[Multiple Responses] PVP/Armour Shizzle

Thank you- no harm done.

I know it would be a lot of effort. I also realise it would be extremely buggy however I would rather have a bugged new NPC to kill than none :) A full set of faction armour would be epic.
"Daomei (atys)"
What is wrong in my opinion, is attributing the crisis and stagnation of PvP to those gimmicks. Further on, I would find it disgusting when I could take part in a NPC bosshunt, but get the reward only if I let myself be coerced into PvP to gain some PvP points. Thus I disapprove that part of the proposal.

I understand that a normal hunt but a PvP-only reward would be a nuisance to many people but a compromise could be made- for example 2 options of using the LA NPC crystal. 1 method being similar to the NPC HA crafting way and the second method taking the crystal and using PvP points to trade for a piece. I am not trying to remove the point crafting/digging but I am trying to add more PvP orientated options. There is no reason the two can't coincide :)
"Daomei (atys)"
The remedy you suggest is feeding and bringing up spoiled brats, not enthusiastic new blood for PvP, and is likely to worsen the disease.

I suppose everything in this game has the opportunity to do this. PvP has many intricate details and can really only be learned through either developing your skills fighting or learning from other players. To get people really interested in it they have to try it and get a proper taste for it. Rewards for PvP can encourage people to start swinging at their fellow homins and only then can PvP really develop.



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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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