefing I agree with Daomei on the point that in-game loss of items and skills is a much more effective measure than bans, for the reasons she already outlined.

While we don't want public lists of the actions against toons/accounts, maybe there could be an open discussion about the rough guidelines of measures against toons and accounts.

Mokoi, are you at liberty to share any guidelines? Does it make sense if the player community discusses these guidelines? I'm all in for power to the people. Especially because we're a small community, and because the volunteers applying the rules against former fellow players are part of that community.

Maybe you could take that back to the team of volunteers if we could have an official thread in all three languages to discuss measures against misbehaviour?
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