
#1 Melden | Zitieren[de] 


ich würde gerne mal wieder etwas Ryzom spielen, nur vorher gerne auf die aktuelle Version Patchen.

Leider stürzt der Ryzom Downloader immer ab. Egal ob ich auf installieren oder reparieren gehe.
Mittlerweile fragt er das nichtmal mehr, sondern will mit dem runter laden beginnen und stürzt dabei ab

System Win7 x64

Infos von Windows zum Absturz:
Problemereignisname: APPCRASH
Anwendungsname: client_background_downloader_rd.exe
Anwendungszeitstempel: 46a4bf44
Fehlermodulname: client_background_downloader_rd.exe
Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 46a4bf44
Ausnahmecode: c0000005
Ausnahmeoffset: 0000f0a6
Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601.
Gebietsschema-ID: 1031
Zusatzinformation 1: 0a9e
Zusatzinformation 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Zusatzinformation 3: 0a9e
Zusatzinformation 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789


Log Starting [2011/09/02 20:12:39]
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe client_background_downloader.cpp 219 : Loading config file
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe config_file.cpp 406 : CF: Adding config file 'H:/Ryzom/client.cfg' in the config file
2011/09/02 20:12:39 INF cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe config_file.cpp 481 : CF: RootConfigFilename variable found in the 'H:/Ryzom/client.cfg' config file, parse the root config file 'H:/Ryzom/client_default.cfg'
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe config_file.cpp 406 : CF: Adding config file 'H:/Ryzom/client_default.cfg' in the config file
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe client_background_downloader.cpp 224 : Loading translation file for lang 'de'
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe client_background_downloader.cpp 229 : Set translation file
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe config_file.cpp 406 : CF: Adding config file 'H:/Ryzom/./client.cfg' in the config file
2011/09/02 20:12:39 INF cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe config_file.cpp 481 : CF: RootConfigFilename variable found in the 'H:/Ryzom/./client.cfg' config file, parse the root config file 'H:/Ryzom/client_default.cfg'
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe config_file.cpp 406 : CF: Adding config file 'H:/Ryzom/client_default.cfg' in the config file
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe client_background_downloader.cpp 249 : Mode 'Install'
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 1446 : doAction 'welcome_continue' 1
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 775 : Current State: InitFinished
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 845 : Try to get Patch Url from ' _patch_url&lang=de&domain=ryzom_live'
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe sock.cpp 358 : LNETL0: Socket 1036 connecting to (
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe sock.cpp 393 : LNETL0: Socket 1036 connected to ( (local :64095 (
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe http_client.cpp 50 : Connected to web server ''
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe sock.cpp 309 : LNETL0: Socket 1036 closing for ( at :64095 (
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 890 : Parsing Infos provided by ' _patch_url&lang=de&domain=ryzom_live'
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 951 : Backup url is ''. There are 0 other urls
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 580 : Looking for version specific Web site url
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 581 : Looking for default Web site url
2011/09/02 20:12:39 INF cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe common.cpp 617 : Exception will be launched: curl download failed: (ec 0 403)
2011/09/02 20:12:39 WRN cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe login_patch.cpp 1127 : EXCEPTION CATCH: getServerFile() failed - try to find an alternative :
2011/09/02 20:12:39 WRN cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe login_patch.cpp 1128 : -1
2011/09/02 20:12:39 INF cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe common.cpp 623 : Exception will be launched: curl download failed: (ec 0 403)
2011/09/02 20:12:40 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 585 : Creating default directories patch/client_install/ patch/client_install/tmp/ if not exist
2011/09/02 20:12:40 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 600 : Saving 'patch/client_install/version.txt'
2011/09/02 20:12:40 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 608 : Server Version is 'ryzom_live' '658'


Log Starting [2011/09/02 20:12:39]
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe client_background_downloader.cpp 219 : Loading config file
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe config_file.cpp 406 : CF: Adding config file 'H:/Ryzom/client.cfg' in the config file
2011/09/02 20:12:39 INF cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe config_file.cpp 481 : CF: RootConfigFilename variable found in the 'H:/Ryzom/client.cfg' config file, parse the root config file 'H:/Ryzom/client_default.cfg'
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe config_file.cpp 406 : CF: Adding config file 'H:/Ryzom/client_default.cfg' in the config file
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe client_background_downloader.cpp 224 : Loading translation file for lang 'de'
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe client_background_downloader.cpp 229 : Set translation file
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe config_file.cpp 406 : CF: Adding config file 'H:/Ryzom/./client.cfg' in the config file
2011/09/02 20:12:39 INF cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe config_file.cpp 481 : CF: RootConfigFilename variable found in the 'H:/Ryzom/./client.cfg' config file, parse the root config file 'H:/Ryzom/client_default.cfg'
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe config_file.cpp 406 : CF: Adding config file 'H:/Ryzom/client_default.cfg' in the config file
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe client_background_downloader.cpp 249 : Mode 'Install'
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 1446 : doAction 'welcome_continue' 1
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 775 : Current State: InitFinished
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 845 : Try to get Patch Url from ' _patch_url&lang=de&domain=ryzom_live'
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe sock.cpp 358 : LNETL0: Socket 1036 connecting to (
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe sock.cpp 393 : LNETL0: Socket 1036 connected to ( (local :64095 (
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe http_client.cpp 50 : Connected to web server ''
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe sock.cpp 309 : LNETL0: Socket 1036 closing for ( at :64095 (
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 890 : Parsing Infos provided by ' _patch_url&lang=de&domain=ryzom_live'
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 951 : Backup url is ''. There are 0 other urls
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 580 : Looking for version specific Web site url
2011/09/02 20:12:39 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 581 : Looking for default Web site url
2011/09/02 20:12:39 INF cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe common.cpp 617 : Exception will be launched: curl download failed: (ec 0 403)
2011/09/02 20:12:39 WRN cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe login_patch.cpp 1127 : EXCEPTION CATCH: getServerFile() failed - try to find an alternative :
2011/09/02 20:12:39 WRN cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe login_patch.cpp 1128 : -1
2011/09/02 20:12:39 INF cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe common.cpp 623 : Exception will be launched: curl download failed: (ec 0 403)
2011/09/02 20:12:40 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 585 : Creating default directories patch/client_install/ patch/client_install/tmp/ if not exist
2011/09/02 20:12:40 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 600 : Saving 'patch/client_install/version.txt'
2011/09/02 20:12:40 DBG cc8 client_background_downloader_rd.exe game_downloader.cpp 608 : Server Version is 'ryzom_live' '658'

Ich hoffe jemand kann mit diesen Infos was anfangen und mir weiter helfen.


2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Xineo (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)

#2 Melden | Zitieren[de] 

Warst du auf den neuen Servern (seit August 2008) schon mal online?

Falls nicht ist es das einfachste den client neu runterzuladen. Du kannst den Ordner "save" aus der alten Installation in die neue kopieren.

Es gab 2008 eine Möglichkeit zum manuellen patchen, aber die Links zu den Dateien funktionieren nicht mehr.

Und... willkommen Zurück :-)

Zuletzt geändert von Casy (vor 1 Jahrzehnt)


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear

#3 Melden | Zitieren[de] 


ich war das letzte mal im März diesen Jahrs aktiv.

Willkommen zurück darfst du sagen wenn der Patch doch mal funktionieren sollte. Ich zahle erst wenn das Spiel läuft.

Habe zwischenzeitlich das komplette Setup nochmal runter geladen und drüber gebügelt.

Effekt < 0 - Jetzt hat er halt eine uralte Version die nicht gepatched wird weil der Downloader abstürzt



#4 Melden | Zitieren[de] 

Problem auf die harte Tour gelöst


Bin Froh mal wieder da zu sein *hüpf*

#5 Melden | Zitieren[de] 

öhm, wenn ich mich recht errinnere, wird der Patch erst nach dem Login ausgeführt. Dazu musst Du einen aktiven Account haben o.O

Die kostenlosen Accs (125er) gab es erst ab März. Alle vorher erstellten Accs müssen gezahlt werden um sie zu aktivieren.

Mit dem Drüberbügeln würde ich das zunächst nicht machen. Besser ne saubere Neuinstallation in ein neues Verzeichnis/Ordner. Den SAVE-Ordner kannst dann ja später rüberkopieren/verschieben (nach dem Patchen). Das Patchen kommt dann nach dem ersten erfolgreichen Login.


Curtos Nizzo, Hoher Offizier der Kamigawas (HO of Kamigawa)

#6 Melden | Zitieren[de] 

versuch das mit dem aktivebn account doch mal mit einem neuen trialaccount
Last visit Montag 17 Februar 08:38:21 UTC

powered by ryzom-api