Account and game login problems.

To a content developer the domain name does not define a site, but to a user it does because it defines a navigation context for content access - and the primary usage of that kind of site is as a service to the user not the developer. Failing to assign a proper priority to the experience of new users starting, learning about, and progressing in the game is a far more serious problem than almost all game publishers are willing to admit or recognize.

I found out about the in-game support ticket submission process from the Starter Guide, so I've already submitted a ticket. Hopefully it will see action soon since I've found more window tabs with that problem, and the Info pane when you right-click on a potential target is far more serious to game play than the others.

Again, you have my gratitude for your directly helpful and concise answers and comments. Are you just a knowledgeable player/supporter or are you part of the publishing/development team?
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Last visit Tuesday, 2 July 17:16:03 UTC

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