Sports and player generated events?

I got to watch my first yubo ball game at an event a few weeks ago. It was interesting...though seemed a bit slow paced. It would be interesting if we could somehow improve the ball and maybe add a few courts on Atys. If you could speed things up and make things more engaging it could provide something else to do for people just hanging out, talking to friends.

The thought would be something like...

Yubo ball court with special silver (or some such) yubo spawned right in the middle

Yubo is invulnerable to everything but acid (or something) and melee, has high regen and small HP (like 10). Can't resist acid. Takes no dmg from melee but can't dodge or parry. Moves incredibly fast. Runs directly away from last hit.

Goal would be to drive the yubo through the opponents goal. Yubo would stop running past like 50m+ and run back to the starting spot. Acid would reset the ball (no loot, repop at center) if necessary.

It sounds like it might be fun. Other possibilities could include changing the type of ball in a loop on each respawn. For instance, spawn a yubo that breathes fire or spawns poisonous gas when hit. Maybe even number of yubos.

I think this and maybe 3 or 4 more creative and fun sports would really add an extra layer to Atys and should be within Ryzom's current capabilities without a lot of coding.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 15:38:34 UTC

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