Return of Nexus Supreme Materials...

Nexus at the moment is a strange zone, and doesn't really fit into the original storyline as it stands.. before the merger there were supreme mats there, hence the reason for it being a pvp area.

Since the splitting of the materials seems to be the reason these sups were removed.. and now they've gone back to pre-merge locations for now, wouldn't it make sense to restore the supreme materials back to nexus?

The area is mostly just a transition to other zones now (for people that are neutral to gain entrance to roots, etc), and aside from a couple bosses, is mainly empty and ignored.

The mats were only 200Q max, so it wasn't the most harvested sups, but still useful for some crafts..

So.. why aren't they back? Some have suggested that they would be better if they were PR ecosystem, which is not a bad idea to me either..



High Officer, Spiritus Artificis
Former Officer, High Officer and Leader, Reapers of the Dark

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Last visit Friday, 20 September 17:36:03 UTC

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